Automatic Versus Evaluative Components of Cue Reactivity
Drug Dependence
About this trial
This is an observational trial for Drug Dependence focused on measuring Nicotine, Cocaine, N-Back, Craving, Dependence
Eligibility Criteria
Regular smoking of greater than or equal to 20 cigarettes other than ultra-low nicotine cigarettes per day for at least two years. Experienced withdrawal signs after not smoking for several hours. Score on the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence greater than or equal to 3.
No intention to quit or reduce tobacco use, and no treatment for tobacco dependence currently or during the previous 3 months.
No history of abuse of or dependence to any other drug.
Age at least 18 and not older than 50 years.
Smoked less than 5 cigarettes during lifetime
No history of abuse of or dependence to any drug, including alcohol.
Age at least 18 and not older than 50 years.
Cocaine abusers:
Reported regular crack-cocaine use for at least six months. Meeting DSM-IV criteria for cocaine dependence.
No intention to quit or reduce cocaine use, and no treatment for cocaine dependence currently or during the previous 3 months.
No dependence on any other drug except nicotine. Recreational use of other drugs of abuse without meeting dependence criteria is not an exclusion criterion.
Age at least 18 and not older than 50 years.
No history of dependence on any drug except nicotine.
Age at least 18 and not older than 50 years.
EXCLUSION CRITERIA: All subject groups
Female subjects: pregnancy (a urine pregnancy test will be performed before each MRI experimental session).
Presence of metal objects in the body (e.g. some artificial joints, bone pins, surgical clips, skull plate, dental braces) or implanted electronic devices (e.g. cardiac pacemaker, neurostimulator)
For experiments involving MRI, left-handed or ambidextrous as determined by the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory.
Cardiovascular or cerebrovascular diseases.
Major psychiatric disorders including mood, anxiety or psychotic disorders.
History of or current neurological illnesses including seizure disorders, migraine, multiple sclerosis, movement disorders, head trauma, CVA or CNS tumor. Gross structural brain abnormalities as revealed by T1 weighted images. Use of medication that may affect the CNS at the time of scanning (e.g. b-blocker or analgesics).
Learning disability, amnesia or other conditions that impede memory and attention. IQ less than 85.
Sites / Locations
- National Institute on Drug Abuse, Biomedical Research Center (BRC)