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Meta-Iodobenzylguanidine (123I mIBG) Scintigraphy in Patients Being Evaluated for Phaeochromocytoma or Neuroblastoma

Primary Purpose

Pheochromocytoma, Neuroblastoma

Phase 3
United States
Study Type
123I-mIBG (meta-iodobenzylguanidine)
Sponsored by
GE Healthcare
Full info

About this trial

This is an interventional diagnostic trial for Pheochromocytoma focused on measuring Phaeochromocytoma, Neuroblastoma, diagnosis, 123I-mIBG

Eligibility Criteria

undefined - undefined (Child, Adult, Older Adult)All SexesDoes not accept healthy volunteers

Inclusion Criteria: For subjects recruited under Amendment 01 : (1) a) The subject has known or suspected neuroblastoma and is undergoing evaluation of disease status (for which a 123I-mIBG scintigraphic examination is clinically appropriate) OR b) The subject is ≥18 years of age with either: i) Known phaeochromocytoma. ii) Suspected phaeochromocytoma based on abnormal levels of catecholamines or metabolites in the urine or blood with difficult to control chronic or paroxysmal hypertension and/or abnormalities in the adrenal region on ultrasound, computerised tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). iii) A diagnosis of a familial or hereditary condition known to be associated with phaeochromocytoma (multiple endocrine neoplasia, von Hippel-Landau disease, neurofibromatosis, etc). For subjects recruited under Amendment 02 : a) The subject has known or suspected neuroblastoma and is undergoing evaluation of disease status (for which a 123I-mIBG scintigraphic examination is clinically appropriate) OR b) The subject has either: i) Known phaeochromocytoma, or, ii) Suspected phaeochromocytoma based on abnormal levels of catecholamines or metabolites in the urine or blood in conjunction with difficult to control chronic or paroxysmal hypertension and/or abnormalities in the adrenal region on ultrasound, CT, or MRI, or iii) A diagnosis of a familial or hereditary condition known to be associated with phaeochromocytoma (multiple endocrine neoplasia, von Hippel-Landau disease, neurofibromatosis, etc). All subjects: (enrolled under Amendments 01 and 02) The subject is able and willing to comply with study procedures and a signed and dated informed consent is obtained. The subject was male; or a female who was either pre-menarchal, surgically sterile (had a documented bilateral oophorectomy and/or documented hysterectomy), postmenopausal (cessation of menses for more than 1 year), non-lactating, or of childbearing potential for whom a urine pregnancy test (with the results known prior to investigational medicinal product (IMP) administration) was negative. Exclusion Criteria: The subject was previously entered into this study or had participated in any other investigational medicinal product or medical device study within 30 days of enrolment. The subject had a history or suspicion of significant allergic reaction or anaphylaxis to iodide or iodinated imaging agents. The subject presented with any clinically active, serious, life-threatening disease other than neuroblastoma or phaeochromocytoma, with a life expectancy of less than 30 days or where participation in the study would compromise the management of the subject or other reason that in the judgement of the investigator(s) made the subject unsuitable for participation in the study. The subject had a history of renal insufficiency (serum creatinine >3.0 mg/dL [265 μmol/L]). The subject used medications that are known to interfere with 123I-mIBG uptake and these medications could not be safely withheld for at least 24 hours before study procedures.

Sites / Locations

  • GE Healthcare

Arms of the Study

Arm 1

Arm Type


Arm Label

123I-mIBG (Meta-iobenzylguanidine)

Arm Description

All subjects received 123I-mIBG injection over at least 1 to 2 minutes through a cannula (or indwelling catheter in the vein). After the injection of 123I-mIBG was complete, the cannula was flushed with at least 5 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride solution over a maximum of 10 seconds. All subjects ≥18 years of age and children with a weight of ≥70 kg were to receive an intravenous injection of 370 ±10% MBq (333 to 407 MBq [9.0 to 11 mCi] of 123I-mIBG). Doses of 123I-mIBG for children <18 years of age (with a weight of 8-70 kg) were to be calculated on the basis of a reference activity for an adult scaled to body weight according to the schedule proposed by the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) Paediatric Task Group; for children <8 kg, a scaled activity or a fixed minimum activity of 80 ±10% MBq (72 to 88 MBq [1.9 to 2.2 mCi]) was permissible.


Primary Outcome Measures

- To demonstrate that 123I-mIBG planar scintigraphy is sensitive and specific in confirming or excluding the diagnoses of neuroblastoma and phaeochromocytoma.

Secondary Outcome Measures

To determine the incremental value of single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) for improving the sensitivity and specificity of 123I-mIBG planar scintigraphy for the diagnoses of neuroblastoma and phaeochromocytoma.
To collect safety data on 123I-mIBG.

Full Information

First Posted
August 2, 2005
Last Updated
May 29, 2019
GE Healthcare

1. Study Identification

Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
Meta-Iodobenzylguanidine (123I mIBG) Scintigraphy in Patients Being Evaluated for Phaeochromocytoma or Neuroblastoma
Official Title
An Open-Label, Multicentre, Phase 3 Scintigraphy Study Assessing 123I-mIBG Uptake in Subjects Being Evaluated for Phaeochromocytoma or Neuroblastoma
Study Type

2. Study Status

Record Verification Date
May 2019
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
August 2, 2005 (Actual)
Primary Completion Date
September 27, 2006 (Actual)
Study Completion Date
September 27, 2006 (Actual)

3. Sponsor/Collaborators

Responsible Party, by Official Title
Name of the Sponsor
GE Healthcare

4. Oversight

5. Study Description

Brief Summary
The study is designed to study the effectiveness of 123I-mIBG as a diagnostic imaging agent in evaluating patients with known or suspected neuroblastoma or phaeochromocytoma.

