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Determination the Abuse Potential of Pitolisant in Healthy, Non-Dependent Recreational Stimulant Users

Primary Purpose

Healthy, Drug Abuse

Phase 1
Study Type
Sponsored by
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About this trial

This is an interventional treatment trial for Healthy

Eligibility Criteria

18 Years - 55 Years (Adult)All SexesAccepts Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Healthy male or female subjects 18 to 55 years of age, inclusive.
  • Must understand and provide written informed consent, prior to the initiation of any protocol-specific procedures.
  • Current stimulant users who have used stimulants for recreational (non-therapeutic) purposes, (ie, for psychoactive effects) at least 10 times in the past year and used stimulants at least 1 time in the 8 weeks before Screening.
  • Female subjects of childbearing potential with male sexual partners must be using and willing to continue using medically acceptable contraception for at least 1 month prior to Screening (at least 3 months for oral and transdermal contraceptives) and for at least 1 month after last study drug administration.
  • Male subjects with female sexual partners of childbearing potential must be using and willing to continue using medically acceptable contraception from Screening and for at least 1 month after the last study drug administration.
  • Able to speak, read, and understand English sufficiently to allow completion of all study assessments.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Substance or alcohol dependence (excluding nicotine and caffeine) within the past 2 years, as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fourth Edition - Text Revision (DSM IV-TR), and/or has ever participated or plans to participate in a substance or alcohol rehabilitation program to treat their substance or alcohol dependence.
  • History or presence of clinically significant abnormality as assessed by physical examination, medical history, vital signs, or laboratory values, which in the opinion of the investigator would jeopardize the safety of the subject or the validity of the study results.
  • History or presence of motor tics, Tourette's syndrome, or significant anxiety, tension, or agitation.
  • Presence of thyrotoxicosis, advanced arteriosclerosis, glaucoma, pheochromocytoma, acid related gastric disorders, or peripheral vasculopathy (including Raynaud's phenomenon).
  • History or presence of cardiovascular disorder (eg, moderate to severe hypertension, angina, arterial occlusive disease, heart failure, hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathies, myocardial infarction, potentially life-threatening arrhythmias and channelopathies [disorders caused by the dysfunction of ion channels]), or other serious cardia problems.
  • History or presence of CNS abnormalities (eg, cerebral aneurysm, vascular abnormalities, stroke), seizures, convulsions, or epilepsy.
  • History or presence of clinically significant abnormality as assessed by ECG, long QTc syndrome (eg, syncope or arrhythmia), or presence QTcF interval >450 msec.
  • Evidence of clinically significant hepatic or renal impairment including alanine aminotransferase or aspartate aminotransferase > 1.5 × the upper limit of normal (ULN) or bilirubin > 1 × ULN.
  • Positive for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
  • History of allergy or hypersensitivity to pitolisant, phentermine HCl, or related drugs (eg, sympathomimetic amines) or known excipients of any of the drug products in this study (eg, lactose).
  • History of severe allergic reaction (including anaphylaxis) to any substance or previous status asthmaticus.
  • Subjects with any history of suicidal ideation or suicidal behavior, as assessed by the C SSRS (baseline version).
  • Treatment with an investigational drug within 5 times the elimination half-life, if known (eg, a marketed product), or within 30 days (if the elimination half-life is unknown) prior to the first study drug administration or is concurrently enrolled in any research, judged not to be scientifically or medically compatible with this study.

Sites / Locations

  • INC Research

Arms of the Study

Arm 1

Arm 2

Arm 3

Arm 4

Arm Type



Active Comparator

Placebo Comparator

Arm Label

Pitolisant HCl, 40 mg

Pitolisant HCl, 240 mg

Phentermine HCl, 60 mg


Arm Description

Pitolisant HCl, 40 mg administered as 2 capsules, each containing 1 × 20 mg pitolisant HCl tablet (over-encapsulated), and 2 capsules, each containing 1 × 100 mg lactose tablet (over-encapsulated)

Pitolisant HCl, 240 mg administered as 4 capsules, each containing 60 mg pitolisant HCl (3 x 20 mg pitolisant HCl tablets, encapsulated in 1 capsule)

