Stress Hydrocortisone In Pediatric Septic Shock (SHIPSS)
Septic Shock

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Septic Shock focused on measuring hydrocortisone, refractory septic shock, sepsis, new/progressive MODS, mortality, health-related quality of life, corticosteroid adverse events, sepsis biomarkers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
A child receiving treatment in a pediatric intensive care unit is eligible for recruitment into SHIPSS if she/he meets all of the following inclusion criteria:
- Age is at least 1 month (with corrected gestational age ≥42 weeks), but less than 17 years and 8 months of age
- A documented focus of infection or a strong suspicion of infection at PICU admission, or for patients who develop septic shock during PICU stay, at the onset of the septic shock event
- Surveillance cultures (e.g. blood, urine, cerebral spinal fluid, wound) and/or other microbial diagnostic tests have been obtained
- One or more antimicrobials have been prescribed
- Core temperature >38.5 C or <36.0 C or leukocytosis or leukopenia (as defined by the local laboratory) or a left-shifted leukocyte differential (>10% immature granulocyte forms) or a neutrophil count of <0.5 x 109 cells per litre documented at least once within the 24 hours preceding screening
- Treatment with a continuous infusion of vasoactive-inotropic agent(s) to maintain mean or systolic arterial blood pressure above the age-appropriate target set by the treating clinician
- Administration of two or more vasoactive-inotropic agents at any dose or epinephrine or norepinephrine infusion(s) alone at greater than or equal to 0.10 mcg/kg/min for >1 hour.
Exclusion Criteria:
A child receiving treatment in a pediatric intensive care unit for sepsis is ineligible for enrollment into SHIPSS if she/he meets any of the following exclusion criteria:
- All inclusion criteria have been present for > 12 hours
- Attending physician expects to prescribe systemic corticosteroids for an indication other than septic shock
- Patient has received any doses of systemic corticosteroids during treatment for sepsis
- Enrolled concurrently in a competing interventional clinical trial (formal assessment to be conducted by SHIPSS Core Committee for each potential competing trial)
- Etomidate or ketoconazole treatment within past 48 hours
- Patient in whom steroids are contraindicated at time of screening (e.g. treatment for systemic fungal infection, cerebral malaria, strongyloides)
- Known or suspected hypothalamic, pituitary or adrenal disease (including patient has received acute or chronic corticosteroid administration and the physician intends to provide corticosteroid for suspected adrenal suppression)
- Attending physician, PICU care team, or legally recognized guardians not committed to full treatment and resuscitation at the time of screening
- Patient documented to be pregnant
- Previous enrollment in the SHIPSS study
- Primary disease/injury is a thermal burn
- (U.S. sites only) Patient in the custody of US protective services.
Sites / Locations
- University of Arizona Medical CentreRecruiting
- Children's Hospital of Los AngelesRecruiting
- UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital - OaklandRecruiting
- Children's Hospital of Orange CountyRecruiting
- UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital - San FranciscoRecruiting
- Nemours Children's HealthRecruiting
- University of Miami Hospital
- University of Chicago, Comer Children's HospitalRecruiting
- The University of Illinois at Chicago/OSF Children's Hospital of IllinoisRecruiting
- University of Louisville, Norton Children's HospitalRecruiting
- University of Maryland Medical Center
- Boston Children's HospitalRecruiting
- Saint Barnabas Medical CenterRecruiting
- Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical CenterRecruiting
- The Children's Hospital at Oklahoma University Medical CenterRecruiting
- Penn State Milton S. Hershey Children's HospitalRecruiting
- Le Bonheur Children's Hospital
- Primary Children's HospitalRecruiting
- Seattle Children's HospitalRecruiting
- University of Wisconsin Health/American Family Children's HospitalRecruiting
- Alberta Children's HospitalRecruiting
- BC Children's Hospital
- IWK Health CentreRecruiting
- McMaster Children's HospitalRecruiting
- London Health Sciences CentreRecruiting
- Children's Hospital of Eastern OntarioRecruiting
- Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-JustineRecruiting
- Montreal Children's HospitalRecruiting
- Centre hospitalier de l'Université LavalRecruiting
- Royal University Hospital
- He Nan Children's hospital
- Rambam Health Care Campus
- Hadassah University Medical Center, Ein Kerem
- Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel
- Kobe Children's Hospital
- Aichi Children's Health and Medical Center
- Tokyo Metropolitan Children's Medical Center
- UKM Specialist Children's Hospital
- University Malaya Medical Centre
- Sarawak General Hospital
- Shifa International Hospital
- Aga Khan University Hospital
- King Abdullah Specialist Children's Hospital
- KK Women's and Children's Hospital
- Vietnam National Children's Hospital
- City Children's Hospital
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Placebo Comparator
Approximately half of the subjects randomized into SHIPSS will be randomized into the Treatment Group and will receive hydrocortisone sodium succinate according to a predetermined dosing schedule.
Approximately half of the subjects randomized into SHIPSS will be randomized into the Placebo Group and will receive equivalent study drug volumes of normal saline.