Adjuvant Chemotherapy With Gemcitabine and Cisplatin Compared to Standard of Care After Curative Intent Resection of Biliary Tract Cancer (ACTICCA-1)
Cholangiocarcinoma, Gall Bladder Carcinoma

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Cholangiocarcinoma focused on measuring adjuvant chemotherapy, cholangiocarcinoma, muscle invasive gall bladder carcinoma, translational research, multidisciplinary, AIO, DGAV, DGVS
Eligibility Criteria
All enrolled patients will postoperatively be assessed for eligibility for the treatment phase. Additionally patients not previously enrolled into the trial for whatever reason (e.g. incidental finding during surgery) will be evaluated for eligibility.
- Histologically confirmed adenocarcinoma of biliary tract (intrahepatic, hilar or extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma or muscle invasive gallbladder carcinoma) after radical surgical therapy with macroscopically complete resection (mixed tumor entities (HCC/CCA) are excluded)
- Macroscopically complete resection (R0/1) within 6 (-16) weeks before scheduled start of chemotherapy
- ECOG 0-1
- Age ≥18 years
- Adequate hematologic function
- Adequate liver function
- Adequate renal function
- No active uncontrolled infection, except chronic viral hepatitis under antiviral therapy
- No concurrent treatment with other experimental drugs or other anti-cancer therapy, treatment in a clinical trial within 30 days prior to randomization
- Negative serum pregnancy test within 7 days of starting study treatment in pre-menopausal women and women <1 year after the onset of menopause (Note: a negative test has to be reconfirmed by a urine test, should the 7-day window be exceeded)
Criteria for initial study enrolment
- Written informed consent
- No prior chemotherapy for cholangiocarcinoma
- No previous malignancy within 3 years or concomitant malignancy, except: non-melanomatous skin cancer or adequately treated in situ cervical cancer
- No severe or uncontrolled cardiovascular disease (congestive heart failure NYHA III or IV, unstable angina pectoris, history of myocardial infarction in the last 3 months, significant arrhythmia)
- Absence of psychiatric disorder precluding understanding of information of trial related topics and giving informed consent
- No serious underlying medical conditions (judged by the investigator), that could impair the ability of the patient to participate in the trial
- Fertile women (< 1 year after last menstruation) and procreative men willing and able to use effective means of contraception (oral contraceptives, intrauterine contraceptive device, barrier method of contraception in conjunction with spermicidal jelly or surgically sterile)
- No pregnancy or lactation
Sites / Locations
- Bankstown Hospital
- Nepean Hospital Cancer Care
- St. George Hospital
- Prince of Wales Hospital
- Calvary Mater Newcastle
- Townsville Hospital
- Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
- Princess Alexandra Hospital
- Flinders Medical Centre
- Fiona Stanley Hospital Perth
- Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
- St. John of God
- Kaiser-Franz-Josef Hospital
- Vejle Hospital
- University Medical Center Aachen
- Charite Berlin
- University Medical Center Carl Gustav Carus
- University Medical Center Essen
- Klinikum Esslingen
- University of Frankfurt
- University Medical Center Freiburg
- University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
- University of Hannover
- University of Heidelberg
- University of Saarland
- University Medical Center Jena
- Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
- University of Mannheim
- University of Munich Grosshadern
- University of Regensburg
- University Medical Center Tuebingen
- University of Ulm
- University Medical Center
- Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
- Ospedale San Raffaele
- Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS
- Azienda Ospedaliero Medica 2 Universitaria
- Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli, Roma
- Academic Medical Center
- University Medical Center
- Erasmus Medisch Centrum
- Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht
- Auckland Hospital
- Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
- Royal Bournemouth Hospital
- Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre
- Addenbrooke's Hospital Cambridge
- Velindre Hospital Cardiff
- Western General Hospital Edinburgh
- Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre Glasgow
- James Paget University Hospitals
- Royal Surrey County Hospital Guildford
- Princess Alexandra Hospital
- Huddersfield Royal Infirmary
- Guy's and St Thomas's Hospital London
- Hammersmith Hospital London
- Royal Free Hospital London
- University College London Hospital
- Maidstone Hospital
- Christie Hospital Manchester
- Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Churchill Hospital Oxford
- Derriford Hospital Plymouth
- Weston Park Hospital Sheffield
- Southampton General Hospital
- Clatterbridge Cancer Centre
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Gemcitabine plus Cisplatin
Chemotherapy will be administered on days 1 and 8 every 3 weeks, Cisplatin (25 mg per square meter of body-surface area) and Gemcitabine (1000 mg per square meter) for 24 weeks (8 cycles) and Observation
Capecitabine will be administered from day 1 to 14 every 3 weeks (1250 mg per square meter of body-surface area, twice daily) for 24 weeks (8 cycles) and Observation