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A Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Study To Determine the Optimal Immunopharmacological Dose Level of Isoprinosine in Immunodepressed Volunteers

Primary Purpose

HIV Infections

Not Applicable
United States
Study Type
Inosine pranobex
Sponsored by
Newport Pharmaceuticals International
Full info

About this trial

This is an interventional treatment trial for HIV Infections focused on measuring T-Lymphocytes, Suppressor-Effector, Neoplasms, Inosine Pranobex, Killer Cells, T-Lymphocytes, Helper-Inducer, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, AIDS-Related Complex

Eligibility Criteria

18 Years - undefined (Adult, Older Adult)MaleDoes not accept healthy volunteers

Exclusion Criteria Co-existing Condition: Patients with the following are excluded: Opportunistic infections or Kaposi's sarcoma. Critical illness. History of gout, urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis, renal dysfunction, and severe gastric ulcer. Concurrent Medication: Excluded: Steroids. Cytotoxic immunosuppressive agents. Concurrent Treatment: Excluded: Radiotherapy. The following are excluded: Opportunistic infections or Kaposi's sarcoma. Critically ill patients. Patients receiving steroids, cytotoxic immunosuppressive agents, and/or radiotherapy. Patients who have received any other immunotherapy. Patients with a history of gout, urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis, renal dysfunction, and severe gastric ulcer. Prior Medication: Excluded: Any other immunotherapy. Patients who fall into the group which is at risk of developing cutaneous sarcoma and/or opportunistic diseases but at present have no signs or symptoms of these diseases.

Sites / Locations

  • Newport Pharmaceuticals International Inc


Primary Outcome Measures

Secondary Outcome Measures

Full Information

First Posted
November 2, 1999
Last Updated
June 23, 2005
Newport Pharmaceuticals International

1. Study Identification

Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
A Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Study To Determine the Optimal Immunopharmacological Dose Level of Isoprinosine in Immunodepressed Volunteers
Official Title
A Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Study To Determine the Optimal Immunopharmacological Dose Level of Isoprinosine in Immunodepressed Volunteers
Study Type

2. Study Status

Record Verification Date
June 1989
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
undefined (undefined)
Primary Completion Date
undefined (undefined)
Study Completion Date
undefined (undefined)

3. Sponsor/Collaborators

Name of the Sponsor
Newport Pharmaceuticals International

4. Oversight

5. Study Description

Brief Summary
The objective of this double-blind placebo-controlled study is to evaluate the effect of Isoprinosine in a group of homogenous male volunteers who present with immunologic defects relative to: Comparison of total helper and suppressor T-cell number between the groups. Comparison of the phytohemagglutinins (PHA) and concanavalin A lymphoproliferative response and natural killer (NK) cell activity between the groups. Determination of the clinical course of the volunteers after discontinuance of Isoprinosine.

6. Conditions and Keywords

Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
HIV Infections
T-Lymphocytes, Suppressor-Effector, Neoplasms, Inosine Pranobex, Killer Cells, T-Lymphocytes, Helper-Inducer, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, AIDS-Related Complex

7. Study Design

Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Not Applicable

8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions

Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Inosine pranobex

10. Eligibility

Minimum Age & Unit of Time
18 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Exclusion Criteria Co-existing Condition: Patients with the following are excluded: Opportunistic infections or Kaposi's sarcoma. Critical illness. History of gout, urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis, renal dysfunction, and severe gastric ulcer. Concurrent Medication: Excluded: Steroids. Cytotoxic immunosuppressive agents. Concurrent Treatment: Excluded: Radiotherapy. The following are excluded: Opportunistic infections or Kaposi's sarcoma. Critically ill patients. Patients receiving steroids, cytotoxic immunosuppressive agents, and/or radiotherapy. Patients who have received any other immunotherapy. Patients with a history of gout, urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis, renal dysfunction, and severe gastric ulcer. Prior Medication: Excluded: Any other immunotherapy. Patients who fall into the group which is at risk of developing cutaneous sarcoma and/or opportunistic diseases but at present have no signs or symptoms of these diseases.
Facility Information:
Facility Name
Newport Pharmaceuticals International Inc
Laguna Hills
ZIP/Postal Code
United States

12. IPD Sharing Statement

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A Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Study To Determine the Optimal Immunopharmacological Dose Level of Isoprinosine in Immunodepressed Volunteers

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