Low-frequency Electrical Muscle Stimulation vs Cycle Training During Haemodialysis
Kidney Failure, Chronic

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Kidney Failure, Chronic
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- On haemodialysis for at least 3months
- On 3 times 4 hours of dialysis per week
- Urea reduction rate of at least 65% during the three months before enrolment
- Age 18 years or older
- Able to complete the exercise test and exercise training
- Able to provide informed consent
- Life expectancy of more than 6 months according to clinical assessment
Exclusion Criteria:
- Clinically significant valvular insufficiency
- Clinically significant dysrythmia
- Uncontrolled blood pressure: systolic > 160, diastolic >95 during the months before enrolment
- Excessive fluid accumulation between dialysis sessions (>3 liters), more than twice pulmonary edema over 3 months before enrolment deemed to be due to excess fluid intake
- Haemoglobin unstable and below 9.0
- Ischemic cardiac event or intervention in the last 3 months
- Clinically significant, still active inflammatory or malignant process
- Pacemaker or cardiac device (contraindicated for bioelectrical impedance)
- Planned kidney transplant during study period.
Sites / Locations
- University Hospital
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
No Intervention
Intra-dialytic LF-EMS
Intra-dialytic cycle training
Usual care
Performed twice weekly whilst seated on a standard dialysis chair. Delivered by adhesive electrodes in a neoprene garment, applied bilaterally to the quadriceps and hamstrings. Cardiovascular stimulus via rapid, rhythmical, sub-tetanic contractions. Short bursts of four pulses repeatedly delivered by stimulator at a frequency of 4Hz. Current amplitude adjustable from 40 - 200 mA with inbuilt controller. Conducted for one hour at the maximum tolerable intensity. Five minute warm-up and cool down at a lower frequency (3 Hz).
Semi-recumbent cycling performed twice weekly whilst seated on a standard dialysis chair. Performed for up to one hour per session, initially at a workload (Watts) equivalent to that achieved at 40-60% VO2 reserve during cardiopulmonary exercise test. Exercise intensity regulated using a combination of heart rate and rating of perceived exertion (12-14). Workload adjusted weekly and controlled with a combination of pedal resistance and cadence to provide a personalised exercise prescription. Five minute warm-up and cool down each session.
Continuation of dialysis treatment without the addition of an intra-dialytic exercise intervention.