Brief Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia in Military Veterans: Phase 2 (BBTIMVII) (BBTIMVII)
Chronic Insomnia

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Chronic Insomnia focused on measuring Chronic Insomnia lasting more than 1 month
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Age is 18 years old and older
- Military returnees from OIF/OEF
Meet diagnostic criteria for chronic insomnia as defined by:
a. Complaint of sleep latency >30 minutes, or wake time after sleep onset >30 minutes, or Sleep Efficiency <85%, or a complaint of non-restorative sleep
- Frequency of insomnia complaint >3 times per week;
- Duration of insomnia complaint >1 month
- Associated with at least one daytime consequences
- If using sleep medications, medication and dosage have not been changed in the past month, and will remain unchanged for the duration of the acute treatment phase of the study (i.e., 4 weeks)
- If using other psychotropic medications, medication and dosage have not been changed in the past 2 months, and will remain unchanged for the duration of the acute treatment phase of the study (i.e., 4 weeks)
Exclusion Criteria:
- Active duty personnel, or reservists/national guards scheduled to re-deploy if their departure date is < 2 months from the consent date
- Untreated, current, and severe PTSD as determined on the SCID.
- Untreated, current, and severe Major Depressive Disorder as determined by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV and a score > 30 on the Beck Depression Inventory
- Psychotic or bipolar disorder
- Current substance or alcohol use disorder as determined by the SCID or by positive drug toxicology results
- Unstable medical condition
- Hospitalization in the previous 2 weeks for a medical condition or surgery for which recovery overlaps with the study onset and duration
- Seizure disorder or open skull brain injury.
- Current sleep disorders such as nightmare disorder, restless legs syndrome, or suspected sleep disorder requiring polysomnographic assessment, such as obstructive sleep apnea or periodic leg movements.
- Sleep apnea revealed during the screening sleep study.
- Pregnancy.
Sites / Locations
- Western Psychiatric Institute & Clinic
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Breif Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia
Information Control
Effective behavioral insomnia treatments are typically delivered over an 8-week period. This format may not be easily exportable to primary and community care settings where military returnees and veterans seek help. The goal here is to test the effects of a 4-week behavioral treatment that targets chronic insomnia (lasting >1 month) in service members returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), and who present with the typical psychiatric comorbidities associated of combat-related anxiety and mood disorders and stress reactions.
This arm of the study does not receive the Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia. This arm will act as the control arm.