Operations Research of the 'Real World' Effectiveness of Multi-Month Dispensing of ART for Stable Patients in CARGs in Zimbabwe
About this trial
This is an interventional health services research trial for HIV/AIDS
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- At least 18 years of age and willing and able to provide written informed consent for participation in this study
- Willing to be part of a CARG if in a facility that has been randomized to 3MC or 6MC,
- Confirmed HIV-1 infection based on the Zimbabwe National HIV testing algorithm.
- On ART ≥ 6 months
- On first line ART regimen
- No drug toxicity/tolerability issues within the prior 6 months
- No active opportunistic infection suspected (including TB) and not treated for an opportunistic infection in the last 30 days
- Viral load < 1000 copies/ml done at baseline of the study
- Weight ≥ 35kgs
Exclusion Criteria:
- Unwilling or unable to provide informed consent
- On alternative first line or second line regimen
- ARV toxicity or tolerability issue within the prior 6 months
- Co-morbidities requiring facility visits more often than 3 months if in the 3MC/3MF ARMS and 6 monthly if in the 6MC ARM
- Viral load > lower limit of standard assay (>1000) within the prior 6 months
- Confirmed pregnancy, or less than 18 months postpartum.
- Weight criteria is less than 35kgs
Sites / Locations
- Seke North Clinic
- Seke South Clinic
- St Mary's Clinic
- Zengeza Clinic
- Chimombe Rural Hospital
- Chinyika Rural Hospital
- Gutu Mission Hospital
- Gutu Rural Hospital
- Bota Rural Hospital
- Bvukururu Clinic
- Chiredzana Clinic
- Harava Rural Health Centre
- Siyawareva Clinic
- Beitbridge Hospital
- Chamnangana
- Chaswingo
- Dulibadzimu
- Makakabule
- Shabwe
- Chidembeko Mission Hospital
- Jeka Mission Hospital
- Masase Mission Hospital
- Mataga RHC
- Mberengwa Hospital
- Mnene Mission Hospital
- Mposi Mission Hospital
- Musume Mission Hospital
- Mwanezi RHC
- Negove Clinic
- Svuure Clinic
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
No Intervention
3MF: 3-month ART dispensing at facilities
3MC: 3-month ART dispensing in CARGs
6MC: 6-month ART dispensing in CARGs
Ten sites at which patients will receive standard of care where ART is dispensed three monthly from the facility based on usual practice at the clinic. The approach will be consistent with applicable country guidelines at the time of study.
Ten sites at which patients will receive ART dispensed three monthly in CARGs. Providers at facilities will assist in the formation of CARGs and will provide all enrolled patients with a 3 month supply of ART and associated HIV medications. All other aspects of care will be as per standard of care for the enrolling clinic.
Ten sites at which patients will receive ART dispensed six monthly in CARGs. Providers at facilities will assist in the formation of CARGs and will provide all enrolled patients with a 6 month supply of ART and associated HIV medications. All other aspects of care will be as per standard of care for the enrolling clinic.