Safety of and Immune Response to an Investigational HIV-1 Vaccine With or Without Interleukin-12 (IL-12) in HIV-1 Infected Adults
HIV Infections
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for HIV Infections focused on measuring Interleukin-12, Electroporation, HIV Therapeutic Vaccine
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- HIV-1 infected
- Stable antiretroviral therapy (ART) for a minimum of 6 consecutive months prior to study entry and intention to remain on stable ART until study completion
- CD4 T-cell count greater than or equal to 500 cells/mm3 (within 30 days prior to study entry)
- At least two measurements of HIV-1 RNA levels less than or equal to 200 copies/mL (first measurement must be performed at least 6 months prior to study entry and second measurement must be performed between 6 months prior to study entry and at least 30 days prior to study entry)
- Screening HIV-1 RNA less than 50 copies/mL (within 30 days prior to study entry)
- Hepatitis B surface antigen negative (within 30 days prior to study entry)
- Hepatitis C antibody negative or, if hepatitis C antibody positive, hepatitis C virus RNA negative (within 30 days prior to study entry)
- Certain laboratory values obtained within 30 days prior to study entry; more information can be found in the protocol
- Females of reproductive potential must have a negative urine pregnancy test within 3 days prior to study entry
All study participants participating in sexual activity that could lead to pregnancy must agree to use at least one of the following forms of birth control for at least 21 days prior to study entry until the final study visit:
- Condoms (male or female) with or without a spermicidal agent
- Diaphragm or cervical cap with spermicide
- Intrauterine device (IUD)
- Hormone-based contraceptive
- Females who are not of reproductive potential are eligible without requiring the use of a contraceptive
- Ability and willingness of subject to provide written informed consent
- Collection of a pre-entry PBMC specimen for immunologic assays and entered into the Laboratory Data Management System (LDMS)
Exclusion Criteria:
- Confirmed (defined as two consecutive values) CD4 T-cell count less than 200 cells/mm3 at any time or any history or subject recollection of CD4 T-cell count less than 200 cells/mm3 prior to screening
- Any active malignancy that may require chemotherapy or radiation therapy
- Bleeding diathesis or condition associated with prolonged bleeding time that would contraindicate IM injection
- A skin-fold measurement of the cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue for eligible injection sites (on the medial deltoid muscles) that exceeds 40 mm
- Use of immunomodulatory, cytokine, or growth stimulating factors such as systemic corticosteroids, cyclosporine, methotrexate, azathioprine, anti-CD25 antibody, granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), chondrocyte colony-stimulating factor (C-CSF), IFN, or interleukin-2 (IL-2) (within 30 days prior to study entry)
- Pregnancy or breastfeeding
- Use of any prior HIV vaccine (prophylactic and/or therapeutic) within 1 year before study entry
- Use of any investigational treatment within 6 months before study entry
- Use of any licensed or experimental non-HIV vaccination (e.g., hepatitis B, influenza, pneumococcal polysaccharide) within 4 weeks prior to study entry
- Use of any infusion blood product or immune globulin within 3 months prior to study entry
- Known or suspected hypersensitivity to any vaccine component, including hypersensitivity to amide-type local anesthetics, such as lidocaine (Xylocaine), mepivacaine (Polocaine/Carbocaine), etidocaine (Duranest), bupivacaine (Marcaine), or prilocaine
- Active drug or alcohol use or dependence that, in the opinion of the site investigator, would interfere with adherence to study requirements
- Serious illness requiring systemic treatment and/or hospitalization within 7 days prior to study entry
- Current use of any electronic stimulation device, such as cardiac demand pacemakers, automatic implantable cardiac defibrillators, nerve stimulators, or deep brain stimulators
- History of cardiac arrhythmia or palpitations (e.g., supraventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, frequent ectopy, or sinus bradycardia [i.e., <50 beats per minute on exam]) prior to study entry (NOTE: Sinus arrhythmia is not excluded)
- History of syncope or fainting episode within 1 year of study entry
- Seizure disorder or any history of prior seizure
- Extensive tattoos covering the site of administration (upper left and right medial deltoid muscles)
- Presence of any surgical or traumatic metal implants at the site of administration (medial deltoid muscles)
- Any chronic inflammatory disease (e.g., ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease)
Sites / Locations
- Stanford AIDS Clinical Trials Unit CRS
- Ucsf Hiv/Aids Crs
- University of Colorado Hospital CRS
- Massachusetts General Hospital Clinical Research Site (MGH CRS) CRS
- Brigham and Women's Hospital Therapeutics Clinical Research Site (BWH TCRS) CRS
- Washington University Therapeutics (WT) CRS
- Trillium Health ACTG CRS
- Univ. of Rochester ACTG CRS
- Cincinnati CRS
- Penn Therapeutics Crs
- University of Pittsburgh CRS
- Houston AIDS Research Team CRS
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Arm 5
Arm 6
Arm 7
Arm 8
Arm 9
Arm 10
Placebo Comparator
Placebo Comparator
Placebo Comparator
Placebo Comparator
Placebo Comparator
Cohort 1: Vaccine alone IM/EP
Cohort 1: Placebo
Cohort 2: Vaccine plus IL-12 IM/EP
Cohort 2: Placebo
Cohort 3: Vaccine plus IL-12 IM/EP
Cohort 3: Placebo
Cohort 4: Vaccine plus IL-12 IM/EP
Cohort 4: Placebo
Cohort 5: Vaccine plus IL-12 IM
Cohort 5: Placebo
Placebo given as an injection in each upper arm
HIV MAG pDNA plus 50 mcg of IL-12 pDNA IM/EP
Placebo given as an injection in each upper arm
HIV MAG pDNA plus 250 mcg of IL-12 pDNA IM/EP
Placebo given as an injection in each upper arm
HIV MAG pDNA plus 1,000 mcg of IL-12 pDNA IM/EP
Placebo given as an injection in each upper arm
HIV MAG pDNA plus 1,000 mcg (or highest dose reached) IL-12 pDNA IM
Placebo given as an injection in each upper arm