Aripiprazole Treatment for Methamphetamine Dependence Among High-risk Individuals
Substance Abuse, HIV Infections
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Substance Abuse focused on measuring Methamphetamine, HIV, MSM, HIV Seronegativity
Eligibility Criteria
A total of 90 high-risk individuals with methamphetamine dependence will be enrolled in the study. Subjects will be San Francisco Bay Area residents between 18-60 years of age and in good health. The project is designed specifically for those at high risk for HIV transmission or acquisition.
Inclusion Criteria:
- HIV-negative by rapid test, or documentation of HIV infection with a laboratory result of a positive HIV test;
- diagnosed with methamphetamine dependence as determined by SCID;
- interested in stopping or reducing methamphetamine use;
- at least one methamphetamine-positive urine during screening and run-in period;
- no current acute illnesses requiring prolonged medical care;
- no chronic illnesses that are likely to progress clinically during trial participation;
- able and willing to provide informed consent and to be followed over trial period;
- age 18-60 years;
- baseline CBC, total protein, albumin, glucose, lipid panel, alk phos, creatinine, BUN, and electrolytes without clinically significant abnormalities as determined by investigator in conjunction with symptoms, physical exam, and medical history.
- if sex assigned at birth was female and able to become pregnant: agrees to use birth control by any of the following methods - hormonal patch, pills, or injections; IUD; diaphragm; condoms; or abstinence.
Exclusion Criteria:
- has a psychiatric disorder as assessed by SCID that in the opinion of evaluating clinician would make the study participation unsafe, or make adherence to study protocol untenable. Conditions include current major depression, current suicidal ideation, bipolar disorder, dementia, or acute psychosis;
- taking psychotropic medication within the last 30 days, including aripiprazole;
- known allergy to aripiprazole, or known adverse reaction to antipsychotics;
- currently using or unwilling not to use phenylephrine or ephedrine-containing products for trial duration (can cause false positive urines for methamphetamine use);
- current CD4 count < 200 cells/mm3;
- using other medications known to interact with aripiprazole, including ketoconazole and carbamazepine;
- measured moderate or severe liver disease (AST, ALT, and total bilirubin > 3 times normal) and/or any symptoms of current liver disease;
- impaired renal function (creatinine clearance < 60 ml/min);
- diabetes mellitis type I or type II, including cases controlled with diet alone;
- Hypertension that is not well-controlled;
- BMI ≥ 40; or BMI ≥ 35 with more than one of the following: age > 45, systolic blood pressure > 140 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure > 90 mm Hg, known hyperlipidemia;
- History of, or known active cardiovascular disease including: (a) Previous myocardial infarction (heart attack); (b) angina pectoris; (c) congestive heart failure; (d) valvular heart disease including mitral valve prolapse; (e) cardiomyopathy; (f) pericarditis; (g) stroke or transient ischemic attack; (h) chest pain or shortness of breath with activity (such as walking up stairs); (i) peripheral vascular disease or risk equivalent; (j) other heart conditions under the care of a doctor;
- currently participating in another research study;
- pregnant, breast-feeding, and/or positive pregnancy test at screening or enrollment visit;
- any condition that, in the principal investigator's judgment, interferes with safe study participation or adherence to study procedures.
Sites / Locations
- San Francisco Department of Public Health, AIDS Office
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Placebo Comparator
Aripiprazole 5mg daily for week one. Aripiprazole 10mg daily for week two. Aripiprazole 20mg daily for weeks three through twelve.
Placebo (for Aripiprazole) 5mg daily for week one. Placebo (for Aripiprazole) 10mg daily for week two. Placebo (for Aripiprazole) 20mg daily for weeks three through twelve.