Efficacy Study of "Imaginative Distention", a Self Managed Tool to Cope With Fatigue,Insomnia and Stress in pw Insomnia and pw MS (DIMMISI)
Multiple Sclerosis

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Multiple Sclerosis
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- any gender, ethnicity
- aged 18-65 years
- ability to understand Italian to be able to conduct the study
- adherence to the study by written informed consent
- absence of serious internal medicine and psychiatric comorbidities
Exclusion Criteria:
- under 18 and above 65 years
- lack of understanding Italian to conduct of the studies
- inability to provide informed consent
- presence of severe internal medicine and psychiatric comorbidities
Specific criteria for inclusion:
Pw MS:
- Diagnosis according to the criteria of Polman, 2011: relapsing remitting or progressive (primary and secondary)
- Or in no specific drug therapy for the disease and symptomatic
Pw insomnia:
- Diagnosis of psychophysiological insomnia according to DSM IV
- Or in no specific drug therapy for the disease and symptomatic
Healthy professionals:
- Healthy personnel operating within the Niguarda Hospital
Sites / Locations
- Azienda ospedaliera Ospedale Niguarda Ca' Granda
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Arm 5
Arm 6
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
Multiple Sclerosis patients
Insomnia patients
Health professionists
Waiting list MS
Waiting list arm Insomnia
Waiting list arm Health professionists
Patients with MS
Patients with insomnia
Health professionists as healthy volunteers
pw MS filled the self administered questionnaire but they receive any training. They must wait study conclusion to be treated
pw INS Insomnia Subject filled the self administered questionnaire but they receive any training. They must wait study conclusion to be treated
Health professionist filled the self administered questionnaire but they receive any training. They must wait study conclusion to be treated.