Conventional and Experimental Chemotherapy With Allogeneic Transplant in Young Patients With Acute...
Acute Myeloid LeukemiaThe purpose of this study is evaluate patients with acute myeloid leukemia (<=66 years), treated with conventional and experimental chemotherapy following allogeneic transplantation. THis patients have been enrolled from 2000 to 2011 at the Division of Hematology, Molinette University Hospital. The purpose of data collection is to assess, with retrospective analysis, the clinical outcome divided by risk class and evaluated in patients who achieve complete remission after induction therapy and consolidation.
Osteosarcoma and Ewing Sarcoma Treatment Response Assessment With Functional MRI Imaging in Children...
Ewing SarcomaOsteosarcomaThe purpose of the study was to investigate whether functional MRI imaging (diffusion weighted imaging) is useful for monitoring the therapeutic response of bone sarcomas in children and young adults. All patients will be scanned before, during and after chemotherapy. The findings on MRI will be correlated with histological finding after surgery. Second purpose : to define apparent diffusion coefficient value of the bone sarcoma. Third purpose : to try define prognostic factors, to investigate if there is a correlation between early treatment response and outcome.
Changes in Metabolic Status in Patients With Total Thyroidectomy
Thyroid CancerThis study objective is to evaluate the change in mitochondrial uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) mRNA expression as function of thyroid activity (TSH, T3 and Free T4).
Circulating Tumor Cells for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
CarcinomaHepatocellular1 moreTo explore the clinical value of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) measurement for Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients.
Molecular, Pathologic and MRI Investigation of the Prognostic and Redictive Importance of Extramural...
AdenocarcinomaRectal Diseases19 moreExtramural venous invasion (EMVI) is the spread of microscopic tumour cells into the veins around the tumour. Rectal cancer treatment has improved greatly over recent years. However, it is important for us to learn as much about the tumours as possible in order to develop newer therapies. Current treatments may benefit from new genetic information relating to the cancer. We hope to identify genetic differences in certain types of rectal cancer which will allow future treatments.
Prognosis and Risk Factors of Gastric Cancer in Patients With Intestinal Metaplasia
Stomach CancerThis prospective cohort study aims to assess the incidence of gastric cancer in patients with intestinal metaplasia in body of stomach or angular incisure. As secondary objectives, among the patients included in the cohort, the study will: assess the incidence of low grade dysplasia, assess the incidence of high grade dysplasia in patients with low grade dysplasia, identify risk factors of progression to dysplasia and gastric cancer.
Prevalence of Malignant and Premalignant Lesions in the Head & Neck in Patients With Chronic Obstructive...
COPDHEAD&NECK CANCER,SCREENINGHead and neck cancers usually occur in patients who have a history of long tobacco use. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic progressive disease of the airways and lung parenchyma that is also associated with exposure to tobacco. COPD and head & neck cancer share a common environmental risk factor in cigarette smoke exposure. the investigators hypothesize that patients with chronic lung disease related to smoking have a higher risk to develop cancer in the head and neck. The investigators designed a study to assess the prevalence of cancer and pre-cancer disease in the head & neck in patients with chronic lung disease. the investigators will examine patients with and without a history of smoking and chronic lung disease in order to determine the prevalence of head and neck cancer in the different groups. The patients who will be included in the study will undergo comprehensive evaluation of their lung function and voice performance. This study is a joint effort of the Pulmonology Institute and the Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery in Israel and the Netherlands.
Salivary Biomarkers for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Detection
Lung CancerThe investigators plan to recruit patients for a prospective study in patients in need of evaluation for lung lesions suspicious for cancer. Saliva samples will be collected before diagnostic evaluation including biopsy with subsequent blinded examination of the salivary markers without knowledge of the disease status. This prospective recruitment with retrospective blinded evaluation or PRoBE design satisfies the highest standards recommended by the National Cancer Institute for biomarker development. This process limits the selection bias that can confound retrospective studies. As the primary endpoint, a pre-specified multi-marker panel will be evaluated based on the combination of sensitivity and specificity. In addition, seven pre-specified individual candidate mRNA cancer markers and six internal reference or "housekeeping" genes will be evaluated. The performance of new multi-marker panels will also be assessed and compared with the prior pre-specified model based on sensitivity and specificity combinations as well as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve.
Telomere Biology in Early Adenocarcinoma of the Lung
Adenocarcinoma of the LungAdenocarcinoma1 moreEarly adenocarcinoma of the lung has an excellent five-year survival after resection. However, its clinical and radiologic presentation is highly variable. Traditional means for preoperative diagnosis such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET-CT) and trans-thoracic needle biopsy demonstrate unacceptable false positive and negative rates. Telomere biology is activated aberrantly is most lung cancers but has not been studied in early stages to the best of our knowledge. The objective of this study is to evaluate telomere length and activity with suspected early stage adenocarcinoma of the lung.
Molecular Testing of Cancer by Integrated Genomic, Transcriptomic, and Proteomic Analysis
Solid TumorsHematological MalignanciesThe purpose of this study is to discover genetic changes associated with different cancers. With the information from this study the investigators hope to provide better ways to prevent, detect and treat many cancers. Many diseases can result from changes in a person's genetic material that causes cells to not work properly. Currently, researchers and doctors know some of the genetic changes that can cause disease, but they do not know all of the genetic changes that can cause disease. This project is designed to identify genetic changes that can cause cancer in humans. Specimens will be collected from a scheduled diagnostic or routine (i.e. blood draw for counts) procedure and may include samples from the tissue itself (surgery), bone marrow, blood, saliva, urine, spinal fluid, sputum, joint fluid, seminal fluid, ascites (a fluid that fills up in the abdomen), and/or pleural fluid (fluid in the lung cavity), to either confirm the diagnosis of cancer or to help to decide how best to treat cancer or other illness. Additionally archived tissue may be analyzed. Samples may be stored for future use in later experiments. The Department of Pathology at Rhode Island Hospital will store the samples. Information from the medical record, such as responses to treatments or family history of cancer, will be collected.