Combination Chemotherapy Plus Radiation Therapy in Treating Children With Newly Diagnosed Brain Stem Glioma
Brain Tumors, Central Nervous System Tumors

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Brain Tumors focused on measuring untreated childhood brain stem glioma
Eligibility Criteria
DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Newly diagnosed diffuse intrinsic brain stem glioma by MRI At least 2/3 of the tumor in the pons Tumor origin clearly in the pons At least 2 clinical features with less than 6 months duration: Cranial nerve deficit Long tract signs Ataxia No diffuse brain stem enlargement secondary to neurofibromatosis No diffuse leptomeningeal disease PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS: Age: 3 to 21 Performance status: Karnofsky or Lansky 50-100% Life expectancy: Not specified Hematopoietic: Absolute neutrophil count at least 1,000/mm3 Platelet count at least 100,000/mm3 Hepatic: Bilirubin less than 2.0 mg/dL ALT no greater than 5 times upper limit of normal Renal: Creatinine or GFR normal for age PRIOR CONCURRENT THERAPY: Biologic therapy: No prior biologic therapy Chemotherapy: No other concurrent chemotherapy No prior chemotherapy Endocrine therapy: Prior glucocorticoids allowed Radiotherapy: No prior radiotherapy Surgery: No prior surgery Other: No other concurrent investigational drugs
Sites / Locations
- University of Alabama at Birmingham Comprehensive Cancer Center
- MBCCOP - Gulf Coast
- Arizona Cancer Center
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- University of California San Diego Cancer Center
- Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford
- Sutter Cancer Center
- University of California Davis Medical Center
- Kaiser Permanente-Southern California Permanente Medical Group
- Children's Hospital and Health Center
- Kaiser Permanente Medical Center - Santa Clara
- Yale Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Walter Reed Army Medical Center
- Shands Hospital and Clinics, University of Florida
- Nemours Children's Clinic
- Sylvester Cancer Center, University of Miami
- Miami Children's Hospital
- Baptist Hospital of Miami
- Walt Disney Memorial Cancer Institute
- All Children's Hospital
- CCOP - Florida Pediatric
- St. Mary's Hospital
- Emory University Hospital - Atlanta
- Cancer Research Center of Hawaii
- Tripler Army Medical Center
- Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center
- Children's Memorial Hospital, Chicago
- Hope Children's Hospital
- CCOP - Illinois Oncology Research Association
- Saint Jude Midwest Affiliate
- University of Kansas Medical Center
- CCOP - Wichita
- Via Christi Regional Medical Center
- MBCCOP - LSU Health Sciences Center
- Tulane University School of Medicine
- CCOP - Ochsner
- Eastern Maine Medical Center
- Maine Children's Cancer Program
- Marlene & Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center, University of Maryland
- Johns Hopkins Oncology Center
- Boston Floating Hospital Infants and Children
- Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center
- Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
- University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center
- Children's Hospital of Michigan
- St. John's Hospital and Medical Center
- Hurley Medical Center
- University of Mississippi Medical Center
- Keesler Medical Center - Keesler AFB
- University of Missouri-Columbia Hospital and Clinics
- Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital
- Washington University School of Medicine
- Norris Cotton Cancer Center
- CCOP - Northern New Jersey
- Hackensack University Medical Center
- University of New Mexico School of Medicine
- Roswell Park Cancer Institute
- Schneider Children's Hospital
- Mount Sinai School of Medicine
- University of Rochester Cancer Center
- State University of New York Health Sciences Center - Stony Brook
- State University of New York - Upstate Medical University
- Mission Saint Joseph's Health System
- Carolinas Medical Center
- Presbyterian Healthcare
- Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center
- East Carolina University School of Medicine
- Comprehensive Cancer Center at Wake Forest University
- Oklahoma Memorial Hospital
- Natalie Warren Bryant Cancer Center
- CCOP - Columbia River Program
- Legacy Emanuel Hospital and Health Center
- St. Christopher's Hospital for Children
- Medical University of South Carolina
- Children's Hospital of Greenville Hospital System
- James H. Quillen College of Medicine
- Saint Jude Children's Research Hospital
- Texas Oncology P.A.
- Medical City Dallas Hospital
- Simmons Cancer Center - Dallas
- University of Texas Medical Branch
- Baylor College of Medicine
- San Antonio Military Pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders Center
- MBCCOP - South Texas Pediatric
- University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- Scott and White Clinic
- Vermont Cancer Center
- Cancer Center at the University of Virginia
- Inova Fairfax Hospital
- Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth
- Massey Cancer Center
- Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital
- Madigan Army Medical Center
- West Virginia University Medical School-Charleston
- West Virginia University Hospitals
- St. Vincent Hospital
- Midwest Children's Cancer Center
- Royal Children's Hospital
- Alberta Children's Hospital
- Cross Cancer Institute
- Children's Hospital
- Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
- Hospital for Sick Children
- McGill University Health Center - Montreal Children's Hospital
- Hopital Sainte Justine
- Centre Hospitalier de L'Universite Laval
- Academisch Ziekenhuis Groningen
- San Jorge Childrens Hospital
- Swiss Pediatric Oncology Group Bern
- Clinique de Pediatrie
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Induction: Patients receive oral etoposide daily on days 1-21 and vincristine sulfate IV on days 1, 8, and 15. Treatment repeats every 4 weeks for 2 courses. Patients receive radiation therapy daily for 6 weeks concurrently with induction chemotherapy. Maintenance: One week after induction therapy, patients receive vincristine sulfate IV on days 1 and 8 and oral etoposide daily on days 1-21. Treatment repeats every 4 weeks for 10 courses in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients are followed every 3 months for 2 years, every 6 months for 3 years, and then annually thereafter