AIRWEIGHS: Investigating Obesity as a Susceptibility Factor for Air Pollution in Childhood Asthma

About this trial
This is an interventional other trial for Asthma
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- 8-17 years of age
- Persistent asthma (NAEPP criteria)
- Exacerbation in previous 12 months
- Non-smoker
- Spends ≥4 nights/week at home
- No plans to move during the study
Exclusion Criteria:
- Significant pulmonary or cardiac disease
- Home not appropriate candidate due to disrepair
- Underweight, defined by BMI <5th percentile
- Pregnancy
Sites / Locations
- Meredith McCormack
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Placebo Comparator
Active Air Purifier
Placebo Air Purifier
Two portable air purifiers containing HEPA filters will be placed in the bedroom and room where the participant reports spending the most time. We have chosen to deploy two air purifiers because we have observed a 50% reduction in indoor PM concentrations with two air purifiers. Participants will be instructed to run the air purifiers continually. Participants will receive educational materials about environmental factors that are important for asthma health and environmental modification strategies. Participants will also receive educational materials about health benefits of maintaining a normal weight.
Homes in the control group will receive placebo air purifiers that have the internal air filters removed, but which will run normally. Participants will receive educational materials about environmental factors that are important for asthma health and environmental modification strategies, and educational materials about health benefits of maintaining a normal weight. At the end of the study, participants in the control group will receive active air purifiers. A control group is needed to ensure that reduced pollutant levels and health effects are not due to temporal trends and 'placebo effects' of being enrolled in an intervention trial. Participants will also be informed that being in the study does not prevent them from purchasing and using air cleaners during the study period.