Using Media to Reduce Anxiety for Cardiac Computed Tomography

About this trial
This is an interventional supportive care trial for Anxiety focused on measuring cardiac computed tomography, Image quality
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- All adult patients over 18 years attending for CT coronary angiography during the trial period will be eligible for inclusion
Exclusion Criteria:
- Unable to provide valid, informed, written consent for any reason
- Attending for non-coronary cardiac CT
- Hospital inpatients
- Patients who have previously undergone cardiac CT
Sites / Locations
- Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Group One Usual care
Group Two Video information
Patients attending for CT coronary angiography all receive an information leaflet with their appointment letter, and a brief verbal description of the scan by the radiographer immediately before it is undertaken, as standard care. All patients attending will be offered the opportunity to complete a short questionnaire (until all patients are recruited - anticipated to be 4 weeks). The Speilberger State-Trait Anxiety Index has been abbreviated and validated for use in outpatient settings to gauge levels of pre-procedural anxiety. This will be undertaken on arrival and repeated immediately before the scan, to see if patients feel better prepared after the standard interaction with staff.
The patient video will be introduced to Group Two once Group One has been completed. In addition to the information sheet these patients (again, for four weeks or until recruitment is complete) will be sent an internet hyperlink to its presence on YouTube (video-sharing website) and the Hospital website with their appointment letter. Patients who do not have internet access will be offered the opportunity to see the video in the preparation room while waiting for their scan. Questionnaires will be administered as before, again done twice to examine any late impact of the information on patient anxiety, and the patient will undergo their test.