6. Conditions and Keywords

Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Pheochromocytoma, Neuroblastoma
Phaeochromocytoma, Neuroblastoma, diagnosis, 123I-mIBG

7. Study Design

Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Phase 3
Interventional Study Model
Single Group Assignment
None (Open Label)
251 (Actual)

8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions

Arm Title
123I-mIBG (Meta-iobenzylguanidine)
Arm Type
Arm Description
All subjects received 123I-mIBG injection over at least 1 to 2 minutes through a cannula (or indwelling catheter in the vein). After the injection of 123I-mIBG was complete, the cannula was flushed with at least 5 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride solution over a maximum of 10 seconds. All subjects ≥18 years of age and children with a weight of ≥70 kg were to receive an intravenous injection of 370 ±10% MBq (333 to 407 MBq [9.0 to 11 mCi] of 123I-mIBG). Doses of 123I-mIBG for children <18 years of age (with a weight of 8-70 kg) were to be calculated on the basis of a reference activity for an adult scaled to body weight according to the schedule proposed by the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) Paediatric Task Group; for children <8 kg, a scaled activity or a fixed minimum activity of 80 ±10% MBq (72 to 88 MBq [1.9 to 2.2 mCi]) was permissible.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
123I-mIBG (meta-iodobenzylguanidine)
Other Intervention Name(s)
Iobenguane, mIBG
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
- To demonstrate that 123I-mIBG planar scintigraphy is sensitive and specific in confirming or excluding the diagnoses of neuroblastoma and phaeochromocytoma.
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
To determine the incremental value of single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) for improving the sensitivity and specificity of 123I-mIBG planar scintigraphy for the diagnoses of neuroblastoma and phaeochromocytoma.
To collect safety data on 123I-mIBG.

10. Eligibility

Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: For subjects recruited under Amendment 01 : (1) a) The subject has known or suspected neuroblastoma and is undergoing evaluation of disease status (for which a 123I-mIBG scintigraphic examination is clinically appropriate) OR b) The subject is ≥18 years of age with either: i) Known phaeochromocytoma. ii) Suspected phaeochromocytoma based on abnormal levels of catecholamines or metabolites in the urine or blood with difficult to control chronic or paroxysmal hypertension and/or abnormalities in the adrenal region on ultrasound, computerised tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). iii) A diagnosis of a familial or hereditary condition known to be associated with phaeochromocytoma (multiple endocrine neoplasia, von Hippel-Landau disease, neurofibromatosis, etc). For subjects recruited under Amendment 02 : a) The subject has known or suspected neuroblastoma and is undergoing evaluation of disease status (for which a 123I-mIBG scintigraphic examination is clinically appropriate) OR b) The subject has either: i) Known phaeochromocytoma, or, ii) Suspected phaeochromocytoma based on abnormal levels of catecholamines or metabolites in the urine or blood in conjunction with difficult to control chronic or paroxysmal hypertension and/or abnormalities in the adrenal region on ultrasound, CT, or MRI, or iii) A diagnosis of a familial or hereditary condition known to be associated with phaeochromocytoma (multiple endocrine neoplasia, von Hippel-Landau disease, neurofibromatosis, etc). All subjects: (enrolled under Amendments 01 and 02) The subject is able and willing to comply with study procedures and a signed and dated informed consent is obtained. The subject was male; or a female who was either pre-menarchal, surgically sterile (had a documented bilateral oophorectomy and/or documented hysterectomy), postmenopausal (cessation of menses for more than 1 year), non-lactating, or of childbearing potential for whom a urine pregnancy test (with the results known prior to investigational medicinal product (IMP) administration) was negative. Exclusion Criteria: The subject was previously entered into this study or had participated in any other investigational medicinal product or medical device study within 30 days of enrolment. The subject had a history or suspicion of significant allergic reaction or anaphylaxis to iodide or iodinated imaging agents. The subject presented with any clinically active, serious, life-threatening disease other than neuroblastoma or phaeochromocytoma, with a life expectancy of less than 30 days or where participation in the study would compromise the management of the subject or other reason that in the judgement of the investigator(s) made the subject unsuitable for participation in the study. The subject had a history of renal insufficiency (serum creatinine >3.0 mg/dL [265 μmol/L]). The subject used medications that are known to interfere with 123I-mIBG uptake and these medications could not be safely withheld for at least 24 hours before study procedures.
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Diane McCaul
Organizational Affiliation
GE Healthcare
Official's Role
Study Director
Facility Information:
Facility Name
GE Healthcare
New Jersey
ZIP/Postal Code
United States

12. IPD Sharing Statement

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Meta-Iodobenzylguanidine (123I mIBG) Scintigraphy in Patients Being Evaluated for Phaeochromocytoma or Neuroblastoma

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