Analysis of Respiratory Mechanics in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid ArthritisRheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease of unknown etiology characterized by peripheral polyarthritis, symmetric, which leads to joint destruction and deformity. It is estimated that the RA reaches about 0.5% of the population. According to data from DATASUS, was responsible for 26,671 hospitalizations, 229 deaths and cost exceeding R$ 20 million in 2005-2007. The main bodily changes are related to joint problems, however, systemic manifestations are also found in organs such as lung and heart. Although cardiovascular diseases are the most responsible of the deaths AR, pulmonary complications are common and account for 10% to 15% of all mortality. Anaya and colleagues point out that the pulmonary involvement contributes significant morbidity and mortality in these patients. Although pulmonary involvement is a frequent manifestation in RA, the prevalence and nature of rheumatoid lung disease has not yet been precisely established. Several lung disorders such as interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary nodules and bronchiolitis may ocorrer1. Laitinen et al point out that studies of lung function appear to be a valuable helper for radiography in the evaluation of pulmonary involvement in connective tissue diseases. Previous studies indicate that patients with RA have an increased incidence of abnormal lung function, according to assessments including spirometry, lung volume tests and diffusion capacity of carbon monoxide. Thus, the main objective of this study is to analyze the respiratory mechanics of patients with RA. Specific objectives were to seek to understand whether a relationship exists between duration of rheumatoid disease and lung function in these patients. For this, the investigators used 18 subjects in the control group, free of pulmonary disease and / or heart, all nonsmokers. In the RA group, a total of 72 patients divided into 4 groups of 18 volunteers each, classified according to disease duration (0-5 years, 6-10 years, 11-15 years and> or = 16 years). It is noteworthy that all patients in the RA group will also be non-smokers, since it is already known in the literature that smoking impairs lung function. All individuals will perform the function test with a trained technician and qualified to function. The examinations will be conducted: Forced oscillation technique and spirometry, in that order.

Identification of Biomarkers Predictive of Worse Prognosis in Henoch Schonlein Purpura
PurpuraSchoenlein-HenochHenoch Schonlein Purpura (HSP), vasculitis of small vessels with deposits of IgA, is considered by many authors as the systemic form of Berger's disease (IgA-N). IgA-N is characterized by IgA1 deposits in mesangial areas associated with mesangial proliferation. These two diseases remain the leading cause of ESRD by primitive glomerulopathy in Western countries. In recent years, considerable progress has been made in understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms of IgA-N. However, only a high rate of proteinuria at one year or the presence of severe glomerular inflammation on renal biopsy remain predictors of long term renal function. Moreover, the high variability of HSP clinical expression, from few purpura skin lesions that evolve favourably spontaneously, to rapidly progressive renal failure, remains so far unexplained but suggests the existence of individual genetic susceptibility. In the first part of the study, we will study key factors based on physiopathological data obtained by our laboratory as well as by other groups. The second part of the study concerns genetic factors. Although the candidate genes that may confer a particular susceptibility to the disease, to progress to ESRD or respond to treatment are many, the genes involved in inflammation or controlling renin-angiotensin system are of particular interest. We will apply these results by studying patients with HSP showing three distinct phenotypes (HSP with isolated cutaneous purpura or associated with minimal or severe renal disease) at diagnosis and after clinical remission. The purpose of this study is to assess whether the phenotype at diagnosis is associated with the physiological markers and if one of them predicts a pejorative evolution of renal disease at 1 year. Meanwhile, study of polymorphism of selected genes of interest could allow identification of patients with specific genetic susceptibility or with bad prognosis factors who would be thus eligible for specific treatment.

The Use of PET for the Early Response Evaluation in Patients With Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma....
Diffuse Large B-cell LymphomaNon-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is one of the more frequent cancers in the western world with approx. 800 new cases annually in Denmark. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in Denmark accounts for almost 40% of newly diagnosed NHL cases. Treatment with the combination of chemotherapy and monoclonal antibodies has significantly improved prognosis over the past decade, but a large proportion of patients with DLBCL will continue to relapse with our current treatment options. Therefore, there is a need for reliable methods for detection of treatment response as early as possible in the treatment course in order to identify patients who respond poorly to standard treatment and potentially would benefit from a change in treatment strategy. This has still not been established, but a valid early marker is required in order to allow randomized trials of treatment stratified by early response. One of the most promising applications of PET is the metabolic assessment of the early response of cancer treatment. This study is a national prospective multicenter study emanating from the Danish Lymphoma Group (DLG). Patients are scanned after each of the early 4 cycles of chemo therapy. The aim is to establish the correct timing of response evaluation. Additionally, the investigators wish to investigate the optimal qualitative and quantitative method of response assessment in order to predict post-therapeutic remission and long-term prognosis.This study will contribute to interim-PET being implemented in the most optimal way in daily clinical practice.

