A Study of MabThera (Rituximab) Plus Chlorambucil in Participants With Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
Primary Purpose
Lymphocytic Leukemia, Chronic
Phase 2
United Kingdom
Study Type
Sponsored by

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Lymphocytic Leukemia, Chronic
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- previously untreated participants with cluster of differentiation 20 (CD20) positive B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia;
- participants with progressive Binet stage B, or C requiring therapy according to National Cancer Institute (NCI) criteria;
- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status <=2.
Exclusion Criteria:
- previous treatment for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL);
- known concomitant hematological malignancy;
- transformation to aggressive B-cell malignancy;
- history of severe cardiac disease;
- known hypersensitivity or anaphylactic reactions to murine antibodies.
Sites / Locations
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm Type
Arm Label
Rituximab plus Chlorambucil
Arm Description
Participants will receive combination therapy of rituximab plus chlorambucil for first 6 cycles and then chlorambucil alone for a maximum of 6 additional cycles.
Primary Outcome Measures
Percentage of Participants With Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events (AEs)
An AE was any untoward medical occurrence in a participant who received study drug without regard to possibility of causal relationship. A serious AE (SAE) was an AE resulting in any of the following outcomes or deemed significant for any other reason: death; initial or prolonged inpatient hospitalization; life-threatening experience (immediate risk of dying); persistent or significant disability/incapacity; congenital anomaly. Treatment-emergent are events between first dose of study drug and up to 56 days from the beginning of the last treatment cycle that were absent before treatment or that worsened relative to pretreatment state. AEs included both SAEs as well as non-serious AEs.
Secondary Outcome Measures
Percentage of Participants With Best Overall Response (BOR) of Clinical CR or Confirmed CR
Clinical CR was achieved if all of the following criteria were met: a)Absence of lymphadenopathy (LD) by physical examination (PE) and Computed Tomography (CT) scan (all lymph nodes less than [<] 1.5 centimeters [cm] in diameter), b)No hepatomegaly (HM)/splenomegaly (SM) by PE/CT scan, c)Absence of B symptoms (unexplained fever greater than [>] 38 degrees [°] Centigrade [C], drenching night sweats/>10 percent [%] body weight loss in the last 6 months), d)Normal Complete Blood Count (CBC) (i. Leukocytes (Leuk) greater than or equal to [≥] 1.5×10^9 per liter (/L), ii. Platelets (Plat) >100×10^9/L, and iii. Haemoglobin (Hb) >11.0 grams per deciliter [g/dL]) and e)Once clinical, radiological and laboratory evaluations demonstrated CR, bone marrow (BM) biopsy and aspirate were performed 8 weeks later for confirmation; BM sample: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being lymphocytes (Lym) and lymphoid nodules (LN) absent was considered as a confirmed CR.
Percentage of Participants With BOR of Partial Response (PR)
PR was achieved if all of the following criteria were met: a)≥50% decrease in Lym count from the baseline value, b)≥50% reduction in LD by CT scan, c)≥50% reduction in size of liver/spleen by PE/CT scan and at least 1 of the following for a minimum of 8 weeks: i. Leuk ≥1.5×10^9/L or 50% improvement over baseline, ii. Plat >100×10^9/L or 50% improvement over baseline and iii. Hb >11.0 g/dL or 50% improvement over baseline without transfusion. Participants who fulfilled criteria for CR with persistent anemia/thrombocytopenia were considered in PRs. CR was achieved if all of the criteria were fulfilled for ≥8 weeks: a)Absence of LD by PE and CT scan, b)No HM/SM by PE/CT, c)Absence of B symptoms, d)Normal CBC, and e)BM biopsy: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being Lym and LN absent.
Percentage of Participants With BOR of Nodular Partial Response (nPR)
CR was achieved if all of the following criteria were met for ≥8 weeks: a)Absence of LD by PE and CT scan, b)No HM/SM by PE/CT scan, c)Absence of B symptoms, d)Normal CBC, and e)BM biopsy: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being Lym and LN absent. Participants with nPR were those who satisfied all of the CR criteria except for the BM, where LN could be identified histologically.
