A Study of Niraparib Combined With Bevacizumab Maintenance Treatment in Participants With Advanced Ovarian Cancer Following Response on Front-Line Platinum-Based Chemotherapy
Ovarian Neoplasms

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Ovarian Neoplasms focused on measuring Poly(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor, Ovarian Cancer, Primary Peritoneal carcinoma, Fallopian Tube, Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitor, Bevacizumab, Niraparib
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Participants must be female, be greater than equal to (>=) 18 years of age, be able to understand the study procedures, and agree to participate in the study by providing written informed consent.
- Participants must have newly diagnosed International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Stage IIIB to IV epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube, or peritoneal cancer and have recovered from debulking surgery.
- Participants must have high-grade serous or endometrioid or high-grade predominantly serous or endometrioid histology, regardless of HRD or gBRCA mutation status. Participants with non mucinous epithelial ovarian cancer and gBRCA mutation are eligible.
- Participants must have completed front-line, platinum-based chemotherapy with CR, PR, or NED and have first study treatment dose within 12 weeks of the first day of the last cycle of chemotherapy:
- a. A platinum-based regimen must have consisted of a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 9 treatment cycles. Participants who discontinued platinum-based therapy early as a result of non hematologic toxicity specifically related to the platinum regimen (ie, neurotoxicity or hypersensitivity) are eligible if they have received a minimum of 4 cycles of the platinum regimen.
- b. IV, intraperitoneal, or neoadjuvant platinum-based chemotherapy is allowed; for weekly therapy, 3 weeks is considered 1 cycle. Interval debulking is allowed.
- Participants must have received, prior to enrollment, a minimum of 3 cycles of bevacizumab in combination with the last 3 cycles of platinum-based chemotherapy. Participants who undergo interval debulking surgery are eligible if they have received only 2 cycles of bevacizumab in combination with the last 3 cycles of platinum-based chemotherapy.
- Participant must have had 1 attempt at optimal debulking surgery.
- Participant must have either CA-125 in the normal range or CA-125 decrease by more than 90% during front-line therapy that is stable for at least 7 days (ie, no increase > 15% from nadir).
- Participant must have adequate organ function.
- Participant must have an ECOG score of 0 or 1.
- Participant must have normal blood pressure or well-controlled hypertension.
- Participant must agree to complete PROs (quality of life [QoL] questionnaire) throughout the study, including after study treatment discontinuation.
- Participant must be able to take oral medication.
- Participant must agree to undergo tumor HRD testing at screening. The tumor sample must be submitted for HRD testing during the Screening Period. Participants do not have to wait for the HRD test result to be enrolled. If archival tumor tissue is not available for testing, the participant must agree to undergo a fresh biopsy.
- Participant of childbearing potential must have a negative serum or urine pregnancy test (beta human chorionic gonadotropin) within 72 hours prior to receiving the first dose of study treatment.
- Participants must be postmenopausal, free from menses for > 1 year, surgically sterilized, or willing to use adequate contraception to prevent pregnancy or must agree to abstain from activities that could result in pregnancy throughout the study, starting with enrollment through180 days after the last dose of study treatment.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Participants with ovarian tumors of non-epithelial origin (eg, germ cell tumor) or any low grade tumors.
- Participants with clinically significant cardiovascular disease (eg, significant cardiac conduction abnormalities, uncontrolled hypertension, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmia or unstable angina < 6 months to enrollment, New York Heart Association (NYHA) Grade II or greater congestive heart failure, serious cardiac arrhythmia requiring medication, Grade II or greater peripheral vascular disease, and history of cerebrovascular accident (CVA) within 6 months).
- Participants with gastrointestinal disorders or abnormalities that would interfere with absorption of study treatment.
- History of bowel obstruction, including sub-occlusive disease, related to the underlying disease or history of abdominal fistula, gastrointestinal perforation, or intra-abdominal abscesses. Evidence of rectosigmoid involvement by pelvic examination or bowel involvement on computed tomography (CT) scan or clinical symptoms of bowel obstruction.
- Participant has proteinuria as demonstrated by urine protein:creatinine ratio >= 1.0 at screening or urine dipstick for proteinuria ≥ 2 (participants discovered to have >=2 proteinuria on dipstick at baseline should undergo a 24-hour urine collection and must demonstrate < 2 gram (g) of protein in 24 hours to be eligible).
- Participant has any known history or current diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or acute myelogenous leukemia (AML).
- Participant has received treatment previously with a PARP inhibitor.
- Other than ovarian cancer, the participant has been diagnosed or treated for invasive cancer less than 5 years prior to study enrollment. Participants with cervical carcinoma in situ, non melanomatous skin cancer, and ductal carcinoma in situ definitively treated are allowed.
- Participant is considered a poor medical risk due to a serious, uncontrolled medical disorder, non malignant systemic disease, or active, uncontrolled infection.
- Participant has known contraindication to PARP inhibitors or (VEGF inhibitors.
- Participant is at increased bleeding risk due to concurrent conditions (eg, major injuries or surgery within the past 28 days prior to start of study treatment, history of CVA, transient ischemic attack, subarachnoid hemorrhage, or clinically significant hemorrhage within the past 3 months).
- Participant is immunocompromised (patients with splenectomy are allowed).
- Participant has known, active hepatic disease (ie, hepatitis B or C).
- Participant has a QT interval prolongation > 480 milliseconds (ms) at screening. If a participant has a prolonged QT interval and the prolongation is deemed to be due to a pacemaker upon Investigator evaluation (ie, the participant otherwise has no cardiac abnormalities), then the participant may be eligible to participate in the study following discussion with the Medical Monitor.
- Participant is pregnant, breastfeeding, or expecting to conceive children while receiving study drug or for 180 days after the last dose of study drug ; additionally, female participant should not breastfeed during treatment with niraparib and for 30 days after receipt of the last dose due to the potential for serious adverse reactions from niraparib in breastfed infants
Sites / Locations
- GSK Investigational Site
- GSK Investigational Site
- GSK Investigational Site
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Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Participants receiving niraparib+ bevacizumab
Participants will be administered bevacizumab 15 milligram per kilogram (mg/kg) via a 30 minute (min) intravenous (IV) infusion on Day 1 of each 21-day cycle. Niraparib will be administered orally once a day continuously throughout each 21-day cycle (84-day cycle after amendment 2). On Day 1 of each cycle, niraparib will be administered upon completion of bevacizumab infusion. The starting dose of niraparib will be based on the participant's Baseline actual body weight or platelet count.