The Difference Between Groups (HBO Minus HBA) in Change in Score (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on Gross Motor Function Measure 66-Item Subscale Score (GMFM-66).
GMFM-66: total percent score on 66-item subscale of GMFM-88: Each item scored on 0-3 scale: 0 = does not initiate, 1 = initiates, 2 = partially completes, 3 = completes. Score determined by dividing score obtained by maximum possible score for the 66 items, and multiplying by 100. Range is 0-100%: the higher the percent score, the greater the functional ability. GMFM-66: [(total score on subset of 66 items/198)x100].
The Difference Between Groups (HBO Minus HBA) in Change in Score (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on Gross Motor Function Measure Dimension A
Total percent score on 17 items of GMFM grouped into Dimension A) lying and rolling. Each item scored on 0-3 scale: 0 = does not initiate, 1 = initiates, 2 = partially completes, 3 = completes. Score in Dimension A determined by dividing score obtained by maximum possible score for that dimension (51), and multiplying by 100. Range is 0-100%: the higher the percent score, the greater the functional ability. A) lying and rolling: (score achieved/51)x100.
The Difference Between Groups (HBO Minus HBA) in Change in Score (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on Gross Motor Function Measure Dimension B
Total percent score on 20 items of GMFM grouped into Dimension B) sitting. Each item scored on 0-3 scale: 0 = does not initiate, 1 = initiates, 2 = partially completes, 3 = completes. Score in Dimension B determined by dividing score obtained by maximum possible score for that dimension (60), and multiplying by 100. Range is 0-100%: the higher the percent score, the greater the functional ability. B) sitting: (score achieved/60)x100.
The Difference Between Groups (HBO Minus HBA) in Change in Score (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on Gross Motor Function Measure Dimension C
Total percent score on 14 items of GMFM grouped into Dimension C) crawling and kneeling. Each item scored on 0-3 scale: 0 = does not initiate, 1 = initiates, 2 = partially completes, 3 = completes. Score in Dimension C determined by dividing score obtained by maximum possible score for that dimension (42), and multiplying by 100. Range is 0-100%: the higher the percent score, the greater the functional ability. C) crawling and kneeling: (score achieved/42)x100.
The Difference Between Groups (HBO Minus HBA) in Change in Score (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on Gross Motor Function Measure Dimension D
Total percent score on 13 items of GMFM grouped into Dimension D) standing. Each item scored on 0-3 scale: 0 = does not initiate, 1 = initiates, 2 = partially completes, 3 = completes. Score in Dimension D determined by dividing score obtained by maximum possible score for that dimension (39), and multiplying by 100. Range is 0-100%: the higher the percent score, the greater the functional ability. D) standing: (score achieved/51)x100.
The Difference Between Groups (HBO Minus HBA) in Change in Score (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on Gross Motor Function Measure Dimension E
Total percent score on 24 items of GMFM grouped into Dimension E) walking, running, and jumping. Each item scored on 0-3 scale: 0 = does not initiate, 1 = initiates, 2 = partially completes, 3 = completes. Score in Dimension E determined by dividing score obtained by maximum possible score for that dimension (72), and multiplying by 100. Range is 0-100%: the higher the percent score, the greater the functional ability. E) walking, running, and jumping: (score achieved/72)x 100.
The Difference Between Groups (HBO Minus HBA) in Change in Scores (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) Functional Skills: Self-care
Primary caregiver-reported (through structured interview) child capabilities for 73 items of functional skills grouped under self-care. Scores are 0 = unable to perform; 1 = capable of performing. Scores range from 0-73 and are rescaled to a 0-100% scale. Higher scores indicate greater abilities.
The Difference Between Groups (HBO Minus HBA) in Change in Scores (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) Functional Skills: Mobility
Primary caregiver-reported (through structured interview) child capabilities for 59 items of functional skills grouped under mobility. Scores are 0 = unable to perform; 1 = capable of performing. Scores range from 0-59 and are rescaled to a 0-100% scale. Higher scores indicate greater abilities.
The Difference Between Groups (HBO Minus HBA) in Change in Scores (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) Functional Skills: Social Function
Primary caregiver-reported (through structured interview) child capabilities for 65 items of functional skills grouped under social function. Scores are 0 = unable to perform; 1 = capable of performing. Scores range from 0-65 and are rescaled to a 0-100% scale. Higher scores indicate greater abilities.
The Difference Between Groups (HBO Minus HBA) in Change in Scores (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) Caregiver Assistance: Self-care
Primary caregiver-reported (through structured interview) amount of caregiver assistance required by child to complete 8 items of daily activity grouped under self-care. Scores are 0 = total assistance, 1 = maximal assistance, 3 = minimal assistance, 4 = supervise/prompt/monitor, 5 = independent. Total scores range from 0-40 and are rescaled to 0-100%. Higher scores indicate greater ability to perform independently.
The Difference Between Groups (HBO Minus HBA) in Change in Scores (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) Caregiver Assistance: Mobility
Primary caregiver-reported (through structured interview) amount of caregiver assistance required by child to complete 7 items of daily activity grouped under mobilityare. Scores are 0 = total assistance, 1 = maximal assistance, 3 = minimal assistance, 4 = supervise/prompt/monitor, 5 = independent. Total scores range from 0-35 and are rescaled to 0-100%. Higher scores indicate greater ability to perform independently.
The Difference Between Groups (HBO Minus HBA) in Change in Scores (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) Caregiver Assistance: Social Function
Primary caregiver-reported (through structured interview) amount of caregiver assistance required by child to complete 5 items of daily activity grouped under social function. Scores are 0 = total assistance, 1 = maximal assistance, 3 = minimal assistance, 4 = supervise/prompt/monitor, 5 = independent. Total scores range from 0-25 and are rescaled to 0-100%. Higher scores indicate greater ability to perform independently.
The Difference Between Groups in Change in Scores (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on the Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA): Number of Correct Responses.
One of 4 parts of the TOVA, a computerized continuous performance test that measures attention and impulsivity in visual mode. Measures the number of times a target is correctly selected when it appears on a screen. Score ranges from 0-160; higher scores represent greater number of correct responses.
The Difference Between Groups in Change in Scores (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on the Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA): Number of Correct Nonresponses.
One of 4 parts of the TOVA, a computerized continuous performance test that measures attention and impulsivity in visual mode. Measures the number of times a target is correctly not selected (number of times a child correctly refrains from hitting a buzzer) when it appears on a screen. Score ranges from 0-160; higher scores represent greater number of correct nonresponses.
The Difference Between Groups in Change in Scores (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on the Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA): Response Time in Milliseconds
One of 4 parts of the TOVA, a computerized continuous performance test that measures attention and impulsivity in visual mode. Measures the processing time in milliseconds that it takes to correctly respond to a target. Lower times represent better response times. Range = 0 - 2000 milliseconds
The Difference Between Groups in Change in Scores (Post-treatment Minus Pre-treatment) on the Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA): Response Time Variability in Milliseconds
One of 4 parts of the TOVA, a computerized continuous performance test that measures attention and impulsivity in visual mode. Measures the variability in processing time in milliseconds that it takes to correctly respond to a target. Response time variability = the standard deviation of response times for correct responses. Lower values represent less variability and better responses. Range of response times = 0-2000 milliseconds.