Adolescent Family-Based Alcohol Prevention
Alcohol Abuse, Drug Abuse
About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for Alcohol Abuse focused on measuring Adolescent alcohol and other drug use, Choice, Family-based, Prevention
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Families who were members of one of four Kaiser Permanente medical centers in Northern California (Oakland, Vallejo, San Francisco, and Walnut Creek) at the time the sample was drawn who had an 11-12 year old child.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Child in alcohol or drug treatment,
- Did not speak English fluently,
- parents or adolescents with mental disorders which would hamper their ability to participate effectively or would cause them to be disruptive to the group process or for whom the comprehension of the reading material in Family Matters would be a problem.
Sites / Locations
- Prevention Research Center
- Kaiser Permanente Division of Research
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Arm 5
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
No Intervention
Active Comparator
Choice SFP
RCT Control
Choice FM
Random control trial- Family Matters. Half the families were assigned to the RCT condition, in which they were assigned to one of two prevention programs or to a control group. This arm was assigned to Family Matters program.
Half the families were assigned to the choice condition in which they can choose between two prevention programs. This arm chose the Strengthening Families Program (SFP).
Random control trial- Strengthening Families Program. Half the families were assigned to the RCT condition, in which they were assigned to one of two prevention programs or to a control group. This arm was assigned to Strengthening Families Program.
Random control trial- Control Group. Half the families were assigned to the RCT condition, in which they were assigned to one of two prevention programs or to a control group. This arm was assigned to the control group and received no prevention program. However, this group and all groups received an informational pamphlet about youth alcohol and other drug use.
Half the families were assigned to the choice condition in which they can choose between two prevention programs. This arm chose the Family Matters (FM) program.