STI Prevention Program for Entertainment Establishments in Singapore
Sexually Transmitted Infections
About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for Sexually Transmitted Infections focused on measuring female entertainment worker, heterosexual men, entertainment establishment, condom use, sexually transmitted infection, Singapore
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
For female EE workers:
Female entertainment worker who is either a Vietnamese or Thai between the ages of 18 to 69 years old satisfying the 2 criteria:
(i) Planning to work for at least 6 weeks after the baseline survey in Singapore (ii) Have engaged in vagina, oral or anal sex with either a casual or paid male partner in the past month
The casual or paid male partner need not come from the EE that the female EE worker works in.
For heterosexual men:
Male resident who is either a Singapore Citizen or a Permanent Resident between the ages of 21 to 69 years satisfying the 2 criteria:
(i) Patronise the EEs in the site at least once in the past 6 months (ii) Have engaged in vagina, oral or anal sex with either a casual or paid female partner in the past 6 months
The casual or paid female partner need not come from the EEs in the site that the heterosexual man has patronised.
Exclusion Criteria:
For female EE workers in the intervention group only:
Female EE workers who have participated in the control group would be excluded from participating in the intervention group
For heterosexual men during the post-intervention survey of the control group only:
Heterosexual men from the control site who have patronised EEs in the intervention site or who have been exposed to the interventions in the past 6 months would be excluded from the post-intervention survey for the control group.
For heterosexual men during the post-intervention survey of the intervention group only:
Heterosexual men from the intervention site who have not been exposed to at least 1 of the 3 main activities of the intervention in the past 6 months would be excluded from the post-intervention survey for the intervention group.
Sites / Locations
- Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of SingaporeRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Active Comparator
No Intervention
Active Comparator
No Intervention
Female entertainment worker intervention group
Female entertainment worker control group
Heterosexual men intervention group
Heterosexual men control group
The intervention program for the female EE workers aims to increase STI/HIV prevention knowledge and develop their condom negotiation and application skills so as to increase condom use with both casual and paid partners. It consists of a total of 4 sessions: 2 on-site and 2 online sessions. For each on-site session, groups of 4 to 5 female EE workers will be gathered. The 2 on-site sessions would be delivered by peer educators. The 2 online sessions would be conducted via phone and other modes of network communication (e.g. SMS message or WhatsApp message) depending on the preference of each participant. In addition, all the intervention materials and video demonstrations will also be uploaded onto the web portal for the participant to access during their free time.
The female EE workers in the control group will receive the same number of 2 onsite and 2 online sessions but covering healthy eating and physical activity. The following gives a summarised breakdown and content of each session: Session 1 (on-site immediately after baseline survey, 10 minutes): The peer educator will share information on healthy eating and physical activity using the educational pamphlets from the Health Promotion Board (HPB) with the participants. Session 2 (online 1-2 weeks after baseline survey, 5 minutes): The peer educator will share an app on healthy eating with the participants. Session 3 (online 3-4 weeks after baseline survey, 5 minutes): The peer educator will share an app on physical activity with the participants. Session 4 (onsite during follow-up survey, 10 minutes): The peer educator will reinforce information on healthy eating and physical activity based on the educational pamphlets from HPB with the participants.
The intervention program for heterosexual men patronising EEs will be a holistic non disease-centric, non-stigmatising and non-judgemental program addressing sexual well-being, avoidance of casual and paid sex if possible and safe sex such as condom use.
There will be a simultaneous programme on healthy eating and physical activity at the control site at Tanjong Pagar. Health promoters will go around Tanjong Pagar and distribute pamphlets and brochures developed by the HPB on healthy eating and physical activity to the heterosexual men who step into or out of the EEs there. These health promoters have been trained to give simple health advice on healthy eating and physical activity if the heterosexual men wish to find out more information.