Single Test to ARrive at MS Diagnosis. Using a Single MRI Brain Scan to Help Diagnose Multiple Sclerosis...
Multiple SclerosisThis is a pilot study (a small scale study testing procedures so that the investigators can apply this to a larger scale study). This study will test the accuracy of a new brain scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) technique in predicting the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) in patients where there is uncertainty about the diagnosis. For patients where there is a suspicion (but not definite) diagnosis of MS, an additional MRI brain scan will be offered. There will be no other research tests and the patient is followed up to see what the eventual diagnosis is. The investigators will then review the original brain scan to see if this predicted the diagnosis of MS or not.

Comparison of SUV Using SPECT/CT Between Grave's Disease Patients and Normal Humans
HyperthyroidismTomography2 moreThe purpose of this study is to find out the capacity of standardized uptake value (SUV) using single-photo emission computed tomography and computed tomography (SPECT/CT) in diagnosing Grave's Disease (hyperthyroidism).

Lung Function, LCI, Bronchial Inflammation and Epigenetics of Patients With BO
Bronchiolitis ObliteransBronchiolitis obliterans is a chronic disease in which a persistent inflammatory process leads to obliteration of the small airways. Pulmonary function tests (body plethysmography with DLCO, lung clearance index) are performed and the fraction of exhaled nitric oxide is measured. A blood test is following to determine the inflammatory status und collect miRNA. Induced Sputum will be obtained.

Evaluation of the Prevalence of Asthma in a Cohort of Children Born After IVF (Aged 11-15) Compared...
AsthmaAssisted Reproduction Technologies (ART) are increasingly being used worldwide as a result of fertility decline likely caused by changes in both environment and social behaviour. Considering this large usage, it is important to evaluate the potential risk on the health of children conceived using ART. According to the literature, children born after ART are more likely to be at higher risk of health problems than spontaneously conceived ones. Interestingly, recent studies suggested an increase of asthma prevalence in children conceived using In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of asthma in school adolescents from a cohort of children born after In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), aged 11-15 years as compared to a control group composed of the same age range spontaneously conceived individuals. The expected outcome of this study will provide new information regarding these children to ART professionals of and to their own families, by focusing on an age range (between 11 and 15 years) for which very little information is available to date.

Chronic Granulomatous Disease Study in China
Granulomatous DiseaseChronicCGD is a rare inherited primary immunodeficiency which is caused by the defect in one of the subunits of NADPH oxidase complex.We tend to collect and analyze Chinese CGD patients who are diagnosed in hospitals affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, including clinical feature, laboratory data and genetic information. we aim to find out clinical, distribution, genetic characteristic of CGD in Chinese population, etc., thus further improving the level of diagnosis and treatment for CGD.

Children With Diabetes at Risk for Heart Disease.
Diabetes MellitusType 11 morePatients with type 1 diabetes type 1 (DM1) have increased risk of death due to heart disease and stroke. These cardiovascular conditions (CVD) are the leading cause of death in patients with DM1 younger than 40 years of age and up to 35% of all persons with DM1 will die before age 55 from CVD. Strategies are needed to help identify adolescents with DM1 at risk for CVD so that interventions to prevent heart disease and stroke can be undertaken.

Patients Treated for SCID (1968-Present)
SCIDADA-SCID4 moreIndividuals with a past diagnosis of severe combined immune deficiency (including many cases of "leaky SCID", Omenn syndrome, and reticular dysgenesis) who have undergone blood and marrow transplant, gene therapy, or enzyme replacement in the past may be eligible for this study. The purpose of study is to look backwards at what has already been done in the. Over 800 patients with SCID are expected to be enrolled, making this one of the largest studies ever to describe outcomes for patients with SCID treated at many different hospitals around North America.