Voucher-Based Incentives in a Prevention Setting (VIPS)
Substance-related Disorders
About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for Substance-related Disorders focused on measuring Drug Abuse, Contingency management, Voucher-based Reinforcement Therapy, Homosexuality, Homeless Persons
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Self-identified, non-treatment seeking, men who have sex with men (MSM) at least 18 years of age and eligible to participate in the VNPD Men's Program. To be eligible to participate in the VNPD Men's Program, a person must report that they have sex with men (or men and women) and actively use drugs or alcohol.
- DSM-IV diagnosis of substance dependence as determined by structured clinical interview for DSM-IV (SCID) on at least one of the following substances: alcohol, marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, crack, MDMA (ecstasy), opiates, or dissociative anesthetics (PCP, ketamine). These substances were chosen because they are the ones commonly used by individuals contacted by the VNPD's street outreach workers.
- Ability to understand and provide written informed consent. Also see section D6.1 for consent procedures used with vulnerable populations.
- Able to provide sufficient locator information for follow-up and/or known to VNPD outreach workers.
Exclusion Criteria: Psychiatric health issues requiring a higher level of care.
Sites / Locations
- Friends Community Center
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Contingency Management
Control condition receiving minimal incentives for service program attendance and participation.
Contingency management (Voucher-Based Reinforcement Therapy) intervention providing positive reinforcement for service program participation and attendance, enactment of prosocial/health behavior, and/or clean urine samples (i.e., no illicit drug use) and clean breathalyzer tests (i.e., BA < 0.05).