Nivolumab and Ipilimumab in Treating Patients With Rare Tumors
Acinar Cell Carcinoma, Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Acinar Cell Carcinoma
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Patients are eligible under ONE of the following criteria:
- For all cohorts except the gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) (Cohort #47), patients must have histologically and/or biochemically confirmed rare cancer and must be able to submit specimens; to be eligible for the GTD cohort: patients must have disease confirmed by quantitative serum beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) within 28 days prior to registration and must be able to submit blood specimens (tissue submission is not required for patients who will be registered to the GTD cohort [Cohort #47]); NOTE: Subsequent to site's Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval of revision 3, patients are NOT required to participate in EAY131 "National Cancer Institute (NCI)-Molecular Analysis for Therapy Choice (MATCH)" to register to S1609 OR
- FOR PATIENTS WITH PD-L1 AMPLIFICATION (COHORT #50) ONLY: All solid tumors (excluding lymphoma) are allowed for the PD-L1 amplified cohort if they have PD-L1 amplification; patients may be considered for registration to the PD-L1 amplified cohort (Cohort #50) with the confirmation of at least one of the study chairs; PD-L1 amplification is defined as having deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) copy number of equal to or greater than six by any of the following Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA)-approved lab; (Immunohisochemistry [IHC] and fluorescence in situ hybridization [FISH] are not allowed); the assay must be done at or after the diagnosis of advanced disease, but PRIOR TO REGISTRATION; NOTE: patients with PD-L1 overexpression by IHC or PD-L1 amplification by FISH do not quality for this cohort; OR
- FOR PATIENTS ENROLLED IN EAY131 "NCI-MATCH" PRIOR TO EAY131 ADDENDUM 10 ONLY: Patients must have histologically confirmed rare cancer that did not have a match to a molecularly-guided therapy on EAY131 "NCI-MATCH" protocol or who are off protocol treatment on EAY131, "NCI-MATCH" and have no further molecularly-matched treatment recommendations per EAY131, "NCI-MATCH" or who are otherwise unable to receive EAY131, "NCI-MATCH" therapy
Patients who do not qualify for one of the histologic cohorts and are not on the ineligible histology list may be considered for registration in the "Not Otherwise Categorized" Rare Tumors cohort with confirmation of at least one of the study chairs via email
- NOTE: The "Not Otherwise Categorized" Rare Tumors cohort was permanently closed to accrual on 3/15/2019
Patients who are determined to have a rare cancer with unknown primary site are eligible under cohort #32 (tumor of unknown primary [cancer of unknown primary; CuP]), provided that there is histologic documentation of metastatic malignancy with no discernible primary site identified from histopathologic review, physical exam and associated cross-sectional imaging of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis
- NOTE: The "Tumor of unknown primary (Cancer of Unknown Primary; CuP" cohort was permanently closed to accrual on 12/22/2017
Patients must also meet one of the following:
- Patients must have progressed following at least one line of standard systemic therapy and there must not be other approved/standard therapy available that has been shown to prolong overall survival (i.e. in a randomized trial against another standard treatment or by comparison to historical controls); patients who cannot receive other standard therapy that has been shown to prolonged survival due to medical issues will be eligible, if other eligibility criteria are met; OR
- Patients for whose disease no standard treatment exists that has been shown to prolong overall survival
- For all cohorts except the GTD cohort (Cohort #47): Patients must have a diagnostic quality computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), performed within 28 days prior to registration, which demonstrates measurable disease, as defined in RECIST v. 1.1; scans must include imaging of the chest, abdomen and pelvis, with the exception of patients with head/neck cancer, who must have imaging of the chest, abdomen, pelvis and neck; if there is clinical suspicion for bone metastases at the time of enrollment (in the judgement of the treating investigator) bone scan should be performed; bone scans done within 42 days prior to registration may be used to establish baseline condition at registration
No other prior malignancy is allowed except for the following:
- Adequately managed stage I or II cancer from which the patient is currently in complete remission
- Any other cancer from which the patient has been disease free for one year
- Adequately managed stage I or II follicular thyroid or prostate cancer is also eligible, wherein patient is not required to be in complete remission
- Note: Second primary tumors are not allowed concurrent with any of the eligible rare cancers
- For all cohorts except the PD-L1 amplified tumors cohort (Cohort # 50): Patients may have received either prior anti-CTLA4 or other prior anti-PD-1/anti-PD-L1 therapy, but not both, provided that it is completed >= 4 weeks prior to registration. To be eligible for the PD-L1 amplified tumors cohort (Cohort #50): Patients must not have received anti-PD-1/anti-PD-L1 therapy; prior anti-CTLA-4 is allowed provided that it is completed >= 4 weeks prior to registration
- Patients with clinically controlled thyroiditis or pituitary disorders on stable replacement therapy are eligible
- Patients with autoimmune disease who are otherwise eligible must not have received steroid and immunosuppressive therapy within 28 days prior to registration
- Patients with brain metastases or primary brain tumors must have completed treatment, surgery or radiation therapy >= 28 days prior to registration and have stable disease at time of registration; these patients must also have a CT or MRI of the brain to evaluate for CNS disease within 42 days prior to registration to S1609; metastatic brain parenchymal disease must have been treated and patient must be off steroids for 7 days prior to registration
- Hormonal or endocrine blockade is permitted as long as patient has demonstrated progression on prior therapy (e.g. gonadotrophin releasing hormone [GnRH], somatostatin); long-acting somatostatin analogs (including octreotide) and androgen deprivation treatment (including long-acting leuprolide) are permitted while on protocol therapy
- Patients must have a Zubrod performance status of 0-2
- Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) >= 1,000/mcL (within 28 days prior to registration)
- Platelets >= 75,000/mcL (within 28 days prior to registration)
- Hemoglobin >= 8 g/dL (within 28 days prior to registration)
- Total bilirubin =< 2.0 x institutional upper limit of normal (IULN) or for documented/suspected Gilbert's disease, total bilirubin =< 3.0 x IULN (within 28 days prior to registration)
- Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) both =< 3 x IULN (within 28 days prior to registration)
- Serum creatinine =< 2.0 x IULN (within 28 days prior to registration)
- Creatinine clearance (CrCl) >= 50 mL/min., as estimated by the Cockcroft and Gault formula; estimated creatinine clearance is based on actual body weight (within 28 days prior to registration)
- Patients must have adequate thyroid function, as evidenced by either thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) or, free thyroxine (T4) serum tests demonstrating values within the normal range, within 28 days prior to registration; at pre-registration, if TSH is not within normal limits, then free T4 must be performed and must be within normal range for patient to be eligible; Note: TSH, with reflex T4 (if TSH is abnormal) is allowable if per institutional standard, provided that free T4 is within normal range; patients who have undergone thyroidectomy or who are on thyroid suppression for their cancer are not required to have normal TSH and free T4
- Patients must have adequate adrenal axis function, as evidenced by cortisol levels within institutional normal ranges (ante meridiem [AM] cortisol preferred), OR adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) values within the institutional normal ranges within 28 days prior to registration; if cortisol levels are not within normal limits prior to registration, then ACTH must be performed and must be within normal ranges for patient to be eligible; Note: Neither cortisol nor ACTH levels are required for patients with primary adrenal tumors (e.g. adrenocortical carcinoma)
- For women of childbearing potential, the local investigator must rule out pregnancy; Except for Cohorts 13 and 47, where tumor types may express beta-hCG, women of childbearing potential must have a serum or urine pregnancy test within 7 days prior to registration; for Cohorts 13 and 47, where tumor types may produce hCG (e.g. germ cell tumors or trophoblastic disease), other pregnancy exclusion methods should be used to rule out pregnancy, such as ultrasound examination, documented history of effective contraception, or documented infertility; all females of childbearing potential must have been demonstrated not to be pregnant within 7 days prior to registration and agree to use birth control throughout study and for 23 weeks after completion of protocol therapy; patients must not be pregnant or nursing due to risk of fetal or nursing infant harm; women of childbearing potential must have agreed to use an effective contraceptive method; a woman is considered to be of "childbearing potential" if she has had menses at any time in the preceding 12 consecutive months; in addition to routine contraceptive methods, "effective contraception" also includes heterosexual celibacy and surgery intended to prevent pregnancy (or with a side-effect of pregnancy prevention) defined as a hysterectomy, bilateral oophorectomy or bilateral tubal ligation; however, if at any point a previously celibate patient chooses to become heterosexually active during the time period for use of contraceptive measures outlined in the protocol, she is responsible for beginning contraceptive measures
- Men of reproductive potential must have agreed to use birth control throughout the study and for 31 weeks after completion of protocol therapy; in addition to routine contraceptive methods, "effective contraception" also includes heterosexual celibacy and surgery intended to prevent pregnancy (vasectomy); however, if at any point a previously celibate patient chooses to become heterosexually active during the time period for use of contraceptive measures outlined in the protocol, he is responsible for beginning contraceptive measures
Patients who are known to be human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive at registration are eligible at the time of registration:
- CD4+ cell count greater or equal to 250 cells/mm^3
- No history of non-malignancy acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-defining conditions other than historical low CD4+ cell counts
- Patients must have amylase or lipase within =< 1.5 x IULN without symptoms of pancreatitis at registration, within 28 days prior to registration
- Patients must have fully recovered from any adverse effects of major surgery (to =< grade 1) at least 14 days prior to registration
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients who had prior grade 3 or higher immune-related adverse event (e.g. pneumonitis, hepatitis, colitis, endocrinopathy) with prior immunotherapy (e.g. cancer vaccine, cytokine, etc.) are not eligible
- Patients are not eligible if they have had or are planned for solid organ transplant
- Patients must not currently be receiving any other investigational agents or any other systemic anti-cancer therapy (including radiation, excluding RANKL inhibitors and bisphosphonates); in event patient recently received any other systemic anti-cancer therapy, patient must be off therapy at least 7 days prior to registration and any therapy-induced toxicity must have recovered to =< grade 1, except alopecia and =< grade 2 neuropathy which are allowed; any planned radiation therapy must be completed before registration to S1609
- Patients must not have prior history of allergy or known hypersensitivity to nivolumab or ipilimumab
- Patients must not have known active hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis virus (HCV) infection at time of registration; patients with HBV or HCV that have an undetectable viral load and no residual hepatic impairment are eligible
- Patients must not have active autoimmune disease that has required systemic treatment in past 2 years (i.e., with use of disease modifying agents, immunosuppressive drugs, or corticosteroids with prednisone dose >= 10 mg); replacement therapy (e.g., thyroxine, insulin, or physiologic corticosteroid replacement therapy for adrenal or pituitary insufficiency, etc.) is not considered a form of systemic treatment; autoimmune diseases include but are not limited to autoimmune hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease (including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease), as well as symptomatic disease (e.g.: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic progressive sclerosis [scleroderma], systemic lupus erythematosus, autoimmune vasculitis [e.g., Wegener's granulomatosis]); central nervous system (CNS) or motor neuropathy considered of autoimmune origin (e.g., Guillain-Barre syndrome and Myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis or glomerulonephritis); vitiligo, alopecia, hypothyroidism on stable doses of thyroid replacement therapy, psoriasis not requiring systemic therapy within the past 2 years is permitted; short-term steroid premedication for contrast allergy is permitted
