Cardiovascular Health/Outcomes: Improvements Created by Exercise and Education in SCI (CHOICES) (CHOICES)
Spinal Cord Injury

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Spinal Cord Injury focused on measuring Intervention, Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training, Arm Cycle Ergometry Training, carotid-to-femoral pulse wave velocity
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- 18-60 years of age
- Motor-complete SCI (AIS A or B)
- Severe SCI (C4-T6)
- Individuals must be competent to give informed consent.
cfPWV above median for age:
- < 30 years = 6.1 m/s
- 30-39 years = 6.4 m/s
- 40-49 years = 6.9 m/s
- 50-59 years = 8.1 m/s
- ≥ 60 years = 9.7 m/s
Exclusion Criteria:
- History and/or symptoms of CVD or cardiopulmonary problems/disease.
- Major trauma or surgery within the last 6 months.
- Active Stage 3 or 4 pressure ulcer (based on the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel classification)
- Recent (within 1 year) history of lower-extremity or non-union fracture
- Any unstable medical/psychiatric condition or substance abuse disorder that is likely to affect their ability to complete this study.
- Individuals with active medical issues such as pressure sores, urinary tract infections, hypertension, or heart disorders.
- Any cognitive dysfunction or language barrier that would prevent subjects from following English instructions.
- Subjects may be excluded at the discretion of the principal investigator due to other, unforeseen, safety issues.
- Weighing >135 kg (absolute weight capacity of the body weight-supported treadmill).
Sites / Locations
- International Collaboration On Repair Discoveries
- McMaster University
- Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training
Arm Cycle Ergometry Training
BWSTT protocol will consist of training of individuals with complete SCI on a treadmill with a body weight support system. BWSTT is assisted by three individuals who participate in training. One trainer provides support at the hip, and one trainer at each leg. The participant will be fitted with a harness while seated in their wheelchair and then wheeled up a ramp to the treadmill. Cables attached to the harness will be used to hoist the participant into a standing position. Appropriate body weight support will be set according to the suggested Hocoma locomotor training protocol, in which weight is added until the participant is in dynamic support as indicated by the dynamic gauge on the treadmill. Dynamic support is usually indicated at the weight where participants do not have knee-buckling during a static standing position; however, this may not be observed in all severe, motor-complete SCI participants.
Arm Cycle Ergometry Training ACET will be performed on an arm-cycle ergometer against individually determined levels of resistance. Upright hand cuffs will be used so that the hand will be placed with the thumb pointing downward, and the ergometer will be positioned so that the arm never exceeded the height of the shoulder. The end objective is for the individual to complete 30-minutes of exercise in 2, 15-minute bouts. For safety reasons, stop criteria for individual sessions will be set and participants will have a rest period of 5 minutes and afterwards asked if they want to stop exercise, or resume the session.