Intervention to Retain HIV-positive Patients in Medical Care (Phase II)
Primary Care Appointment Keeping
About this trial
This is an interventional health services research trial for Primary Care Appointment Keeping focused on measuring Human immunodeficiency virus, HIV primary care
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Patients must meet ONE of the following three clinic attendance criteria:
- Intake visit or 1st or 2nd HIV primary care visit at the clinic
- At least one no-show for an HIV primary care appointment in the prior 12 months (includes patients who may not have had a full 12-month history at the clinic)
- Not seen for HIV primary care at least once in each of two consecutive 6-month periods (among patients who have been seen at the clinic for at least 12 months)
In addition, patients must meet ALL of the following personal criteria:
- 18 year of age or older (at least 19 years of age in Alabama)
- An HIV-positive patient receiving care at the clinic
- Able to speak English or Spanish
- No plans to move out of the area in the next 12 months
- Able to provide informed consent
Exclusion Criteria:
- Failure to meet one of the three attendance criteria or failure to meet all of the personal criteria.
Sites / Locations
- 1917 Clinic of the University of Alabama-Birmingham
- Adult HIV Clinic of the Jackson Health System
- Moore Clinic of the Johns Hopkins University Medical Institutions
- Boston University Medical Center, HIV Clinic
- SUNY Downstate Medical Center, STAR Health Center
- Baylor College of Medicine-Thomas Street Health Center
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Active Comparator
Enhanced contact only
Enhanced contact plus behavioral skills
Standard of Care
Patients allocated to the Enhanced contact only arm will receive: HIV information and education Specific to importance of coming to care regularly Generic and tailored components Approximately 10 minutes in length Enhanced contact over time Collect locator information Follow-up contact after medical visit (face-to-face or phone) Appointment reminders (telephone, e-mail, text message) Periodic telephone contact across time (support, update locator info, refer any unmet needs to Case Manager) Attempt to make immediate contact following a missed visit and re-schedule appointment (use locator contact info)
Enhanced contact plus behavioral skills is the longer experimental intervention arm.
Patients assigned to control arm will receive the standard services offered to all patients at the clinic.