PHAST: Physical Activity in Substitution Therapy (PHAST)
Substance-related Disorders
About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for Substance-related Disorders focused on measuring craving
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Patient at the Ambulanter Dienst Sucht or Janus clinics in Basel Town (BS); currently under substitution therapy
Exclusion Criteria:
Declared unfit to participate by clinic personnel due to physical disability or severe psychological disturbance or cognitive impairment
Sites / Locations
- Department for Sport, Exercise and Health
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Sport Group
Control Group
Participants randomised to the exercise condition will receive 12 weeks of physical exercise training. Once they have been assigned to this group, they will be informed about the training programme and its content. Training will be carried out in groups (two groups of ten or four groups of five, depending on scheduling, sport preferences, available materials) to ensure that individual attention can be paid to each participant.
The control group will not receive any exercise training. In order to control, as far as possible, for the potentially therapeutic effects of extra contact time with investigators, and the potentially motivational elements of participation in an intervention, the C group will have equal contact time with an investigator and participate in a leisure program without physical activity component. This time will be filled with group mealtimes, games, films, painting, handcrafts, stretching or relaxation exercises.