Phentermine HCl, 60 mg administered as 2 capsules, each containing 1 × 30 mg phentermine HCl capsule (over- encapsulated), and 2 capsules, each containing 1 × 100 mg lactose tablet (over-encapsulated)

Placebo administered as 4 capsules, each containing 1 × 100 mg lactose tablet (over-encapsulated)


Primary Outcome Measures

Maximum effect (Emax) on Drug Liking visual analog scale (VAS)
Drug liking VAS is one of the measures of balance of effects that assesses the degree that a participant likes a drug effect at the time the question is being asked (that is, at the moment). It is scored using a 100 millimeter (mm) bipolar visual analogue scale (VAS) anchored in the center with a neutral anchor of "neither like nor dislike" (score of 50 mm), on the left with "strong disliking" (score of 0 mm) and on the right with "strong liking" (score of 100 mm).

Secondary Outcome Measures

Drug Liking VAS (minimum effect [Emin] and time-averaged area under the effect curve to 24 hours after study drug administration [TA_AUE])
Drug liking VAS is one of the measures of balance of effects that assesses the degree that a participant likes a drug effect at the time the question is being asked (that is, at the moment). It is scored using a 100 millimeter (mm) bipolar visual analogue scale (VAS) anchored in the center with a neutral anchor of "neither like nor dislike" (score of 50 mm), on the left with "strong disliking" (score of 0 mm) and on the right with "strong liking" (score of 100 mm).
Overall Drug Liking VAS (Emax/Emin)
Overall drug liking VAS is one of the measures of balance of effects that assesses the participant's global perception of drug liking (that is, effects over the whole course of the drug experience including any carryover effects). A 100 mm bipolar VAS is used to assess response based on a score ranging from 0 mm to 100 mm (0 mm = "strong disliking", 50 mm= "neither like nor dislike", and 100 mm= "strong liking").
Take Drug Again VAS (Emax)
Take drug again VAS is one of the measures of balance of effects. It is a subjective assessment of the degree to which a participant would desire to take the drug again if given the opportunity. It is presented on a 100 mm bipolar VAS with score ranging from 0 mm to 100 mm (score of 0 mm = "definitely not", 50 mm = "do not care", and 100 mm = "definitely so").
Good Effects VAS (Emax and TA_AUE)
Good drug effects VAS is one of the measures of positive effects that assesses the effect experienced by the participant on a 100 mm unipolar VAS, where responses are unidirectional and range from a response of 'none' (score of 0 mm= definitely not) to 'extremely' (score of 100 mm= definitely so).
Bad Effects VAS (Emax and TA_AUE)
Bad effects VAS is one of the measures of negative effects that assesses the effect experienced by the participant on a 100 mm unipolar VAS, where responses are unidirectional and range from a response of 'none' (score of 0 mm= definitely not) to 'extremely' (score of 100 mm= definitely so).
ARCI-A scale (Emax and TA_AUE)
ARCI-A is measure of other stimulant effects. It is a set of 13 questions in which each question contributes to total score. Participants select 'False' / 'True' for response. One point given for each response that agrees with scoring direction, true items receive score of 1 if answer 'True', false items receive score of 1 if answer 'False'. No points if answer is opposite to scoring direction. Score range: 0 to 13, higher score indicated higher other subjective effects.
ARCI-BG scale (Emax and TA_AUE)
ARCI-BG is measure of other subjective effects. It is a set of 13 questions in which each question contributes to total score. Participants select 'False' / 'True' for response. One point given for each response that agrees with scoring direction, true items receive score of 1 if answer 'True', false items receive score of 1 if answer 'False'. No points if answer is opposite to scoring direction. Score range: 0 to 13, higher score indicated higher other subjective effects.
Agitation/Relaxation VAS (Emax and TA_AUE)
Agitation/Relaxation VAS assesses the effect experienced by the participant on a 100 mm unipolar VAS, where responses are unidirectional and range from a response of 'none' (score of 0 mm) to 'extremely' (score of 100 mm).
Drug Similarity VAS (score at 24 hours after study drug administration)
Drug similarity VAS is one of the measures of other subjective effects. It assesses the similarity of the drug recently received by the participant on a 100 mm unipolar VAS, where responses are unidirectional and range from a response of 'none' (score of 0 mm= not at all similar) to 'extremely' (score of 100 mm= very similar).
Safety and tolerability of Pitolisan HCl as assessed by AEs
AEs assessment
Safety and tolerability of Pitolisan HCl by laboratory assessments
Laboratory assessments
Safety and tolerability of Pitolisan HCl as assessed by 12-lead ECGs
12-lead ECGs assessments
Safety and tolerability of Pitolisan HCl as assessed by vital signs
Vital signs assessment
Safety and tolerability of Pitolisan HCl as assessed by physical examination
Physical examination assessment