Percentage of Participants With BOR of Progressive Disease (PD)
PD is considered if 1 of the following criteria is met: a)≥50% increase in sum of the products of ≥2 lymph nodes compared to their smallest size (at least one ≥2 cm in diameter) or appearance of new lymph nodes/extranodal lesions, b)≥50% increase in the size of hepatosplenomegaly (HSM) as determined by PE/CT scan; appearance of palpable HM/SM that was not previously present, c)≥50% increase in the absolute number of circulating Lym to ≥5×10^9/L, d)Transformation to a more aggressive histology. Symptomatic deterioration (evident in clinical symptoms but not supported by tumor assessments), in such cases, the determination of clinical progression was based on symptomatic deterioration.
Percentage of Participants With BOR of Stable Disease (SD)
Participants without CR/PR or PD were considered having a tumor response of SD. CR: a) Absence of LD by PE and CT, b) No HM/SM by PE/CT, c) Absence of B symptoms, d) Normal CBC, and e) BM biopsy: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being Lym and LN absent. PR: a) ≥50% decrease in Lym count from baseline, b) ≥50% reduction in LD, c) ≥50% reduction in size of liver/spleen by PE/CT and ≥1 of the following for at least 8 weeks: i. Leuk ≥1.5×10^9/L or 50% improvement over baseline, ii. Plat >100×10^9/L or 50% improvement over baseline and iii. Hb >11.0 g/dL or 50% improvement over baseline without transfusion. PD: a) ≥50% increase in sum of the products of ≥2 lymph nodes compared to their smallest size or appearance of new lymph nodes/extranodal lesions, or b) ≥50% increase in the size of HSM; new appearance of palpable HM/SM, or c) ≥50% increase in the absolute number of circulating Lym to ≥5×10^9/L, or d) Transformation to a more aggressive histology.
Percentage of Participants With Objective Response (CR or PR)
Objective response was defined as a tumor response of CR or PR. CR was achieved if all of the criteria were met for ≥8 weeks: a)Absence of LD by PE and CT scan, b)No HM/SM by PE/CT scan, c)Absence of B symptoms, d)Normal CBC, and e)BM biopsy: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being Lym and LN absent. PR was achieved if all of the criteria were met: a)≥50% decrease in Lymp count from the baseline value, b)≥50% reduction in LD by CT scan, c)≥50% reduction in size of liver/spleen by PE/CT scan and at least 1 of the following for a minimum of 8 weeks: i. Leuk ≥1.5×10^9/L or 50% improvement over baseline, ii. Plat >100×10^9/L or 50% improvement over baseline and iii. Hb >11.0 g/dL or 50% improvement over baseline without transfusion. Participants who fulfilled criteria for CR with persistent anemia/thrombocytopenia were considered PRs.
Percentage of Participant With Disease Progression or Death
PD is considered if 1 of the following criteria is met: a)≥50% increase in sum of the products of ≥2 lymph nodes compared to their smallest size (at least one ≥2 cm in diameter) or appearance of new lymph nodes/extranodal lesions, b)≥50% increase in the size of HSM as determined by PE/CT scan; appearance of palpable HM/SM that was not previously present, c)≥50% increase in the absolute number of circulating Lym to ≥5×10^9/L, d)Transformation to a more aggressive histology. Symptomatic deterioration (evident in clinical symptoms but not supported by tumor assessments), in such cases, the determination of clinical progression was based on symptomatic deterioration.
Progression Free Survival (PFS) Time
PFS was defined as the interval (in days) from trial treatment start date to earlier of the date of first tumor response assessment of PD or date of death by any cause. Participants who experienced none of these events or who were lost to follow-up at the time of analysis were censored on last date when they were assessed for tumor response. PD is considered if 1 of the following criteria is met: a)≥50% increase in sum of products of ≥2 lymph nodes compared to their smallest size (at least one ≥2 cm in diameter) or appearance of new lymph nodes/extranodal lesions, b)≥50% increase in the size of HSM as determined by PE/CT; appearance of palpable HM/SM that was not previously present, c)≥50% increase in the number of circulating Lym to ≥5×10^9/L, d)Transformation to a more aggressive histology. Symptomatic deterioration (evident in clinical symptoms but not supported by tumor assessments), in such cases, the determination of clinical progression was based on symptomatic deterioration.
