Text Messaging Intervention to Improve ART Adherence Among HIV-positive Youth (TXTXT)
Patient Adherence, HIV
About this trial
This is an interventional supportive care trial for Patient Adherence focused on measuring Patient Adherence, HIV
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Diagnosed with HIV infection (perinatally, transfusion, or behaviorally acquired; documented by medical record review or verification from referring professional)
- Have cell phone access
- Report regular use of text messaging technology
- 16 to 29 years old
- English-speaking
- On an ART regimen for at least one month at the time of enrollment (i.e., not new to ART) with poor adherence to their antiretroviral regimen. For the purposes of this study, poor adherence will be defined at screening by one or more of the following: a) per the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) screening questionnaire, participant reports missing at least one dose in the last week or b) reports missing more than 3 medication doses in the last month.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Do not report regular follow-up with their physician (at least every 3 months)
- Pregnant and on ART only due to pregnancy (i.e., will no longer be prescribed ART after delivery)
- Unable to provide assent or consent.
Sites / Locations
- Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Standard of care only
The SOC for ART adherence consists of viewing a 20-minute animated tutorial which explains the importance of adherence to antiretroviral medication. It is specifically designed for viewers who have no science background and is appropriate for adolescents and young adults.
This study will test a tailored, personalized SMS Text Message Reminder intervention to improve adherence to ART among non-adherent YLH. Participants will use their own cell phones for receipt of the intervention. Participants will have the option to choose a tailored personalized message that may be changed as requested throughout the study period (six months). Taking advantage of the Intelecare technology, participants will be asked to send a text message response indicating that that have successfully (or not) taken their meds per schedule. No identifying patient information will be included in the SMS text to protect patient confidentiality.