Patients must not have any uncontrolled intercurrent illness including (not limited to): symptomatic congestive heart failure (CHF) (New York Heart Association [NYHA] III/IV), unstable angina pectoris or coronary angioplasty, or stenting within 24 weeks prior to registration, unstable cardiac arrhythmia (ongoing cardiac dysrhythmias of NCI Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events [CTCAE] version [v] 4 grade >= 2), known psychiatric illness that would limit study compliance, intra-cardiac defibrillators, known cardiac metastases, or abnormal cardiac valve morphology (>= grade 3)
- Note: Patients with history of CHF or patients who are deemed at risk because of underlying cardiovascular disease or exposure to cardiotoxic drugs should have an electrocardiogram (EKG) and echocardiogram (ECHO), as clinically indicated, at baseline and at the start of each cycle; patients who have evidence at baseline (or subsequently) of CHF, myocardial infarction (MI), cardiomyopathy, or myositis cardiac evaluation (NYHA I/II) should have additional consult by a cardiologist, including review of EKG, creatine phosphokinase (CPK), troponin, echocardiogram, as clinically indicated
- Patients must not have symptomatic interstitial lung disease or pneumonitis
Sites / Locations
- University of Alabama at Birmingham Cancer Center
- University of South Alabama Mitchell Cancer Institute
- Anchorage Associates in Radiation Medicine
- Anchorage Radiation Therapy Center
- Alaska Breast Care and Surgery LLC
- Alaska Oncology and Hematology LLC
- Alaska Women's Cancer Care
- Anchorage Oncology Centre
- Katmai Oncology Group
- Providence Alaska Medical Center
- Fairbanks Memorial Hospital
- CTCA at Western Regional Medical Center
- Kingman Regional Medical Center
- Cancer Center at Saint Joseph's
- Highlands Oncology Group - Fayetteville
- Mercy Hospital Fort Smith
- CHI Saint Vincent Cancer Center Hot Springs
- NEA Baptist Memorial Hospital and Fowler Family Cancer Center - Jonesboro
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- Highlands Oncology Group - Rogers
- Highlands Oncology Group
- Kaiser Permanente-Anaheim
- Kaiser Permanente-Deer Valley Medical Center
- Mission Hope Medical Oncology - Arroyo Grande
- PCR Oncology
- Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital
- Sutter Cancer Centers Radiation Oncology Services-Auburn
- AIS Cancer Center at San Joaquin Community Hospital
- Kaiser Permanente-Baldwin Park
- Kaiser Permanente-Bellflower
- Alta Bates Summit Medical Center-Herrick Campus
- Keck Medicine of USC Buena Park
- Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center/Disney Family Cancer Center
- Mills-Peninsula Medical Center
- Sutter Cancer Centers Radiation Oncology Services-Cameron Park
- Mercy Cancer Center �� Carmichael
- Mercy San Juan Medical Center
- Eden Hospital Medical Center
- UC Irvine Health Cancer Center-Newport
- Sutter Davis Hospital
- City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Epic Care-Dublin
- Kaiser Permanente Dublin
- Mercy Cancer Center - Elk Grove
- Bay Area Breast Surgeons Inc
- Epic Care Partners in Cancer Care
- Kaiser Permanente-Fontana
- Kaiser Permanente-Fremont
- Palo Alto Medical Foundation-Fremont
- Kaiser Permanente-Fresno
- Kaiser Permanente - Harbor City
- Keck Medicine of USC Huntington Beach
- Kaiser Permanente-Irvine
- UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center
- Loma Linda University Medical Center
- Keck Medicine of USC Koreatown
- Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center
- Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center
- USC / Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Kaiser Permanente West Los Angeles
- Cedars Sinai Medical Center
- Contra Costa Regional Medical Center
- Fremont - Rideout Cancer Center
- Mercy UC Davis Cancer Center
- Memorial Medical Center
- Kaiser Permanente-Modesto
- Palo Alto Medical Foundation-Camino Division
- Palo Alto Medical Foundation-Gynecologic Oncology
- Providence Queen of The Valley
- USC Norris Oncology/Hematology-Newport Beach
- Sutter Cancer Research Consortium
- Alta Bates Summit Medical Center - Summit Campus
- Bay Area Tumor Institute
- Kaiser Permanente-Oakland
- Kaiser Permanente-Ontario
- Saint Joseph Hospital - Orange
- UC Irvine Health/Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Desert Regional Medical Center
- Palo Alto Medical Foundation Health Care
- Kaiser Permanente - Panorama City
- Keck Medical Center of USC Pasadena
- Eisenhower Medical Center
- Kaiser Permanente- Marshall Medical Offices
- Kaiser Permanente-Redwood City
- Kaiser Permanente-Richmond
- Kaiser Permanente-Riverside
- Mercy Cancer Center - Rocklin
- Kaiser Permanente-Roseville
- Sutter Cancer Centers Radiation Oncology Services-Roseville
- Sutter Roseville Medical Center
- Kaiser Permanente Downtown Commons
- Mercy Cancer Center - Sacramento
- Sutter Medical Center Sacramento
- University of California Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Kaiser Permanente-South Sacramento
- Kaiser Permanente - Sacramento
- UC San Diego Medical Center - Hillcrest
- Kaiser Permanente-San Diego Mission
- Kaiser Permanente-San Diego Zion
- Sharp Memorial Hospital
- California Pacific Medical Center-Pacific Campus
- Kaiser Permanente-San Francisco
- Kaiser Permanente-Santa Teresa-San Jose
- Kaiser Permanente San Leandro
- Pacific Central Coast Health Center-San Luis Obispo
- Kaiser Permanente-San Marcos
- Mills Health Center
- Kaiser Permanente-San Rafael
- Kaiser San Rafael-Gallinas
- Kaiser Permanente Medical Center - Santa Clara
- Palo Alto Medical Foundation-Santa Cruz
- Mission Hope Medical Oncology - Santa Maria
- Kaiser Permanente-Santa Rosa
- Providence Medical Foundation - Santa Rosa
- Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation
- Providence Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital
- Kaiser Permanente-South San Francisco
- Kaiser Permanente-Stockton
- Palo Alto Medical Foundation-Sunnyvale
- Gene Upshaw Memorial Tahoe Forest Cancer Center
- Sutter Cancer Centers Radiation Oncology Services-Vacaville
- Kaiser Permanente Medical Center-Vacaville
- Kaiser Permanente-Vallejo
- Sutter Solano Medical Center/Cancer Center
- Kaiser Permanente-Walnut Creek
- Epic Care Cyberknife Center
- Kaiser Permanente-Woodland Hills
- Woodland Memorial Hospital
- Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers-Aurora
- The Medical Center of Aurora
- UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital
- Boulder Community Hospital
- Boulder Community Foothills Hospital
- Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers-Boulder
- Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers - Centennial
- Penrose-Saint Francis Healthcare
- Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers-Penrose
- UCHealth Memorial Hospital Central
- Memorial Hospital North
- Saint Francis Cancer Center
- Cancer Center of Colorado at Sloan's Lake
- Denver Health Medical Center
- Kaiser Permanente-Franklin
- National Jewish Health-Main Campus
- The Women's Imaging Center
- Porter Adventist Hospital
- Colorado Blood Cancer Institute
- Presbyterian - Saint Lukes Medical Center - Health One
- Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers-Midtown
- SCL Health Saint Joseph Hospital
- Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers-Rose
- Rose Medical Center
- Mercy Medical Center
- Southwest Oncology PC
- Mountain Blue Cancer Care Center - Swedish
- Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers - Swedish
- Swedish Medical Center
- The Melanoma and Skin Cancer Institute
- Poudre Valley Hospital
- Valley View Hospital Cancer Center
- Mountain Blue Cancer Care Center
- National Jewish Health-Western Hematology Oncology
- Saint Mary's Hospital and Regional Medical Center
- Grand Valley Oncology
- North Colorado Medical Center
- Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers-Greenwood Village
- Good Samaritan Medical Center
- Kaiser Permanente-Rock Creek
- Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers-Lakewood
- Saint Anthony Hospital
- Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers-Littleton
- Littleton Adventist Hospital
- Kaiser Permanente-Lone Tree
- Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers-Sky Ridge
- Sky Ridge Medical Center
- Longmont United Hospital
- Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers-Longmont
- McKee Medical Center
- Parker Adventist Hospital
- Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers-Parker
- Saint Mary Corwin Medical Center
- Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers - Pueblo
- National Jewish Health-Northern Hematology Oncology
- Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers-Thornton
- SCL Health Lutheran Medical Center
- Smilow Cancer Hospital-Derby Care Center
- Smilow Cancer Hospital Care Center-Fairfield
- Smilow Cancer Hospital Care Center - Guilford
- Smilow Cancer Hospital Care Center at Saint Francis
- Smilow Cancer Center/Yale-New Haven Hospital
- Yale University
- Yale-New Haven Hospital North Haven Medical Center
- Stamford Hospital/Bennett Cancer Center
- Smilow Cancer Hospital Care Center-Trumbull
- Smilow Cancer Hospital-Waterbury Care Center
- Veterans Affairs Connecticut Healthcare System-West Haven Campus
- Beebe South Coastal Health Campus
- Beebe Medical Center
- Delaware Clinical and Laboratory Physicians PA
- Helen F Graham Cancer Center
- Medical Oncology Hematology Consultants PA
- Christiana Care Health System-Christiana Hospital
- Beebe Health Campus
- TidalHealth Nanticoke / Allen Cancer Center
- Christiana Care Health System-Wilmington Hospital
- MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
- Sibley Memorial Hospital
- AdventHealth Altamonte
- Mount Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center at Aventura
- Holy Cross Hospital
- University of Florida Health Science Center - Gainesville
- Memorial Regional Hospital/Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital
- AdventHealth Kissimmee
- Mount Sinai Medical Center
- AdventHealth Medical Group Urology at Orlando
- AdventHealth Orlando
- Orlando Health Cancer Institute
- AdventHealth East Orlando
- Memorial Hospital West
- Moffitt Cancer Center-International Plaza
- Moffitt Cancer Center - McKinley Campus
- Moffitt Cancer Center
- AdventHealth Winter Park
- Emory University Hospital Midtown
- Piedmont Hospital
- Emory University Hospital/Winship Cancer Institute
- Emory Saint Joseph's Hospital
- John B Amos Cancer Center
- Atlanta VA Medical Center
- Piedmont Fayette Hospital
- Harbin Clinic Medical Oncology and Clinical Research
- Low Country Cancer Care
- Lewis Cancer and Research Pavilion at Saint Joseph's/Candler
- Summit Cancer Care-Candler
- South Georgia Medical Center/Pearlman Cancer Center
- Hawaii Cancer Care - Westridge
- Pali Momi Medical Center
- Queen's Cancer Center - Pearlridge
- Straub Pearlridge Clinic
- The Cancer Center of Hawaii-Pali Momi
- The Queen's Medical Center - West Oahu
- Hawaii Cancer Care Inc - Waterfront Plaza
- Island Urology
- Queen's Cancer Cenrer - POB I
- Queen's Medical Center
- Straub Clinic and Hospital
- University of Hawaii Cancer Center
- Hawaii Cancer Care Inc-Liliha
- Hawaii Diagnostic Radiology Services LLC
- Kuakini Medical Center
- Queen's Cancer Center - Kuakini
- The Cancer Center of Hawaii-Liliha
- Kaiser Permanente Moanalua Medical Center
- Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children
- Straub Medical Center - Kahului Clinic
- Castle Medical Center
- Wilcox Memorial Hospital and Kauai Medical Clinic
- Saint Alphonsus Cancer Care Center-Boise
- Saint Luke's Cancer Institute - Boise
- Saint Alphonsus Cancer Care Center-Caldwell
- Kootenai Health - Coeur d'Alene
- Walter Knox Memorial Hospital
- Saint Luke's Cancer Institute - Fruitland
- Idaho Urologic Institute-Meridian
- Saint Luke's Cancer Institute - Meridian
- Saint Luke's Cancer Institute - Nampa
- Saint Alphonsus Cancer Care Center-Nampa
- Kootenai Clinic Cancer Services - Post Falls
- Kootenai Cancer Clinic
- Saint Luke's Cancer Institute - Twin Falls
- Saint Anthony's Health
- Rush - Copley Medical Center
- Saint Joseph Medical Center
- Illinois CancerCare-Bloomington
- Loyola Center for Health at Burr Ridge
- Illinois CancerCare-Canton
- Memorial Hospital of Carbondale
- SIH Cancer Institute
- Illinois CancerCare-Carthage
- Centralia Oncology Clinic
- Mount Sinai Hospital Medical Center
- Northwestern University
- John H Stroger Jr Hospital of Cook County
- Rush University Medical Center
- University of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center
- Carle at The Riverfront
- Cancer Care Specialists of Illinois - Decatur
- Decatur Memorial Hospital
- Northwestern Medicine Cancer Center Kishwaukee
- Illinois CancerCare-Dixon
- Carle Physician Group-Effingham
- Crossroads Cancer Center
- Illinois CancerCare-Eureka
- Illinois CancerCare-Galesburg
- Western Illinois Cancer Treatment Center
- Northwestern Medicine Cancer Center Delnor
- Ingalls Memorial Hospital
- Loyola Medicine Homer Glen
- Presence Saint Mary's Hospital
- Illinois CancerCare-Kewanee Clinic
- Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital
- Illinois CancerCare-Macomb
- Carle Physician Group-Mattoon/Charleston
- Loyola University Medical Center
- Marjorie Weinberg Cancer Center at Loyola-Gottlieb
- Good Samaritan Regional Health Center
- UC Comprehensive Cancer Center at Silver Cross
- Cancer Care Center of O'Fallon
- University of Chicago Medicine-Orland Park
- Illinois CancerCare-Ottawa Clinic
- Illinois CancerCare-Pekin
- OSF Saint Francis Radiation Oncology at Pekin Cancer Treatment Center
- Illinois CancerCare-Peoria
- OSF Saint Francis Radiation Oncology at Peoria Cancer Center
- Methodist Medical Center of Illinois
- OSF Saint Francis Medical Center
- Illinois CancerCare-Peru
- Valley Radiation Oncology
- Illinois CancerCare-Princeton
- Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
- Springfield Clinic
- Memorial Medical Center
- Southwest Illinois Health Services LLP
- Carle Cancer Center
- The Carle Foundation Hospital
- Northwestern Medicine Cancer Center Warrenville
- Illinois CancerCare - Washington
- Rush-Copley Healthcare Center
- Midwestern Regional Medical Center
