Urodynamics for Prostate Surgery Trial; Randomised Evaluation of Assessment Methods (UPSTREAM)
Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, Voiding Dysfunction, Benign Prostate Obstruction

About this trial
This is an interventional diagnostic trial for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms focused on measuring Lower urinary tract symptoms, Male LUTS, Voiding dysfunction, Benign prostate obstruction, Detrusor underactivity
Eligibility Criteria
"UPSTREAM - Phase I":
Inclusion Criteria:
- Men seeking further treatment for their bothersome lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) which may include surgery
Exclusion Criteria:
- unable to pass urine without a catheter (urinary retention)
- relevant neurological disease, such as a stroke
- undergoing treatment for prostate or bladder cancer
- previously had prostate surgery
- not medically fit for surgery, or are unable to complete outcome assessments
- do not consent to be assigned at random to one of the pathways
"UPSTREAM - Phase II":
Inclusion criteria:
PROMS (questionnaire) study component:
Men randomised (enrolled) to the UPSTREAM trial (Phase I) who were willing to be contacted for long term follow up, as indicated on their original (Phase I) consent form.
NHS Digital data extraction study component:
Men randomised (enrolled) to the UPSTREAM trial (Phase I).
Exclusion criteria:
PROMS (questionnaire) study component:
- Patients who are not already randomised (enrolled) to the UPSTREAM trial (Phase I)
- UPSTREAM (Phase I) participants who:
2.1. are not willing to be contacted about long term follow up 2.2. have withdrawn trial participation, or at least withdrawn permission to be contacted in the future for long term follow up, at the time of their 18-month timepoint 2.3. do not consent and/or are not willing or able to comply with essential study procedures of this further follow up (UPSTREAM - Phase II)
NHS Digital data extraction study component:
- Patients who are not already randomised (enrolled) to the UPSTREAM trial (Phase I)
- UPSTREAM (Phase I) participants who have withdrawn permission for the study to continue to access sections of their medical notes and NHS records, ONS and NHS Central registers information, at the time of their 18-month timepoint
Sites / Locations
- North Bristol NHS Trust
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Usual care
Invasive urodynamic cystometry including pressure flow studies, along with usual diagnostics in male LUTS
Usual diagnostics in male LUTS; flow rate test, symptom score and bladder diary