Disease Free Survival (DFS) Time
DFS time was defined as interval (in days) from first tumor response of CR to date of first tumor response of PD, or date of death by any cause. Participants who experienced none of these events or who were lost to follow-up at the time of analysis were censored on last date when they were assessed for tumor response. CR: a) Absence of LD by PE and CT, b) No HM/SM by PE/CT, c) Absence of B symptoms, d) Normal CBC, and e) BM biopsy: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being Lym and LN absent. PD: a) ≥50% increase in sum of the products of ≥2 lymph nodes compared to their smallest size or appearance of new lymph nodes/extranodal lesions, or b) ≥50% increase in the size of HSM; new appearance of palpable HM/SM, or c) ≥50% increase in the absolute number of circulating Lym to ≥5×10^9/L, or d) Transformation to a more aggressive histology.
Duration of Response (DoR)
DoR: defined as interval (in days) from first tumor response (of CR/PR/nPR) to earlier of date of PD/death. Participants without PD/death or who were lost to follow-up were censored. CR: a)Absence of LD by PE and CT, b)No HM/SM by PE/CT, c)Absence of B symptoms, d)Normal CBC, and e)BM biopsy: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being Lym and LN absent. PR: a)≥50% decrease in Lym count from baseline value, b)≥50% reduction in LD, c)≥50% reduction in size of liver/spleen by PE/CT scan and d)Leuk, Plat and Hb ≥1.5×10^9/L, >100×10^9/L and >11.0 g/dL, respectively or 50% improvement (of all the 3) over baseline value. nPR: participants who satisfied all of CR criteria except for BM, where LN could be identified. PD: a)≥50% increase in sum of the products of ≥2 lymph nodes or appearance of new lymph nodes/extranodal lesions, or b)≥50% increase in size of HSM; new appearance of palpable HM/SM, or c)≥50% increase in number of Lym, or d)Transformation to a more aggressive histology.
Percentage of Participants Who Died
Overall Survival (OS) Time
This was defined as the interval (number of days) from the trial treatment start date to the date of death by any cause. Participants who were alive at the time of the analysis were censored at the date of the last follow-up assessment.
Percentage of Participants Who Achieved Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) Negativity
MRD negativity was defined by the absence of tumor cells in bone marrow, using 4-color flow cytometry. MRD was assessed in participants with a confirmed CR. CR was achieved if all of the following criteria were met for ≥8 weeks: a)Absence of LD by PE and CT scan, b)No HM/SM by PE/CT scan, c)Absence of B symptoms, d)Normal CBC, and e)BM biopsy: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being Lym and LN absent.
Mean Change From Baseline (CFB) in European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) Scores
EORTC QLQ-C30: included global health status (GHS)/quality of life (QOL), functional scales (physical, role, cognitive, emotional, and social), symptom scales (fatigue, pain, nausea/vomiting), and single items (dyspnea, appetite loss, insomnia, constipation, diarrhea, and financial difficulties). Most questions used a 4- point scale (1 'Not at All' to 4 'Very Much'); 2 questions used a 7-point scale (1 'Very Poor' to 7 'Excellent'). Scores were averaged and transformed to 0-100 scale; a higher score for Global Qol/functional scales=better level of QoL/functioning, or a higher score for symptom scale=greater degree of symptoms.
Full Information
1. Study Identification
Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
A Study of MabThera (Rituximab) Plus Chlorambucil in Participants With Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
Official Title
An Open-Label Study to Characterize the Safety and Response Rate of MabThera (Rituximab) Plus Chlorambucil in Previously Untreated Patients With CD20-Positive B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Study Type
2. Study Status
Record Verification Date
March 2016
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
November 2007 (undefined)
Primary Completion Date
April 2012 (Actual)
Study Completion Date
April 2012 (Actual)
3. Sponsor/Collaborators
Responsible Party, by Official Title
Name of the Sponsor
Hoffmann-La Roche
4. Oversight
Data Monitoring Committee
5. Study Description
Brief Summary
This single arm study will assess the safety and effect on response rate of a combination of rituximab and chlorambucil in previously untreated participants with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Participants will receive 6 monthly cycles of combination treatment, followed by up to 6 cycles of chlorambucil alone. Rituximab will be administered on Day 1 of each cycle, at a dose of 375 milligrams per square meter (mg/m^2) intravenously (IV) in Cycle 1, and 500 mg/m^2 in subsequent cycles, and chlorambucil will be administered on Days 1-7 of each cycle at a dose of 10 mg/m^2/day per oral (PO).