- IU Health West Hospital
- IU Health North Hospital
- Deaconess Clinic Downtown
- Parkview Regional Medical Center
- Indiana University/Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center
- Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Hospital
- Springmill Medical Center
- Memorial Regional Cancer Center Day Road
- Chancellor Center for Oncology
- Reid Health
- Memorial Hospital of South Bend
- Mary Greeley Medical Center
- McFarland Clinic - Ames
- McFarland Clinic - Boone
- Saint Anthony Regional Hospital
- Mercy Hospital
- Oncology Associates at Mercy Medical Center
- Medical Oncology and Hematology Associates-West Des Moines
- Mercy Cancer Center-West Lakes
- Alegent Health Mercy Hospital
- Greater Regional Medical Center
- Iowa Methodist Medical Center
- Medical Oncology and Hematology Associates-Des Moines
- Broadlawns Medical Center
- Mercy Medical Center - Des Moines
- Mission Cancer and Blood - Laurel
- Iowa Lutheran Hospital
- McFarland Clinic - Trinity Cancer Center
- Trinity Regional Medical Center
- McFarland Clinic - Jefferson
- McFarland Clinic - Marshalltown
- Methodist West Hospital
- Mercy Medical Center-West Lakes
- Cancer Center of Kansas - Chanute
- Coffeyville Regional Medical Center
- Cancer Center of Kansas - Dodge City
- Cancer Center of Kansas - El Dorado
- University of Kansas Clinical Research Center
- Cancer Center of Kansas - Fort Scott
- Central Care Cancer Center - Garden City
- Saint Catherine Hospital
- Central Care Cancer Center - Great Bend
- HaysMed University of Kansas Health System
- Cancer Center of Kansas-Independence
- University of Kansas Cancer Center-West
- University of Kansas Cancer Center
- Cancer Center of Kansas-Kingman
- Lawrence Memorial Hospital
- Cancer Center of Kansas-Liberal
- Cancer Center of Kansas-Manhattan
- Cancer Center of Kansas - McPherson
- Cancer Center of Kansas - Newton
- Olathe Health Cancer Center
- University of Kansas Cancer Center-Overland Park
- University of Kansas Hospital-Indian Creek Campus
- Cancer Center of Kansas - Parsons
- Ascension Via Christi - Pittsburg
- Freeman Physician Group of Pittsburg
- Cancer Center of Kansas - Pratt
- Cancer Center of Kansas - Salina
- Salina Regional Health Center
- University of Kansas Health System Saint Francis Campus
- Cancer Center of Kansas - Wellington
- University of Kansas Hospital-Westwood Cancer Center
- Associates In Womens Health
- Cancer Center of Kansas-Wichita Medical Arts Tower
- Ascension Via Christi Hospitals Wichita
- Cancer Center of Kansas - Wichita
- Wesley Medical Center
- Cancer Center of Kansas - Winfield
- Flaget Memorial Hospital
- Commonwealth Cancer Center-Corbin
- Saint Joseph Hospital
- Saint Joseph Radiation Oncology Resource Center
- Saint Joseph Hospital East
- Saint Joseph London
- Jewish Hospital
- Saints Mary and Elizabeth Hospital
- UofL Health Medical Center Northeast
- Saint Joseph Mount Sterling
- Jewish Hospital Medical Center South
- Baton Rouge General Medical Center
- Hematology/Oncology Clinic PLLC
- Ochsner Health Center-Summa
- Medical Center of Baton Rouge
- Ochsner High Grove
- Ochsner Medical Center Kenner
- East Jefferson General Hospital
- LSU Healthcare Network / Metairie Multi-Specialty Clinic
- Louisiana State University Health Science Center
- Tulane University Health Sciences Center
- University Medical Center New Orleans
- Ochsner Medical Center Jefferson
- Eastern Maine Medical Center
- Lafayette Family Cancer Center-EMMC
- Greater Baltimore Medical Center
- Johns Hopkins University/Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center
- National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
- UPMC Western Maryland
- Frederick Memorial Hospital
- FMH James M Stockman Cancer Institute
- Lahey Hospital and Medical Center
- Lahey Medical Center-Peabody
- Mercy Medical Center
- Baystate Medical Center
- Hickman Cancer Center
- Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital
- University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Bronson Battle Creek
- Saint Joseph Mercy Brighton
- Trinity Health IHA Medical Group Hematology Oncology - Brighton
- University of Michigan - Brighton Center for Specialty Care
- Henry Ford Cancer Institute-Downriver
- Saint Joseph Mercy Canton
- Trinity Health IHA Medical Group Hematology Oncology - Canton
- Caro Cancer Center
- Saint Joseph Mercy Chelsea
- Trinity Health IHA Medical Group Hematology Oncology - Chelsea Hospital
- Hematology Oncology Consultants-Clarkston
- Newland Medical Associates-Clarkston
- Henry Ford Hematology Oncology - Hayes
- Henry Ford Macomb Hospital-Clinton Township
- Beaumont Hospital - Dearborn
- Henry Ford Medical Center-Fairlane
- Henry Ford Hospital
- Ascension Saint John Hospital
- Great Lakes Cancer Management Specialists-Doctors Park
- Green Bay Oncology - Escanaba
- Genesee Cancer and Blood Disease Treatment Center
- Genesee Hematology Oncology PC
- Genesys Hurley Cancer Institute
- Hurley Medical Center
- Helen DeVos Children's Hospital at Spectrum Health
- Spectrum Health at Butterworth Campus
- Trinity Health Grand Rapids Hospital
- Academic Hematology Oncology Specialists
- Great Lakes Cancer Management Specialists-Van Elslander Cancer Center
- Michigan Breast Specialists-Grosse Pointe Woods
- Allegiance Health
- Bronson Methodist Hospital
- West Michigan Cancer Center
- Ascension Borgess Cancer Center
- Borgess Medical Center
- Sparrow Hospital
- Hope Cancer Clinic
- Trinity Health Saint Mary Mercy Livonia Hospital
- Great Lakes Cancer Management Specialists-Macomb Medical Campus
- Michigan Breast Specialists-Macomb Township
- Green Bay Oncology-Manistique
- Saint Mary's Oncology/Hematology Associates of Marlette
- Monroe Cancer Center
- Toledo Clinic Cancer Centers-Monroe
- Trinity Health Muskegon Hospital
- Lakeland Hospital Niles
- Cancer and Hematology Centers of Western Michigan - Norton Shores
- Ascension Providence Hospitals - Novi
- Henry Ford Medical Center-Columbus
- 21st Century Oncology-Pontiac
- Hope Cancer Center
- Newland Medical Associates-Pontiac
- Saint Joseph Mercy Oakland
- Huron Medical Center PC
- Lake Huron Medical Center
- Spectrum Health Reed City Hospital
- Great Lakes Cancer Management Specialists-Rochester Hills
- Ascension Saint Mary's Hospital
- Oncology Hematology Associates of Saginaw Valley PC
- Lakeland Medical Center Saint Joseph
- Marie Yeager Cancer Center
- Henry Ford Macomb Health Center - Shelby Township
- Ascension Providence Hospitals - Southfield
- Bhadresh Nayak MD PC-Sterling Heights
- Ascension Saint Joseph Hospital
- Munson Medical Center
- Advanced Breast Care Center PLLC
- Great Lakes Cancer Management Specialists-Macomb Professional Building
- Macomb Hematology Oncology PC
- Michigan Breast Specialists-Warren
- Saint John Macomb-Oakland Hospital
- Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital
- Saint Mary's Oncology/Hematology Associates of West Branch
- Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital
- University of Michigan Health - West
- Huron Gastroenterology PC