Full Information

First Posted
May 10, 2017
Last Updated
November 9, 2017

1. Study Identification

Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
Determination the Abuse Potential of Pitolisant in Healthy, Non-Dependent Recreational Stimulant Users
Official Title
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Active- and Placebo-Controlled, Single-Dummy, 4-Way Crossover Study to Determine the Abuse Potential of Pitolisant Compared to Phentermine and Placebo, in Healthy, Non-Dependent Recreational Stimulant Users
Study Type

2. Study Status

Record Verification Date
November 2017
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
March 15, 2017 (Actual)
Primary Completion Date
October 23, 2017 (Actual)
Study Completion Date
October 23, 2017 (Actual)

3. Sponsor/Collaborators

Responsible Party, by Official Title
Name of the Sponsor

4. Oversight

Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
Data Monitoring Committee

5. Study Description

Brief Summary
The purpose of this study is to assess the abuse potential of single doses of pitolisant relative to phentermine HCl and placebo, when administered to healthy, non-dependent, recreational stimulant users.

6. Conditions and Keywords

Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Healthy, Drug Abuse

7. Study Design

Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Phase 1
Interventional Study Model
Crossover Assignment
43 (Actual)

8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions

Arm Title
Pitolisant HCl, 40 mg
Arm Type
Arm Description
Pitolisant HCl, 40 mg administered as 2 capsules, each containing 1 × 20 mg pitolisant HCl tablet (over-encapsulated), and 2 capsules, each containing 1 × 100 mg lactose tablet (over-encapsulated)
Arm Title
Pitolisant HCl, 240 mg
Arm Type
Arm Description
Pitolisant HCl, 240 mg administered as 4 capsules, each containing 60 mg pitolisant HCl (3 x 20 mg pitolisant HCl tablets, encapsulated in 1 capsule)
Arm Title
Phentermine HCl, 60 mg
Arm Type
Active Comparator
Arm Description
Phentermine HCl, 60 mg administered as 2 capsules, each containing 1 × 30 mg phentermine HCl capsule (over- encapsulated), and 2 capsules, each containing 1 × 100 mg lactose tablet (over-encapsulated)
Arm Title
Arm Type
Placebo Comparator
Arm Description
Placebo administered as 4 capsules, each containing 1 × 100 mg lactose tablet (over-encapsulated)
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Other Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
Pitolisant 40 mg or 240 mg (tablets over-capsuled)
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
tablets over-capsuled
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
Phentermine 60 mg (capsule over-capsuled)
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
Maximum effect (Emax) on Drug Liking visual analog scale (VAS)
Drug liking VAS is one of the measures of balance of effects that assesses the degree that a participant likes a drug effect at the time the question is being asked (that is, at the moment). It is scored using a 100 millimeter (mm) bipolar visual analogue scale (VAS) anchored in the center with a neutral anchor of "neither like nor dislike" (score of 50 mm), on the left with "strong disliking" (score of 0 mm) and on the right with "strong liking" (score of 100 mm).
Time Frame
Within 24 hours post-dose
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
Drug Liking VAS (minimum effect [Emin] and time-averaged area under the effect curve to 24 hours after study drug administration [TA_AUE])
Drug liking VAS is one of the measures of balance of effects that assesses the degree that a participant likes a drug effect at the time the question is being asked (that is, at the moment). It is scored using a 100 millimeter (mm) bipolar visual analogue scale (VAS) anchored in the center with a neutral anchor of "neither like nor dislike" (score of 50 mm), on the left with "strong disliking" (score of 0 mm) and on the right with "strong liking" (score of 100 mm).
Time Frame
Within 24 hours post-dose
