Microbiota and the Lung Cancer (MICA)
Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
About this trial
This is an interventional other trial for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer focused on measuring lung cancer, intestinal microbiota, lung microbiota, surgery, chemotherapy
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- non small cell lung carcinoma patient suitable for surgery, or chemotherapy followed by surgery
- BMI <29.9 kg/m²
- not taking antibiotics, corticosteroids and/or immunosuppressants at least during two months before inclusion
- not taking prebiotics, probiotics or symbiotics at least during two months before inclusion
- signing the written consent before enrollment in the study
- affiliation to the national health insurance (or system alike) according to the law from 9th August 2004
Exclusion Criteria:
- cognitive difficulties
- refusal of participation or inability to give a clear consent
- digestive or pulmonary infection of a long duration during the two months preceding the study (with antibiotic treatment)
- inflammatory digestive pathology
- concurrent treatment with experimental medication, participation in another clinical therapeutic study within 30 days
- presence of colostomy, total or partial gastrectomy
- previous esophageal surgery
- previous ORL (otho-rhino-laryngo) cancer treated by radiotherapy or surgery
- patient enable to follow the requirements of the study
- patient deprived of his rights by administrative or judicial decision
Sites / Locations
- Centre Jean PerrinRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Non small cell lung carcinoma patients designated for immediate surgery. Intervention in this group is "sampling". The sampling will be done for: blood and saliva: at consultations after inclusion in the study faeces: day before the surgery lung/tumour tissue, bronchoalveolar lavage: during surgery after lobectomy
Non small cell lung carcinoma patients who will receive neoadjuvant chemotherapy before the surgery. Intervention in this group is "sampling". The sampling will be done for: blood and saliva: 1st time at consultations after inclusion in the study, 2nd time at consultations after chemotherapy and before surgery faeces: 1st time the day before the chemotherapy, 2nd time the day before the surgery lung/tumour tissue, bronchoalveolar lavage: during surgery after lobectomy