The Effects of Modafinil on Waking Function and on Sleep in Individuals With Primary Insomnia
Primary Insomnia

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Primary Insomnia focused on measuring primary insomnia, stimulants, cognitive behavioral therapy
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: 40 patients aged 25 with insomnia, will be recruited over a 3-6 month interval. All subjects will have a stable sleep/wake schedule with a preferred sleep phase between 10:00 PM and 8:00 AM. Must live in the Greater Rochester NY area All subjects will meet diagnostic criteria for Psychophysiological Insomnia according to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD). Criteria are: the complaint of insomnia and impaired daytime function; an indication of learned sleep-preventing associations and somatized tension; active help seeking. The complaint of disturbed sleep will have one or more of the following characteristics: >30 minutes to fall asleep and/or >2 awakenings per night of >15 minutes duration and/or wake after sleep onset time of > 30 minutes, problem frequency >4 nights/ week, and problem duration >6 months. In addition, all subjects will complain of fatigue and/or sleepiness at intake. Exclusion Criteria: As above
Sites / Locations
- University of Rochester Sleep and Neurophysiology Research Lab