Comparison of Adaptive Dose Painting by Numbers With Standard Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer. (C-ART-2)
Primary Non-operated Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Oral Cavity, Primary Non-operated Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Oropharynx, Primary Non-operated Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Hypopharynx

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Primary Non-operated Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Oral Cavity
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Histologically confirmed squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx or larynx
- Primary unresectable tumor and/or patients that refused surgery
- Stages T1-4; T3-4 N0 or T(any) N1-3 for glottic cancer
- Multidisciplinary decision of curative radiotherapy or radiochemotherapy
- Karnofsky performance status >= 70 %
- Age >= 18 years old
- Informed consent obtained, signed and dated before specific protocol procedures
Exclusion Criteria:
- High risk Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
- Treatment combined with brachytherapy
- Prior irradiation to the head and neck region
- History of prior malignancies, except for cured non-melanoma skin cancer, curatively treated in-situ carcinoma of the cervix or other cancer curatively treated and with no evidence of disease for at least 5 years.
- Distant metastases
- Pregnant or lactating women
- Creatinine clearance (Cockcroft-Gault) =< 60 mL/min
- Mental condition rendering the patient unable to understand the nature, scope and possible consequences of the study
- Patient unlikely to comply with protocol, i.e. uncooperative attitude, inability to return for follow-up visits, and unlikely to complete the study.
Sites / Locations
- Department of Radiotherapy, University Hospital Ghent
- Clinique & Materinité Sainte Elisabeth
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
adaptive DPBN
standard IMRT
This patient group will be treated by adaptive dose-painting-by-numbers, while patients in the control arm will receive standard treatment. Patients will have a 50 % chance of being allocated to the experimental arm and a 50 % chance of being allocated to the control arm.
This patient group will be treated by standard intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), while patients in the experimental arm will receive adaptive dose-painting-by-numbers. Patients will have a 50 % chance of being allocated to the experimental arm and a 50 % chance of being allocated to the control arm.