6. Conditions and Keywords
Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Lymphocytic Leukemia, Chronic
7. Study Design
Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Phase 2
Interventional Study Model
Single Group Assignment
None (Open Label)
100 (Actual)
8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions
Arm Title
Rituximab plus Chlorambucil
Arm Type
Arm Description
Participants will receive combination therapy of rituximab plus chlorambucil for first 6 cycles and then chlorambucil alone for a maximum of 6 additional cycles.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Other Intervention Name(s)
MabThera, Rituxan
Intervention Description
375mg/m^2 IV on Day 1 of Cycle 1; 500mg/m^2 on Day 1 of Cycles 2-6.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
10 mg/m^2/day PO on Days 1 to 7 of each cycle for a maximum of 12 cycles.
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
Percentage of Participants With Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events (AEs)
An AE was any untoward medical occurrence in a participant who received study drug without regard to possibility of causal relationship. A serious AE (SAE) was an AE resulting in any of the following outcomes or deemed significant for any other reason: death; initial or prolonged inpatient hospitalization; life-threatening experience (immediate risk of dying); persistent or significant disability/incapacity; congenital anomaly. Treatment-emergent are events between first dose of study drug and up to 56 days from the beginning of the last treatment cycle that were absent before treatment or that worsened relative to pretreatment state. AEs included both SAEs as well as non-serious AEs.
Time Frame
First administration of study treatment up to 56 days after the beginning of the last treatment cycle (up to 365 days)
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
Percentage of Participants With Best Overall Response (BOR) of Clinical CR or Confirmed CR
Clinical CR was achieved if all of the following criteria were met: a)Absence of lymphadenopathy (LD) by physical examination (PE) and Computed Tomography (CT) scan (all lymph nodes less than [<] 1.5 centimeters [cm] in diameter), b)No hepatomegaly (HM)/splenomegaly (SM) by PE/CT scan, c)Absence of B symptoms (unexplained fever greater than [>] 38 degrees [°] Centigrade [C], drenching night sweats/>10 percent [%] body weight loss in the last 6 months), d)Normal Complete Blood Count (CBC) (i. Leukocytes (Leuk) greater than or equal to [≥] 1.5×10^9 per liter (/L), ii. Platelets (Plat) >100×10^9/L, and iii. Haemoglobin (Hb) >11.0 grams per deciliter [g/dL]) and e)Once clinical, radiological and laboratory evaluations demonstrated CR, bone marrow (BM) biopsy and aspirate were performed 8 weeks later for confirmation; BM sample: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being lymphocytes (Lym) and lymphoid nodules (LN) absent was considered as a confirmed CR.
Time Frame
Baseline until disease progression or death up to approximately 2.5 years (assessed at Baseline, Cycle 4 Day 1, Day 1 of Cycles 7-12, and thereafter every 3 months up to approximately 2.5 years; cycle length = 28 days)
Percentage of Participants With BOR of Partial Response (PR)
PR was achieved if all of the following criteria were met: a)≥50% decrease in Lym count from the baseline value, b)≥50% reduction in LD by CT scan, c)≥50% reduction in size of liver/spleen by PE/CT scan and at least 1 of the following for a minimum of 8 weeks: i. Leuk ≥1.5×10^9/L or 50% improvement over baseline, ii. Plat >100×10^9/L or 50% improvement over baseline and iii. Hb >11.0 g/dL or 50% improvement over baseline without transfusion. Participants who fulfilled criteria for CR with persistent anemia/thrombocytopenia were considered in PRs. CR was achieved if all of the criteria were fulfilled for ≥8 weeks: a)Absence of LD by PE and CT scan, b)No HM/SM by PE/CT, c)Absence of B symptoms, d)Normal CBC, and e)BM biopsy: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being Lym and LN absent.
