Primary Operation in SYnchronous meTastasized InVasivE Breast Cancer (POSYTIVE)
Synchronous Metastasized Breast Cancer, Circulating Tumor Cells

About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for Synchronous Metastasized Breast Cancer focused on measuring breast cancer, ABCSG, POSYTIVE, growth factor, median survival, surgery on demand, surgical therapy, blood specimen, tissue specimen, VEGF, TGF, circulating tumor cells, stem cells
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patients age ≥ 18 years
- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status is 0 -2
- Untreated synchronous metastasized invasive carcinoma of the breast with the primary tumor in situ (bilateral synchronous metastasized breast cancer patients are eligible)
- The primary tumor must be identified and may be any size, however, primary resection with resection free margins must be possible
- Invasive adenocarcinoma of the breast on histological examination
- The metastatic site must be identified by radiological assessment(Computer Tomography of the chest and the abdomen OR ultrasound and chest x ray for visceral metastases; bone scan AND/OR computer tomography AND/OR magnetic resonance for bone metastases). A biopsy is not necessary.
- Written informed consent must be obtained and documented prior to beginning any protocol specific procedures and according to local regulatory requirements
- able to comply with the protocol requirements during the treatment and follow-up period.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients in whom a R0 resection (microscopic free margins) is clinically questionable
- Inflammatory cancer
- Patients with a brain metastasis
- Patients who are not eligible for general anesthesia and operations
- Patients without metastatic breast cancer (patients with a tumor marker value (CEA, CA15-3) above normal levels without the radiological proven evidence of metastases are not eligible for the study)
- Patients with a second untreated malignancy
- Any previous malignancy treated with curative intent and the patient has not been disease-free for 5 years - exceptions are: (a)carcinoma in situ of the cervix, (b)squamous carcinoma of the skin, (c)basal cell carcinoma of the skin
- Patients with any recurrent cancer disease
- Pregnant or lactating women
- Patients are not allowed to be part of another local therapy trial
Sites / Locations
- Hospital Guessing
- Hospital Oberpullendorf
- Ordination Dr. Wette
- Gynaegological Medical University Graz
- Medical University Graz, Oncology
- Medical University of Innsbruck
- Ordensklinikum Linz GmbH - BHS Linz, Coop. Study Group
- Ordensklinikum Linz GmbH - Elisabethinen Linz
- General Hospital Linz
- Klinikum Wels-Grieskirchen GmbH
- State Hospital Feldkirch
- Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg-Oncology, Coop. Group
- Medical University of Vienna-General Hospital Vienna
- Medical University of Vienna
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
A: Surgical Therapy
B: Surgery on Demand
Local therapy consists of lumpectomy or mastectomy with or without radiotherapy (according to center tumor board decision) with a resection free margin of at least 1 mm or more demonstrated on paraffin embedded histological sections. Intraoperative frozen sections are allowed but not definitive for margin assessment. Sentinel node biopsy may be performed and has always to be followed by axillary dissection of level I and II (axillary surgery level I and II is mandatory).
In Arm B (no local therapy) it may be necessary to perform local therapy on demand (surgery, radiotherapy). Reasons may be uncontrolled bleeding or infected exulcerations with a septic component and no treatment benefit from conservative therapy. This will be considered as protocol deviation. However, the patient's follow up is recorded and data are available for analyses as intention to treat.