Overall Drug Liking VAS (Emax/Emin)
Overall drug liking VAS is one of the measures of balance of effects that assesses the participant's global perception of drug liking (that is, effects over the whole course of the drug experience including any carryover effects). A 100 mm bipolar VAS is used to assess response based on a score ranging from 0 mm to 100 mm (0 mm = "strong disliking", 50 mm= "neither like nor dislike", and 100 mm= "strong liking").
Time Frame
Within 24 hours post-dose
Take Drug Again VAS (Emax)
Take drug again VAS is one of the measures of balance of effects. It is a subjective assessment of the degree to which a participant would desire to take the drug again if given the opportunity. It is presented on a 100 mm bipolar VAS with score ranging from 0 mm to 100 mm (score of 0 mm = "definitely not", 50 mm = "do not care", and 100 mm = "definitely so").
Time Frame
Within 24 hours post-dose
Good Effects VAS (Emax and TA_AUE)
Good drug effects VAS is one of the measures of positive effects that assesses the effect experienced by the participant on a 100 mm unipolar VAS, where responses are unidirectional and range from a response of 'none' (score of 0 mm= definitely not) to 'extremely' (score of 100 mm= definitely so).
Time Frame
Within 24 hours post-dose
Bad Effects VAS (Emax and TA_AUE)
Bad effects VAS is one of the measures of negative effects that assesses the effect experienced by the participant on a 100 mm unipolar VAS, where responses are unidirectional and range from a response of 'none' (score of 0 mm= definitely not) to 'extremely' (score of 100 mm= definitely so).
Time Frame
Within 24 hours post-dose
ARCI-A scale (Emax and TA_AUE)
ARCI-A is measure of other stimulant effects. It is a set of 13 questions in which each question contributes to total score. Participants select 'False' / 'True' for response. One point given for each response that agrees with scoring direction, true items receive score of 1 if answer 'True', false items receive score of 1 if answer 'False'. No points if answer is opposite to scoring direction. Score range: 0 to 13, higher score indicated higher other subjective effects.
Time Frame
Within 24 hours post-dose
ARCI-BG scale (Emax and TA_AUE)
ARCI-BG is measure of other subjective effects. It is a set of 13 questions in which each question contributes to total score. Participants select 'False' / 'True' for response. One point given for each response that agrees with scoring direction, true items receive score of 1 if answer 'True', false items receive score of 1 if answer 'False'. No points if answer is opposite to scoring direction. Score range: 0 to 13, higher score indicated higher other subjective effects.
Time Frame
Within 24 hours post-dose
Agitation/Relaxation VAS (Emax and TA_AUE)
Agitation/Relaxation VAS assesses the effect experienced by the participant on a 100 mm unipolar VAS, where responses are unidirectional and range from a response of 'none' (score of 0 mm) to 'extremely' (score of 100 mm).
Time Frame
Within 24 hours post-dose
Drug Similarity VAS (score at 24 hours after study drug administration)
Drug similarity VAS is one of the measures of other subjective effects. It assesses the similarity of the drug recently received by the participant on a 100 mm unipolar VAS, where responses are unidirectional and range from a response of 'none' (score of 0 mm= not at all similar) to 'extremely' (score of 100 mm= very similar).
Time Frame
Within 24 hours post-dose
Safety and tolerability of Pitolisan HCl as assessed by AEs
AEs assessment
Time Frame
Up to 6 weeks
Safety and tolerability of Pitolisan HCl by laboratory assessments
Laboratory assessments
Time Frame
Up to 6 weeks
Safety and tolerability of Pitolisan HCl as assessed by 12-lead ECGs
12-lead ECGs assessments
Time Frame
Up to 6 weeks
Safety and tolerability of Pitolisan HCl as assessed by vital signs
Vital signs assessment
Time Frame
Up to 6 weeks
Safety and tolerability of Pitolisan HCl as assessed by physical examination
Physical examination assessment
Time Frame
Up to 6 weeks

