Facilitating Risk-Appropriate Colorectal Cancer Testing - Testing the Cancer Risk Intake System (CRIS)
Colorectal Neoplasms, Colonic Neoplasms

About this trial
This is an interventional screening trial for Colorectal Neoplasms focused on measuring Early Detection of Cancer, Intervention Studies, Randomized Controlled Trial, Colorectal Neoplasms, Colonic Neoplasms
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patients will be considered eligible if they are age 25-75 and have an upcoming appointment and have not had a colonoscopy during the previous 5 years.
- Eligible patients ages 25-49 must also have a family history of colorectal cancer or personal history of inflammatory bowel disease or adenomatous polyps.
- Pregnant women will be included.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Adults younger than age 25 will be excluded because colorectal testing would be inappropriate for the vast majority of patients this young. The benefit of discerning patients in this age group for whom testing would be appropriate would be outweighed by the amount of labor and cost necessary to identify them.
- Patients between ages of 25 and 75 will be excluded if they have had colorectal cancer, a colonoscopy in the last five years, do not give informed consent, do not have access to a telephone, or have severely impaired hearing or speech.
- In addition, patients between ages 25 and 49 will be excluded unless they have a close relative diagnosed with Colon or Rectal Cancer before the age of [pts age + 11] or they've had a colon polyp or inflammatory bowel disease.
- Patients who do not speak or read English will not be eligible for participation in the main study. In years 3 and 4, patients whose main language is Spanish will be included for participation in cognitive interviews and a pilot test to ensure the S-CRIS is culturally appropriate, conceptually equivalent, and usable for the diverse Spanish-speaking primary-care population.
- Patients who are cognitively impaired will be excluded from all parts of the study.
Sites / Locations
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
No Intervention
No Intervention
Intervention Group
Comparison Group
True No-contact Control Group
Patients randomized to the intervention group will use CRIS. Then intervention group patients and their physicians will receive a tailored printout generated by the CRIS recommending risk-appropriate colorectal testing and ways to overcome perceived barriers to testing. A member of the research team will hand the patient a printout and will deliver the other printout to the physician.
Patients randomized to the comparison group will use CRIS, but receive a non-tailored standard information about multiple types of cancer screening (e.g., content from an American Cancer Society cancer screening brochure) while physicians receive standard electronic chart prompts indicating the patients were age-eligible but not currently adherent for colorectal cancer screening.
A screening baseline for the true no-contact group will be established by conducting a retrospective chart review for patients who did not receive an invitation to participate in this study. The same randomization procedure will be used as the comparison and intervention groups. The purpose is to conduct analysis with the comparison and intervention group to see if individuals who participate in CRIS have a higher screening rate for colorectal cancer compared to the non-contact group.