Time Frame
Baseline until disease progression or death up to approximately 2.5 years (assessed at Baseline, Cycle 4 Day 1, Day 1 of Cycles 7-12, and thereafter every 3 months up to approximately 2.5 years; cycle length = 28 days)
Percentage of Participants With BOR of Nodular Partial Response (nPR)
CR was achieved if all of the following criteria were met for ≥8 weeks: a)Absence of LD by PE and CT scan, b)No HM/SM by PE/CT scan, c)Absence of B symptoms, d)Normal CBC, and e)BM biopsy: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being Lym and LN absent. Participants with nPR were those who satisfied all of the CR criteria except for the BM, where LN could be identified histologically.
Time Frame
Baseline until disease progression or death up to approximately 2.5 years (assessed at Baseline, Cycle 4 Day 1, Day 1 of Cycles 7-12, and thereafter every 3 months up to approximately 2.5 years; cycle length = 28 days)
Percentage of Participants With BOR of Progressive Disease (PD)
PD is considered if 1 of the following criteria is met: a)≥50% increase in sum of the products of ≥2 lymph nodes compared to their smallest size (at least one ≥2 cm in diameter) or appearance of new lymph nodes/extranodal lesions, b)≥50% increase in the size of hepatosplenomegaly (HSM) as determined by PE/CT scan; appearance of palpable HM/SM that was not previously present, c)≥50% increase in the absolute number of circulating Lym to ≥5×10^9/L, d)Transformation to a more aggressive histology. Symptomatic deterioration (evident in clinical symptoms but not supported by tumor assessments), in such cases, the determination of clinical progression was based on symptomatic deterioration.
Time Frame
Baseline until disease progression or death up to approximately 2.5 years (assessed at Baseline, Cycle 4 Day 1, Day 1 of Cycles 7-12, and thereafter every 3 months up to approximately 2.5 years; cycle length = 28 days)
Percentage of Participants With BOR of Stable Disease (SD)
Participants without CR/PR or PD were considered having a tumor response of SD. CR: a) Absence of LD by PE and CT, b) No HM/SM by PE/CT, c) Absence of B symptoms, d) Normal CBC, and e) BM biopsy: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being Lym and LN absent. PR: a) ≥50% decrease in Lym count from baseline, b) ≥50% reduction in LD, c) ≥50% reduction in size of liver/spleen by PE/CT and ≥1 of the following for at least 8 weeks: i. Leuk ≥1.5×10^9/L or 50% improvement over baseline, ii. Plat >100×10^9/L or 50% improvement over baseline and iii. Hb >11.0 g/dL or 50% improvement over baseline without transfusion. PD: a) ≥50% increase in sum of the products of ≥2 lymph nodes compared to their smallest size or appearance of new lymph nodes/extranodal lesions, or b) ≥50% increase in the size of HSM; new appearance of palpable HM/SM, or c) ≥50% increase in the absolute number of circulating Lym to ≥5×10^9/L, or d) Transformation to a more aggressive histology.
Time Frame
Baseline until disease progression or death up to approximately 2.5 years (assessed at Baseline, Cycle 4 Day 1, Day 1 of Cycles 7-12, and thereafter every 3 months up to approximately 2.5 years; cycle length = 28 days)
Percentage of Participants With Objective Response (CR or PR)
Objective response was defined as a tumor response of CR or PR. CR was achieved if all of the criteria were met for ≥8 weeks: a)Absence of LD by PE and CT scan, b)No HM/SM by PE/CT scan, c)Absence of B symptoms, d)Normal CBC, and e)BM biopsy: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being Lym and LN absent. PR was achieved if all of the criteria were met: a)≥50% decrease in Lymp count from the baseline value, b)≥50% reduction in LD by CT scan, c)≥50% reduction in size of liver/spleen by PE/CT scan and at least 1 of the following for a minimum of 8 weeks: i. Leuk ≥1.5×10^9/L or 50% improvement over baseline, ii. Plat >100×10^9/L or 50% improvement over baseline and iii. Hb >11.0 g/dL or 50% improvement over baseline without transfusion. Participants who fulfilled criteria for CR with persistent anemia/thrombocytopenia were considered PRs.