- Trinity Health IHA Medical Group Hematology Oncology Ann Arbor Campus
- Riverwood Healthcare Center
- Essentia Health - Baxter Clinic
- Sanford Joe Lueken Cancer Center
- Essentia Health Saint Joseph's Medical Center
- Fairview Ridges Hospital
- Minnesota Oncology - Burnsville
- Cambridge Medical Center
- Mercy Hospital
- Essentia Health - Deer River Clinic
- Essentia Health Saint Mary's - Detroit Lakes Clinic
- Essentia Health Cancer Center
- Essentia Health Saint Mary's Medical Center
- Miller-Dwan Hospital
- Fairview Southdale Hospital
- Essentia Health - Ely Clinic
- Lake Region Healthcare Corporation-Cancer Care
- Essentia Health - Fosston
- Unity Hospital
- Essentia Health Hibbing Clinic
- Essentia Health - International Falls Clinic
- Fairview Clinics and Surgery Center Maple Grove
- Minnesota Oncology Hematology PA-Maplewood
- Saint John's Hospital - Healtheast
- Abbott-Northwestern Hospital
- Hennepin County Medical Center
- Health Partners Inc
- Monticello Cancer Center
- Essentia Health - Moose Lake Clinic
- New Ulm Medical Center
- Essentia Health - Park Rapids
- Fairview Northland Medical Center
- North Memorial Medical Health Center
- Park Nicollet Clinic - Saint Louis Park
- Regions Hospital
- United Hospital
- Essentia Health Sandstone
- Saint Francis Regional Medical Center
- Lakeview Hospital
- Sanford Thief River Falls Medical Center
- Essentia Health Virginia Clinic
- Ridgeview Medical Center
- Rice Memorial Hospital
- Minnesota Oncology Hematology PA-Woodbury
- Sanford Cancer Center Worthington
- Fairview Lakes Medical Center
- Baptist Memorial Hospital and Cancer Center-Golden Triangle
- Baptist Cancer Center-Grenada
- Gulfport Memorial Hospital
- Hattiesburg Clinic - Hematology/Oncology Clinic
- Forrest General Hospital / Cancer Center
- University of Mississippi Medical Center
- Baptist Memorial Hospital and Cancer Center-Union County
- Baptist Memorial Hospital and Cancer Center-Oxford
- Baptist Memorial Hospital and Cancer Center-Desoto
- Saint Louis Cancer and Breast Institute-Ballwin
- Central Care Cancer Center - Bolivar
- Parkland Health Center-Bonne Terre
- Cox Cancer Center Branson
- Saint Francis Medical Center
- Southeast Cancer Center
- Saint Luke's Hospital
- Siteman Cancer Center at West County Hospital
- Parkland Health Center - Farmington
- Capital Region Southwest Campus
- Freeman Health System
- Mercy Hospital Joplin
- Truman Medical Centers
- Kansas City Veterans Affairs Medical Center
- The University of Kansas Cancer Center-South
- University of Kansas Cancer Center - North
- University of Kansas Cancer Center - Lee's Summit
- Delbert Day Cancer Institute at PCRMC
- Mercy Clinic-Rolla-Cancer and Hematology
- Heartland Regional Medical Center
- Saint Louis Cancer and Breast Institute-South City
- Washington University School of Medicine
- Mercy Hospital South
- Siteman Cancer Center-South County
- Missouri Baptist Medical Center
- Siteman Cancer Center at Christian Hospital
- Mercy Hospital Saint Louis
- Siteman Cancer Center at Saint Peters Hospital
- Sainte Genevieve County Memorial Hospital
- Mercy Hospital Springfield
- CoxHealth South Hospital
- Missouri Baptist Sullivan Hospital
- Missouri Baptist Outpatient Center-Sunset Hills
- Mercy Hospital Washington
- Community Hospital of Anaconda
- Billings Clinic Cancer Center
- Saint Vincent Healthcare
- Saint Vincent Frontier Cancer Center
- Bozeman Deaconess Hospital
- Saint James Community Hospital and Cancer Treatment Center
- Benefis Healthcare- Sletten Cancer Institute
- Great Falls Clinic
- Saint Peter's Community Hospital
- Kalispell Regional Medical Center
- Community Medical Hospital
- CHI Health Saint Francis
- Heartland Hematology and Oncology
- CHI Health Good Samaritan
- Saint Elizabeth Regional Medical Center
- Nebraska Cancer Specialists/Oncology Hematology West PC - MECC
- Nebraska Methodist Hospital
- Oncology Associates PC
- Alegent Health Immanuel Medical Center
- Hematology and Oncology Consultants PC
- Alegent Health Bergan Mercy Medical Center
- Alegent Health Lakeside Hospital
- Creighton University Medical Center
- Midlands Community Hospital
- Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center
- Cancer and Blood Specialists-Henderson
- Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada - Henderson
- Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada-Horizon Ridge
- Las Vegas Cancer Center-Henderson
- OptumCare Cancer Care at Seven Hills
- Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada-Southeast Henderson
- GenesisCare USA - Henderson
- Las Vegas Urology - Green Valley
- Las Vegas Urology - Pebble
- Urology Specialists of Nevada - Green Valley
- Las Vegas Urology - Pecos
- Desert West Surgery
- OptumCare Cancer Care at Charleston
- University Medical Center of Southern Nevada
- Hope Cancer Care of Nevada
- Cancer and Blood Specialists-Shadow
- Radiation Oncology Centers of Nevada Central
- Urology Specialists of Nevada - Central
- GenesisCare USA - Las Vegas
- HealthCare Partners Medical Group Oncology/Hematology-Maryland Parkway
- Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center
- HealthCare Partners Medical Group Oncology/Hematology-San Martin
- Las Vegas Prostate Cancer Center
- Las Vegas Urology - Sunset
- Urology Specialists of Nevada - Southwest
- Radiation Oncology Centers of Nevada Southeast
- Cancer Therapy and Integrative Medicine
- Ann M Wierman MD LTD
- Cancer and Blood Specialists-Tenaya
- Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada - Northwest
- GenesisCare USA - Vegas Tenaya
- HealthCare Partners Medical Group Oncology/Hematology-Tenaya
- Las Vegas Urology - Cathedral Rock
- Las Vegas Urology - Smoke Ranch
- OptumCare Cancer Care at MountainView
- Urology Specialists of Nevada - Northwest
- Alliance for Childhood Diseases/Cure 4 the Kids Foundation
- Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada - Town Center
- Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada-Summerlin
- Summerlin Hospital Medical Center
- Las Vegas Cancer Center-Medical Center
- Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada
- GenesisCare USA - Fort Apache
- OptumCare Cancer Care at Fort Apache
- HealthCare Partners Medical Group Oncology/Hematology-Centennial Hills
- Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada - Central Valley
- University Cancer Center
- Hope Cancer Care of Nevada-Pahrump
- Renown Regional Medical Center
- Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center
- Radiation Oncology Associates
- Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center/Dartmouth Cancer Center
- Norris Cotton Cancer Center-Manchester
- Dartmouth Cancer Center - Nashua
- Morristown Medical Center
- Chilton Medical Center
- Overlook Hospital
- Inspira Medical Center Vineland
- Lovelace Medical Center-Saint Joseph Square
- University of New Mexico Cancer Center
- Southwest Gynecologic Oncology Associates Inc
- New Mexico Oncology Hematology Consultants
- Presbyterian Kaseman Hospital
- Memorial Medical Center - Las Cruces
- Presbyterian Rust Medical Center/Jorgensen Cancer Center