10. Eligibility

Minimum Age & Unit of Time
18 Years
Maximum Age & Unit of Time
55 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Healthy male or female subjects 18 to 55 years of age, inclusive. Must understand and provide written informed consent, prior to the initiation of any protocol-specific procedures. Current stimulant users who have used stimulants for recreational (non-therapeutic) purposes, (ie, for psychoactive effects) at least 10 times in the past year and used stimulants at least 1 time in the 8 weeks before Screening. Female subjects of childbearing potential with male sexual partners must be using and willing to continue using medically acceptable contraception for at least 1 month prior to Screening (at least 3 months for oral and transdermal contraceptives) and for at least 1 month after last study drug administration. Male subjects with female sexual partners of childbearing potential must be using and willing to continue using medically acceptable contraception from Screening and for at least 1 month after the last study drug administration. Able to speak, read, and understand English sufficiently to allow completion of all study assessments. Exclusion Criteria: Substance or alcohol dependence (excluding nicotine and caffeine) within the past 2 years, as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fourth Edition - Text Revision (DSM IV-TR), and/or has ever participated or plans to participate in a substance or alcohol rehabilitation program to treat their substance or alcohol dependence. History or presence of clinically significant abnormality as assessed by physical examination, medical history, vital signs, or laboratory values, which in the opinion of the investigator would jeopardize the safety of the subject or the validity of the study results. History or presence of motor tics, Tourette's syndrome, or significant anxiety, tension, or agitation. Presence of thyrotoxicosis, advanced arteriosclerosis, glaucoma, pheochromocytoma, acid related gastric disorders, or peripheral vasculopathy (including Raynaud's phenomenon). History or presence of cardiovascular disorder (eg, moderate to severe hypertension, angina, arterial occlusive disease, heart failure, hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathies, myocardial infarction, potentially life-threatening arrhythmias and channelopathies [disorders caused by the dysfunction of ion channels]), or other serious cardia problems. History or presence of CNS abnormalities (eg, cerebral aneurysm, vascular abnormalities, stroke), seizures, convulsions, or epilepsy. History or presence of clinically significant abnormality as assessed by ECG, long QTc syndrome (eg, syncope or arrhythmia), or presence QTcF interval >450 msec. Evidence of clinically significant hepatic or renal impairment including alanine aminotransferase or aspartate aminotransferase > 1.5 × the upper limit of normal (ULN) or bilirubin > 1 × ULN. Positive for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). History of allergy or hypersensitivity to pitolisant, phentermine HCl, or related drugs (eg, sympathomimetic amines) or known excipients of any of the drug products in this study (eg, lactose). History of severe allergic reaction (including anaphylaxis) to any substance or previous status asthmaticus. Subjects with any history of suicidal ideation or suicidal behavior, as assessed by the C SSRS (baseline version). Treatment with an investigational drug within 5 times the elimination half-life, if known (eg, a marketed product), or within 30 days (if the elimination half-life is unknown) prior to the first study drug administration or is concurrently enrolled in any research, judged not to be scientifically or medically compatible with this study.
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Michael B. McDonnell, MD
Organizational Affiliation
Syneos Health
Official's Role
Principal Investigator
Facility Information:
Facility Name
INC Research
ZIP/Postal Code
M5V 2T3

12. IPD Sharing Statement

Plan to Share IPD
PubMed Identifier
Setnik B, McDonnell M, Mills C, Scart-Gres C, Robert P, Dayno JM, Schwartz JC. Evaluation of the abuse potential of pitolisant, a selective H3-receptor antagonist/inverse agonist, for the treatment of adult patients with narcolepsy with or without cataplexy. Sleep. 2020 Apr 15;43(4):zsz252. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsz252.
Results Reference

Learn more about this trial

Determination the Abuse Potential of Pitolisant in Healthy, Non-Dependent Recreational Stimulant Users

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