Time Frame
Baseline until disease progression or death up to approximately 2.5 years (assessed at Baseline, Cycle 4 Day 1, Day 1 of Cycles 7-12, and thereafter every 3 months up to approximately 2.5 years; cycle length = 28 days)
Percentage of Participant With Disease Progression or Death
PD is considered if 1 of the following criteria is met: a)≥50% increase in sum of the products of ≥2 lymph nodes compared to their smallest size (at least one ≥2 cm in diameter) or appearance of new lymph nodes/extranodal lesions, b)≥50% increase in the size of HSM as determined by PE/CT scan; appearance of palpable HM/SM that was not previously present, c)≥50% increase in the absolute number of circulating Lym to ≥5×10^9/L, d)Transformation to a more aggressive histology. Symptomatic deterioration (evident in clinical symptoms but not supported by tumor assessments), in such cases, the determination of clinical progression was based on symptomatic deterioration.
Time Frame
Baseline until disease progression or death up to approximately 2.5 years (assessed at Baseline, Cycle 4 Day 1, Day 1 of Cycles 7-12, and thereafter every 3 months up to approximately 2.5 years; cycle length = 28 days)
Progression Free Survival (PFS) Time
PFS was defined as the interval (in days) from trial treatment start date to earlier of the date of first tumor response assessment of PD or date of death by any cause. Participants who experienced none of these events or who were lost to follow-up at the time of analysis were censored on last date when they were assessed for tumor response. PD is considered if 1 of the following criteria is met: a)≥50% increase in sum of products of ≥2 lymph nodes compared to their smallest size (at least one ≥2 cm in diameter) or appearance of new lymph nodes/extranodal lesions, b)≥50% increase in the size of HSM as determined by PE/CT; appearance of palpable HM/SM that was not previously present, c)≥50% increase in the number of circulating Lym to ≥5×10^9/L, d)Transformation to a more aggressive histology. Symptomatic deterioration (evident in clinical symptoms but not supported by tumor assessments), in such cases, the determination of clinical progression was based on symptomatic deterioration.
Time Frame
Baseline until disease progression or death up to approximately 2.5 years (assessed at Baseline, Cycle 4 Day 1, Day 1 of Cycles 7-12, and thereafter every 3 months up to approximately 2.5 years; cycle length = 28 days)
Disease Free Survival (DFS) Time
DFS time was defined as interval (in days) from first tumor response of CR to date of first tumor response of PD, or date of death by any cause. Participants who experienced none of these events or who were lost to follow-up at the time of analysis were censored on last date when they were assessed for tumor response. CR: a) Absence of LD by PE and CT, b) No HM/SM by PE/CT, c) Absence of B symptoms, d) Normal CBC, and e) BM biopsy: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being Lym and LN absent. PD: a) ≥50% increase in sum of the products of ≥2 lymph nodes compared to their smallest size or appearance of new lymph nodes/extranodal lesions, or b) ≥50% increase in the size of HSM; new appearance of palpable HM/SM, or c) ≥50% increase in the absolute number of circulating Lym to ≥5×10^9/L, or d) Transformation to a more aggressive histology.
Time Frame
Baseline until disease progression or death up to approximately 2.5 years (assessed at Baseline, Cycle 4 Day 1, Day 1 of Cycles 7-12, and thereafter every 3 months up to approximately 2.5 years; cycle length = 28 days)
Duration of Response (DoR)
DoR: defined as interval (in days) from first tumor response (of CR/PR/nPR) to earlier of date of PD/death. Participants without PD/death or who were lost to follow-up were censored. CR: a)Absence of LD by PE and CT, b)No HM/SM by PE/CT, c)Absence of B symptoms, d)Normal CBC, and e)BM biopsy: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being Lym and LN absent. PR: a)≥50% decrease in Lym count from baseline value, b)≥50% reduction in LD, c)≥50% reduction in size of liver/spleen by PE/CT scan and d)Leuk, Plat and Hb ≥1.5×10^9/L, >100×10^9/L and >11.0 g/dL, respectively or 50% improvement (of all the 3) over baseline value. nPR: participants who satisfied all of CR criteria except for BM, where LN could be identified. PD: a)≥50% increase in sum of the products of ≥2 lymph nodes or appearance of new lymph nodes/extranodal lesions, or b)≥50% increase in size of HSM; new appearance of palpable HM/SM, or c)≥50% increase in number of Lym, or d)Transformation to a more aggressive histology.