- Christus Saint Vincent Regional Cancer Center
- Montefiore Medical Center-Einstein Campus
- Montefiore Medical Center-Weiler Hospital
- Montefiore Medical Center - Moses Campus
- Roswell Park Cancer Institute
- Arnot Ogden Medical Center/Falck Cancer Center
- Glens Falls Hospital
- Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center at NYU Langone
- University of Rochester
- Stony Brook University Medical Center
- AdventHealth Infusion Center Asheville
- Southeastern Medical Oncology Center-Clinton
- AdventHealth Infusion Center Haywood
- Southeastern Medical Oncology Center-Goldsboro
- Wayne Memorial Hospital
- Margaret R Pardee Memorial Hospital
- AdventHealth Hendersonville
- Onslow Memorial Hospital
- Southeastern Medical Oncology Center-Jacksonville
- Vidant Oncology-Kenansville
- Vidant Oncology-Kinston
- Vidant Oncology-Richlands
- AdventHealth Infusion Center Weaverville
- Sanford Bismarck Medical Center
- Essentia Health Cancer Center-South University Clinic
- Sanford South University Medical Center
- Sanford Broadway Medical Center
- Sanford Roger Maris Cancer Center
- Essentia Health - Jamestown Clinic
- Indu and Raj Soin Medical Center
- Strecker Cancer Center-Belpre
- Saint Elizabeth Boardman Hospital
- Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital
- Mercy Hematology and Oncology Associates Inc
- Dayton Physicians LLC-Miami Valley South
- Miami Valley Hospital South
- Adena Regional Medical Center
- Good Samaritan Hospital - Cincinnati
- Oncology Hematology Care Inc-Kenwood
- Bethesda North Hospital
- TriHealth Cancer Institute-Westside
- TriHealth Cancer Institute-Anderson
- MetroHealth Medical Center
- Cleveland Clinic Foundation
- Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Mount Carmel East Hospital
- Columbus Oncology and Hematology Associates Inc
- Riverside Methodist Hospital
- Grant Medical Center
- The Mark H Zangmeister Center
- Mount Carmel Health Center West
- Doctors Hospital
- Good Samaritan Hospital - Dayton
- Miami Valley Hospital
- Dayton Physician LLC-Miami Valley Hospital North
- Miami Valley Hospital North
- Delaware Health Center-Grady Cancer Center
- Delaware Radiation Oncology
- Grady Memorial Hospital
- Columbus Oncology and Hematology Associates
- Dublin Methodist Hospital
- Armes Family Cancer Center
- Blanchard Valley Hospital
- Orion Cancer Care
- Atrium Medical Center-Middletown Regional Hospital
- Dayton Physicians LLC-Atrium
- Dayton Physicians LLC-Wayne
- Wayne Hospital
- Mount Carmel Grove City Hospital
- Zangmeister Center Grove City
- Greater Dayton Cancer Center
- First Dayton Cancer Care
- Kettering Medical Center
- Fairfield Medical Center
- Saint Rita's Medical Center
- OhioHealth Mansfield Hospital
- Marietta Memorial Hospital
- OhioHealth Marion General Hospital
- Toledo Clinic Cancer Centers-Maumee
- Toledo Radiation Oncology at Northwest Ohio Onocolgy Center
- Dayton Physicians LLC-Signal Point
- Knox Community Hospital
- Mount Carmel New Albany Surgical Hospital
- Licking Memorial Hospital
- Newark Radiation Oncology
- Mercy Health Perrysburg Cancer Center
- Southern Ohio Medical Center
- North Coast Cancer Care
- Dayton Physicians LLC-Wilson
- Springfield Regional Cancer Center
- Springfield Regional Medical Center
- ProMedica Flower Hospital
- ProMedica Toledo Hospital/Russell J Ebeid Children's Hospital
- Saint Vincent Mercy Medical Center
- Mercy Health - Saint Anne Hospital
- Toledo Clinic Cancer Centers-Toledo
- Dayton Physicians LLC - Troy
- Upper Valley Medical Center
- South Pointe Hospital
- Saint Joseph Warren Hospital
- Saint Ann's Hospital
- Saint Elizabeth Youngstown Hospital
- Genesis Healthcare System Cancer Care Center
- Cancer Centers of Southwest Oklahoma Research
- University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
- Mercy Hospital Oklahoma City
- Cancer Treatment Centers of America
- Oklahoma Cancer Specialists and Research Institute-Tulsa
- Saint Alphonsus Medical Center-Baker City
- Saint Charles Health System
- Clackamas Radiation Oncology Center
- Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center
- Providence Cancer Institute Clackamas Clinic
- Bay Area Hospital
- Legacy Mount Hood Medical Center
- Providence Newberg Medical Center
- Saint Alphonsus Medical Center-Ontario
- Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center
- Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center
- Providence Portland Medical Center
- Providence Saint Vincent Medical Center
- Kaiser Permanente Northwest
- Oregon Health and Science University
- Saint Charles Health System-Redmond
- Legacy Meridian Park Hospital
- Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest
- UPMC-Heritage Valley Health System Beaver
- Lehigh Valley Hospital - Muhlenberg
- Christiana Care Health System-Concord Health Center
- UPMC Hillman Cancer Center - Passavant - Cranberry
- Doylestown Hospital
- Pocono Medical Center
- Saint Vincent Hospital
- UPMC Cancer Centers - Arnold Palmer Pavilion
- Lehigh Valley Hospital-Hazleton
- IRMC Cancer Center
- Jefferson Hospital
- UPMC-Johnstown/John P. Murtha Regional Cancer Center
- UPMC Cancer Center at UPMC McKeesport
- Forbes Hospital
- UPMC Hillman Cancer Center - Monroeville
- UPMC Hillman Cancer Center in Coraopolis
- UPMC Hillman Cancer Center - Part of Frick Hospital
- Arnold Palmer Cancer Center Medical Oncology Norwin
- Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
- Eastern Regional Medical Center
- Temple University Hospital
- Allegheny General Hospital
- UPMC-Magee Womens Hospital
- UPMC-Presbyterian Hospital
- UPMC-Saint Margaret
- West Penn Hospital
- University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (UPCI)
- UPMC-Shadyside Hospital
- UPMC-Passavant Hospital
- UPMC-Saint Clair Hospital Cancer Center
- Pottstown Hospital
- UPMC Cancer Center at UPMC Northwest
- UPMC Uniontown Hospital Radiation Oncology
- UPMC Cancer Center-Washington
- UPMC Washington Hospital Radiation Oncology
- UPMC West Mifflin-Cancer Center Jefferson
- Wexford Health and Wellness Pavilion
- Prisma Health Cancer Institute - Spartanburg
- Medical University of South Carolina
- Prisma Health Cancer Institute - Laurens
- Prisma Health Cancer Institute - Easley
- Gibbs Cancer Center-Gaffney
- Tidelands Georgetown Memorial Hospital
- Saint Francis Hospital
- Prisma Health Cancer Institute - Butternut
- Prisma Health Cancer Institute - Faris
- Prisma Health Greenville Memorial Hospital
- Saint Francis Cancer Center
- Prisma Health Cancer Institute - Eastside
- Prisma Health Cancer Institute - Greer
- Gibbs Cancer Center-Pelham
- Prisma Health Cancer Institute - Seneca
- North Grove Medical Park
- Spartanburg Medical Center
- Spartanburg Medical Center - Mary Black Campus
- MGC Hematology Oncology-Union
- Sanford Cancer Center Oncology Clinic
- Sanford USD Medical Center - Sioux Falls
- Memorial Hospital
- Baptist Memorial Hospital and Cancer Center-Collierville
- Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Cool Springs
- Pulmonary Medicine Center of Chattanooga-Hixson
- Baptist Memorial Hospital and Cancer Center-Memphis
