Juvenile Offender HIV Prevention and Drug Abuse Services (Day Treatment)
Risk Behavior, Substance Abuse, Delinquency
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Risk Behavior focused on measuring Delinquency, HIV Associated Risk Behavior, Juveniles, Family based treatment, Multidimensional Family Therapy
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Between the ages of 13 and 18
- Committed to a juvenile justice day treatment program
- Meet criteria for substance use disorder on the DISC Predictive Scales
- Any self-reported sexual activity within the past 6 months
- At least one parent figure willing to participate in intervention and assessments
Exclusion Criteria:
- Mental retardation or pervasive developmental disorders
- Psychotic features
- Current suicidality defined as Ideation + Plan + High intention to carry out plan
Sites / Locations
- University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Day Treatment MDFT-HIV
Day Treatment SAU
Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT)is an integrative treatment approach that has blended family therapy, individual therapy, drug counseling, and multiple systems oriented intervention approaches (Liddle 1999). DT-MDFT-HIV includes a state-of-the-art family-based HIV prevention component into the core MDFT intervention specifically targeting high-risk sexual behavior in clinical sample teens.
The DT-Services as Usual (SAU) condition is primarily a peer group-based and individual approach that uses cognitive-behavioral principles and interventions. It is an adolescent substance abuse treatment and services consistent with those recommended for juvenile justice-involved drug abusing youth (Cooper & Bartlett 1998; National Institute of Justice, 2001).