Foot Manipulation for Pregnancy Related Pelvic Girdle Pain (PPGP)
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Pregnancy focused on measuring Osteopathic manipulation, Exercise therapy, Pregnancy pelvic girdle pain
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Women with suspected PPGP were referred by midwifes or physicians or contacted the physiotherapists directly.
Inclusion criteria:
- Swedish-speaking women in gestational weeks 12-31
- Pregnancy Related Pelvic Girdle Pain (PPGP) determined by provocation tests (4P test, posterior pelvic pain provocation test; Patrick's test, ASLR (active straight leg raise test), modified Trendelenburg test and pain on palpation of symphysis pubis
Exclusion Criteria:
Women with:
- twin pregnancies
- lumbar pain
- rheumatic or other serious disease
- non-Swedish-speaking woman
- those who had had experinced foot manipulation earlier
Sites / Locations
- Närhälsan Tibro Rehabmottagningen, Centrumgatan 11-17
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Sham Comparator
Foot manipulation
Sham foot manipulation
Asymmetry of the feet was treated by thrusting of the cuboid bone and the subtalar joint was treated with gapping thrust. Mobilisation of the distal tibia-fibula was repeated 10 times. Home training programs in order to maintain the mobility in the joints were given with morning exercises. Four types of exercises were recommended: 1) Foot training with pro-and supination of the feet from dorsal to plantar flexion. 2)"Caterpillar walk". 3) Training the take off of the great toes along a normal walking line and 4) Mobility of lateral malleoli and the talo-crural joint by dorsal flexion of feet while bending the knees.
Sham manipulation included downsizing (a massage technique) the section underneath the heel from back forwards with four grips and palpation of the five metatarsal bones with the patient in the supine position on a psoas pillow. Further, light pressure on the Achilles tendon, with the patient standing against a wall with the feet 40 cm off the wall with bent knees on order to simulate the tibio-fibular mobilisation. Home exercises in the mornings to be repeated 8 times.