Time Frame
Baseline until disease progression or death up to approximately 2.5 years (assessed at Baseline, Cycle 4 Day 1, Day 1 of Cycles 7-12, and thereafter every 3 months up to approximately 2.5 years; cycle length = 28 days)
Percentage of Participants Who Died
Time Frame
Baseline until disease progression or death up to approximately 2.5 years (assessed at Baseline, Cycle 4 Day 1, Day 1 of Cycles 7-12, and thereafter every 3 months up to approximately 2.5 years; cycle length = 28 days)
Overall Survival (OS) Time
This was defined as the interval (number of days) from the trial treatment start date to the date of death by any cause. Participants who were alive at the time of the analysis were censored at the date of the last follow-up assessment.
Time Frame
Baseline until disease progression or death up to approximately 2.5 years (assessed at Baseline, Cycle 4 Day 1, Day 1 of Cycles 7-12, and thereafter every 3 months up to approximately 2.5 years; cycle length = 28 days)
Percentage of Participants Who Achieved Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) Negativity
MRD negativity was defined by the absence of tumor cells in bone marrow, using 4-color flow cytometry. MRD was assessed in participants with a confirmed CR. CR was achieved if all of the following criteria were met for ≥8 weeks: a)Absence of LD by PE and CT scan, b)No HM/SM by PE/CT scan, c)Absence of B symptoms, d)Normal CBC, and e)BM biopsy: normocellular for age, <30% of the cells being Lym and LN absent.
Time Frame
Baseline until disease progression or death up to approximately 2.5 years (assessed at Baseline, Cycle 4 Day 1, Day 1 of Cycles 7-12, and thereafter every 3 months up to approximately 2.5 years; cycle length = 28 days)
Mean Change From Baseline (CFB) in European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) Scores
EORTC QLQ-C30: included global health status (GHS)/quality of life (QOL), functional scales (physical, role, cognitive, emotional, and social), symptom scales (fatigue, pain, nausea/vomiting), and single items (dyspnea, appetite loss, insomnia, constipation, diarrhea, and financial difficulties). Most questions used a 4- point scale (1 'Not at All' to 4 'Very Much'); 2 questions used a 7-point scale (1 'Very Poor' to 7 'Excellent'). Scores were averaged and transformed to 0-100 scale; a higher score for Global Qol/functional scales=better level of QoL/functioning, or a higher score for symptom scale=greater degree of symptoms.
Time Frame
Baseline, Day 1 of Cycles 5 and 11, end of follow-up (FU) (24 month [m] FU visit, up to approximately 3 years)
10. Eligibility
Minimum Age & Unit of Time
18 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
previously untreated participants with cluster of differentiation 20 (CD20) positive B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia;
participants with progressive Binet stage B, or C requiring therapy according to National Cancer Institute (NCI) criteria;
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status <=2.
Exclusion Criteria:
previous treatment for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL);
known concomitant hematological malignancy;
transformation to aggressive B-cell malignancy;
history of severe cardiac disease;
known hypersensitivity or anaphylactic reactions to murine antibodies.
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Clinical Trials
Organizational Affiliation
Hoffmann-La Roche
Official's Role
Study Director
Facility Information:
ZIP/Postal Code
B9 5SS
United Kingdom
ZIP/Postal Code
United Kingdom
ZIP/Postal Code
United Kingdom
ZIP/Postal Code
United Kingdom
ZIP/Postal Code
HU16 5JQ
United Kingdom
ZIP/Postal Code
United Kingdom
ZIP/Postal Code
United Kingdom
ZIP/Postal Code
L7 8XP
United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
ZIP/Postal Code
United Kingdom
ZIP/Postal Code
United Kingdom
ZIP/Postal Code
United Kingdom
12. IPD Sharing Statement
Plan to Share IPD
PubMed Identifier
Hillmen P, Gribben JG, Follows GA, Milligan D, Sayala HA, Moreton P, Oscier DG, Dearden CE, Kennedy DB, Pettitt AR, Nathwani A, Varghese A, Cohen D, Rawstron A, Oertel S, Pocock CF. Rituximab plus chlorambucil as first-line treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Final analysis of an open-label phase II study. J Clin Oncol. 2014 Apr 20;32(12):1236-41. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2013.49.6547. Epub 2014 Mar 17.
Results Reference
Learn more about this trial
A Study of MabThera (Rituximab) Plus Chlorambucil in Participants With Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
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