Efficacy and Safety of an add-on Treatment With Zonisamide in Adults With Focal Epileptic Seizures With or Without Secondary Generalization

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Epilepsy focused on measuring Epilepsy
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion criteria at screening: Adult aged between 18 years and 74 years Focal epileptic seizures with or without secondary generalization Present treatment with one or two antiepileptic drugs (constant dosage during 8 weeks baseline phase prior to initiation of treatment with zonisamide). Stimulation of the vagus nerve is permitted and will not be counted as antiepileptic drug. For women of childbearing potential (postmenopausal for more than 1 year): possible pregnancy during the study can be excluded (by hysterectomy, sterilization or simultaneous application of two recognized methods of contraception (no oral contraceptives only) For male patients with partners of childbearing potential: a safe method of contraception is practiced during their study participation Written consent to participate in the study Inclusion criteria for randomisation: At least 6 focal or clonicotonic seizures documented completely in a seizure diary or the patient chart during the 8 prospective or retrospective weeks baseline phase. Exclusion criteria at screening: Epileptic state during the past year Non-epileptic fits Generalized epilepsy More than 4 weeks of seizure freedom during baseline phase Concomitant progressive CNS disease including progressive myoclonus epilepsy Concomitant treatment with vigabatrine and / or topiramate Hepatic and/or renal insufficiency (creatine > 2mg% or GPT > 2 times ULN) Body weight ≤ 40 kg (History of) kidney stones; erythrocyturia, family history (in parents, children, brothers and sisters or grandparents) of kidney stones (History of) drug and/or alcohol dependence Active psychosis Suicide attempt during the past 3 years Pre-treatment with zonisamide Known hypersensitivity to sulfonamides concomitant treatment with neuroleptic drugs pregnant or breast feeding woman participation in another therapy study within 3 months prior to or during this study blood donation planned during or within 4 weeks after the participation in this study elective surgery planned during the participation in this study patient is not willing or not capable to meet the study demands patient does not agree to the forwarding of his/her pseudonymous data patient without legal competence Exclusion criteria for randomisation: - More than 4 consecutive weeks of freedom from seizure during baseline phase
Sites / Locations
- Epilepsieklinik Tabor
- Universtitatsklinikum Bonn
- Universtitatsklinikum Munster, Klinik und Poliklinik fur Neurologie
- Epilepsiezentrum Bethel/KSE
- Institut fur Diagnostik der Epilepsien Gmbh
- Charite Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Neurologische Klinik und Poliklinik
- St. Josephs Hospital, Neurologische Klinik
- Dr. Gunther Schumann
- Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum-Langendreer, Neurologische Klinik
- Dr. Hans Martin Kolbinger
- Neuro-Consil Gmbh
- Neurologische Klinik der Universitat Erlangen
- Universitatsklinik Essen, Klinik und Poliklinik fur Neurologie
- Universitatsklinikum Freiburg, Neurozentrum
- Universitatsklinikum Gottingen, Abt. fur klinische Neurophysiologie
- Gemeinschaftpraxis fur Neurologie und Psychiatrie
- Dr. Heinrich C. Braeuer
- Ev. Krankenhaus Alsterdorf, Epilepsiezentrum Alsterdorf
- Epilepsiezentrum Kork
- Epilepsiezentrum Kleinwachau, Epilepsieambulanz
- Universitatsklinikum Mannheim, Neurologische Klinik, Ambulanz fur Anfallserkrankte
- Universitatsklinikum, Interdisziplinares Epilepsiezentrum
- Klinikum Grosshadern, Neurologische Klinik und Poliklinik, Epilepsie-Ambulanz
- Klinikum Offenbach, Neurologie
- Klinik Ernst von Bergmann
- Universitat Regensburg, Klinik un Poliklinik fur Neurologie
- Klinik "Die Weissenau", Anfallsambulanz
- Universitat Rostock, Klinik fur Neurologie und Poliklinik
- Universitatsklinik Ulm Poliklinik fur Neurologie, Epilepsieambulanz
- Dr. Horst-Schmidt Klinik, Neurologie
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2