Smoking Cessation in Women With Gynecological Conditions
Cervical Dysplasia

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Cervical Dysplasia focused on measuring Smoking cessation, Traditional nicotine replacement therapy, Electronic nicotine delivery devices, electronic cigarettes, cervical dysplasia
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Female
- Smokers (defined as those who have smoked at least daily for the last year and who have smoked greater than or equal to 10 or more combustible cigarettes per day during the last year.
- Patients with diagnoses of Cervical Dysplasia, Cervical Cancer and Lower Genital Tract Dysplasia and Cancer
- Ages 18-65 years
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients unwilling to commit to a 6-week intervention that may include either NRT or ENDS.
- Patients with previous diagnoses of or treatment for cancer - with the exception of non-melanoma skin cancer.
- Presence of any known stroke, heart disease, heart attack, or irregular heart beat.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Plan to continue to use other nicotine in addition to the products supplied by the study. These would include: chewing tobacco, snuff, an additional nicotine patch or other nicotine containing products.
- High blood pressure, not well controlled with medication.
- Patients using a non-nicotine "smoking cessation medication."
- Patients taking a prescription medicine for depression or asthma.
Sites / Locations
- Stephenson Cancer Center
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
Nicotine replacement therapy
Electronic Cigarettes
Women in this arm of the study will receive 24-hour Nicotine Patches - either 21 mg patches (for 1 pack per day smokers), or 14 mg patches (for 1/2 pack per day smokers) smokers). Patients will use one patch per day for 6 weeks for a total of 42 patches. Women will receive 3 weeks of original strength nicotine patches, and will receive patches half as strong during the last 3 weeks of the study. This will allow for a lower strength of nicotine as each woman continues with smoking cessation. Women will also receive nicotine gum or lozenges (subject choice)- these will be 2 mg pieces of nicotine gum or lozenge (approximately 210 pieces). This will account for using 8-10 per day at the beginning of the study and tapering to 2-3 pieces per day by the end of the study.
Women in this arm of the study will receive one "Blu Cig" Electronic Nicotine Delivery Device (E-cigarette) along with 2 electronic cigarette batteries, 1 wall charger and 1 USB charger, cartridges/refills in menthol or regular (patient choice). The number of cartridges is determined by asking each patient the number of packs currently smoked per day, and multiplying 1.5 times the number of packs smoked per day. We plan to decrease the strength of the cartridges by one half after three weeks of intervention. We will give each women supplies and instructions accordingly. This will allow for a lower strength of nicotine as each woman continues with smoking cessation.