- Vanderbilt Breast Center at One Hundred Oaks
- Meharry Medical College
- Vanderbilt University/Ingram Cancer Center
- Memorial GYN Plus
- Saint Joseph Regional Cancer Center
- Parkland Memorial Hospital
- Baylor University Medical Center
- UT Southwestern/Simmons Cancer Center-Dallas
- UT Southwestern/Simmons Cancer Center-Fort Worth
- Lyndon Baines Johnson General Hospital
- M D Anderson Cancer Center
- UT Southwestern Clinical Center at Richardson/Plano
- University Hospital
- University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- American Fork Hospital / Huntsman Intermountain Cancer Center
- Sandra L Maxwell Cancer Center
- Farmington Health Center
- Logan Regional Hospital
- Intermountain Medical Center
- McKay-Dee Hospital Center
- Utah Valley Regional Medical Center
- Riverton Hospital
- Saint George Regional Medical Center
- Utah Cancer Specialists-Salt Lake City
- Huntsman Cancer Institute/University of Utah
- LDS Hospital
- South Jordan Health Center
- Central Vermont Medical Center/National Life Cancer Treatment
- University of Vermont Medical Center
- University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
- Norris Cotton Cancer Center-North
- Virginia Commonwealth University/Massey Cancer Center
- Providence Regional Cancer System-Aberdeen
- Cancer Care Center at Island Hospital
- MultiCare Auburn Medical Center
- Virginia Mason Bainbridge Island Medical Center
- Overlake Medical Center
- PeaceHealth Saint Joseph Medical Center
- Harrison HealthPartners Hematology and Oncology-Bremerton
- Harrison Medical Center
- Highline Medical Center-Main Campus
- Providence Regional Cancer System-Centralia
- Swedish Cancer Institute-Edmonds
- Saint Elizabeth Hospital
- Providence Regional Cancer Partnership
- Virginia Mason Federal Way Medical Center
- Saint Francis Hospital
- Tacoma/Valley Radiation Oncology Centers-Gig Harbor
- MultiCare Gig Harbor Medical Park
- Swedish Cancer Institute-Issaquah
- Kadlec Clinic Hematology and Oncology
- Northwest Cancer Clinic
- Providence Regional Cancer System-Lacey
- Saint Clare Hospital
- PeaceHealth Saint John Medical Center
- Virginia Mason Lynnwood Medical Center
- Skagit Regional Health Cancer Care Center
- Skagit Valley Hospital
- Jefferson Healthcare
- Harrison HealthPartners Hematology and Oncology-Poulsbo
- Peninsula Cancer Center
- MultiCare Good Samaritan Hospital
- Tacoma/Valley Radiation Oncology Centers-Puyallup
- Valley Medical Center
- Virginia Mason Medical Center
- Pacific Gynecology Specialists
- Swedish Medical Center-Ballard Campus
- FHCC South Lake Union
- Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- Kaiser Permanente Washington
- Swedish Medical Center-First Hill
- University of Washington Medical Center - Montlake
- PeaceHealth United General Medical Center
- Providence Regional Cancer System-Shelton
- MultiCare Deaconess Cancer and Blood Specialty Center - Valley
- MultiCare Deaconess Cancer and Blood Specialty Center - Downtown
- Spokane Valley Cancer Center-Mayfair
- Spokane Valley Cancer Center-Mission
- MultiCare Deaconess Cancer and Blood Specialty Center - North
- Tacoma/Valley Radiation Oncology Centers-Jackson Hall
- Franciscan Research Center-Northwest Medical Plaza
- Mary Bridge Children's Hospital and Health Center
- MultiCare Tacoma General Hospital
- Northwest Medical Specialties PLLC
- Tacoma/Valley Radiation Oncology Centers-Saint Joe's
- PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center
- Legacy Cancer Institute Medical Oncology and Day Treatment
- Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital
- Providence Saint Mary Regional Cancer Center
- Wenatchee Valley Hospital and Clinics
- North Star Lodge Cancer Center at Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital
- Providence Regional Cancer System-Yelm
- Edwards Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Ascension Saint Elizabeth Hospital
- Duluth Clinic Ashland
- Northwest Wisconsin Cancer Center
- Ascension Southeast Wisconsin Hospital - Elmbrook Campus
- Ascension Calumet Hospital
- Marshfield Clinic-Chippewa Center
- Marshfield Clinic Cancer Center at Sacred Heart
- Marshfield Medical Center-EC Cancer Center
- Ascension Saint Francis - Reiman Cancer Center
- Ascension Southeast Wisconsin Hospital - Franklin
- Saint Vincent Hospital Cancer Center Green Bay
- Saint Vincent Hospital Cancer Center at Saint Mary's
- Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center
- Marshfield Clinic - Ladysmith Center
- Holy Family Memorial Hospital
- Saint Vincent Hospital Cancer Center at Marinette
- Marshfield Medical Center-Marshfield
- Ascension Columbia Saint Mary's Hospital Ozaukee
- Ascension Southeast Wisconsin Hospital - Saint Joseph Campus
- Ascension Columbia Saint Mary's Hospital - Milwaukee
- Ascension Saint Francis Hospital
- Marshfield Clinic-Minocqua Center
- Cancer Center of Western Wisconsin
- Saint Vincent Hospital Cancer Center at Oconto Falls
- Ascension Mercy Hospital
- Ascension All Saints Hospital
- Ascension Saint Mary's Hospital
- Marshfield Medical Center-Rice Lake
- HSHS Saint Nicholas Hospital
- Ascension Saint Michael's Hospital
- Marshfield Medical Center-River Region at Stevens Point
- Saint Vincent Hospital Cancer Center at Sturgeon Bay
- Marshfield Clinic-Wausau Center
- Ascension Medical Group Southeast Wisconsin - Mayfair Road
- Marshfield Medical Center - Weston
- Marshfield Clinic - Wisconsin Rapids Center
- Cheyenne Regional Medical Center-West
- Billings Clinic-Cody
- Welch Cancer Center
- FHP Health Center-Guam
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm I (nivolumab, ipilimumab)
Arm II (nivolumab)
Patients receive nivolumab IV over 30 minutes on days 1, 15, and 29 and ipilimumab IV over 60 minutes on day 1. Treatment repeats every 42 days for up to 17 cycles (2 years) in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients who complete 17 cycles (2 years) of therapy, may continue receiving the same treatment with nivolumab and ipilimumab, or receive nivolumab once every 14 or 28 days (2 weeks or 4 weeks) per physician discretion in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients who stop treatment prior to the completion of 17 cycles of therapy may receive nivolumab once every 14 or 28 days (2 weeks or 4 weeks) in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients undergo ECHO during screening and on study. Patients also undergo MRI or CT throughout the trial. Additionally, patients undergo blood sample collection throughout the trial.
Patients receive nivolumab IV over 30 minutes on days 1, 15 and 29. Treatment repeats every 42 days for up to 17 cycles (2 years) in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. After 17 cycles (2 years) of therapy, patients may receive nivolumab once every 14 or 28 days (2 weeks or 4 weeks) in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. Patients undergo ECHO during screening and on study. Patients also undergo MRI or CT throughout the trial. Additionally, patients undergo blood sample collection throughout the trial.