Identification of New Serum Markers for Detection of Abuse With Erythropoietin
Substance Abuse Problem
About this trial
This is an interventional basic science trial for Substance Abuse Problem focused on measuring EPO, Proteomics, Carbohydrate metabolism, Fat metabolism, Protein metabolism
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- healthy men
- age 18-35
- untrained
- BMI: 20-25
Exclusion Criteria:
- smokers
- chronic diseases
- malignancy (former or present)
- alcohol, drug or EPO abuse
Sites / Locations
- Aarhus University Hospital
- Department of Endocrinology, Research Laboratories
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Placebo Comparator
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
No training + placebo
No training + EPO
Training + placebo
Training + EPO
10 young men being investigated with 10 weeks apart. The will receive placebo injections twice a week. Blood samples, blood pressures as well as VO2-max tests will be obtained during the 10 weeks.
10 young men being investigated with 10 weeks apart. During the 10 weeks participants will receive EPO injections twice a week. Blood samples, blood pressures as well as VO2-mas tests will be obtained during the 10 weeks.
10 young men will be trained for 10 weeks and investigated before and after. They will receive placebo injections twice a week. Blood samples, blood pressures as well as VO2-max tests will be obtained during the 10 weeks.
10 young men will be investigated with 10 weeks apart. During the ten weeks they will train 3 times a week and receive EPO injections twice a week. Blood samples, blood pressures as well as VO2-max tests will be obtained during the 10 weeks.