Study on Tailored Treatment in Elderly Patients With Newly Diagnosed Primary Lymphoma of Central Nervous System (FIORELLA)
Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma focused on measuring non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, elderly, PCNSL
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Histologically or cytologically assessed diagnosis of CD20+ diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
- Diagnostic sample obtained by stereotactic or surgical biopsy, CSF cytology examination or vitrectomy.
- Lymphoma exclusively localized in the central nervous system (brain parenchyma and/or meningeal/CSF dissemination and/or eyes and/or cranial nerves).
- Previously untreated patients (previous or ongoing steroid therapy admitted).
- Age ≥70 years
- Patients not eligible for high-dose chemotherapy supported by autologous stem cell transplant
- ECOG PS ≤3.
- Adequate bone marrow, cardiac, renal, and hepatic function
- No previous or concurrent malignancies with the exception of surgically cured carcinoma in-situ of the cervix, carcinoma of the skin or other cancers without evidence of disease at least for 3 years (patients with a previous lymphoma at any time are NOT eligible).
- Absence of any familial, sociological or geographical condition potentially hampering compliance with the study protocol and follow-up schedule.
- No concurrent treatment with other experimental drugs.
- Patients receiving oral lenalidomide or procarbazine must agree to avoid sharing the study medication with another person and to return all unused study drug to the investigator.
- Male patients must agree to always use a latex or synthetic condom during any sexual contact with females of reproductive potential while taking lenalidomide, during dose interruptions and for up to 7 days after treatment discontinuation, even if they have undergone a successful vasectomy.
- Informed consent from the patient, or legal representative, obtained before registration.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Lymphoma entity other than diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
- Extra-CNS disease.
- Lymphoma exclusively localized in the eyes
- Lymphoma infiltration of the cranial nerves as exclusive site of disease
- Previous antineoplastic treatment for the PCNSL.
- Patients eligible for ASCT.
- HBsAg- and HCV-positive patients; HBsAg- and HCV-positive patients. HBcAb+ is not exclusion criteria in the absence of detectable levels HBVDNA.
- HIV disease or immunodeficiency.
- Severe concomitant illnesses/medical conditions (e.g. impaired respiratory and/or cardiac function, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus despite optimal medical management).
- Active infectious disease.
- Hypersensitivity to any active principle and/or any excipient according to the contraindications reported in the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPCs) of the anticancer drugs used in the study
Sites / Locations
- Aarhus University HospitalRecruiting
- Odense University HospitalRecruiting
- Oulu University HospitalRecruiting
- Tampere University HospitalRecruiting
- Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
- Centro di Riferimento OncologicoRecruiting
- Ospedale C.e G. MazzoniRecruiting
- Bari IRCCS Istituto TumoriRecruiting
- ASST Spedali Civili di BresciaRecruiting
- Ospedale Antonio PerrinoRecruiting
- Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria (AOU) CareggiRecruiting
- Milano, IRCCS Ospedale San RaffaeleRecruiting
- Milano - Îstituto BestaRecruiting
- Milano NiguardaRecruiting
- Modena, Policlinico UniversitarioRecruiting
- ASST Monza - Ospedale S. GerardoRecruiting
- Pescara, Presidio Ospedaliero UOS dipartimentale centro di diagnosi e terapia LinfomiRecruiting
- PiacenzaRecruiting
- Ravenna - Ospedale di Ravenna - IRSTRecruiting
- Reggio Emilia - Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova - IRCCSRecruiting
- AUSL della Romagna - Presidio Ospedaliero Rimini - Ospedale "Infermi"Recruiting
- Policlinico Umberto I - Università La SapienzaRecruiting
- Roma - Unicampus-BioRecruiting
- S. Giovanni Rotondo - Casa Sollievo della sofferenzaRecruiting
- Siena - Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria SeneseRecruiting
- Terni - Ospedale di TerniRecruiting
- Torino neurooncologia - AOU CITTA' DELLA SALUTE E DELLA SCIENZA DI TORINORecruiting
- Tricase - Ospedale "Card. G. Panico"Recruiting
- Udine, Azienda Ospedaliera UniversitariaRecruiting
- Basel - UniversitätsspitalRecruiting
- IOSI - Oncology Institute of Southern SwitzerlandRecruiting
- Bern - InselspitalRecruiting
- St. Gallen - KantonsspitalRecruiting
- Universitätsspital ZürichRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Active Comparator
Lenalidomide (experimental arm of part A)
Procarbazine (comparator arm of part A)
Radiotherapy, temozolomide and rituximab (single arm part B)
Patients in part A will receive 2 courses of induction chemo-immunotherapy: Rituximab 375 mg/m2 i.v. on days -6, 1, 15, 29; Methotrexate 3 g/m2 0.5 g/m2 in 15 min. +2.5 g/m2 in 3-hr inf. on days 2,16,30; Procarbazine 60 mg/m2/d oral on days 2 to 11. The duration of each treatment course is 43 days. Patients will then be randomized to receive lenalidomide or procarbazine as maintenance therapy. Lenalidomide is given 25 mg/d per os, days 1 to 21 every 4 weeks for 24 courses
Patients in part A will receive 2 courses of induction chemo-immunotherapy: Rituximab 375 mg/m2 i.v. on days -6, 1, 15, 29; Methotrexate 3 g/m2 0.5 g/m2 in 15 min. +2.5 g/m2 in 3-hr inf. on days 2,16,30; Procarbazine 60 mg/m2/d oral on days 2 to 11. The duration of each treatment course is 43 days. Patients will then be randomized to receive lenalidomide or procarbazine as maintenance therapy. Procarbazine is given 100 mg/d per os, days 1 to 5 every 4 weeks for 6 courses
Patients ineligible for high-dose-methotrexate will be treated in the single-arm phase II part B of the trial and will receive whole-brain radiotherapy (2340 cGy in 5 weekly fractions) temozolomide 75 mg/m2/d during radiotherapy 4 weekly doses of rituximab 375 mg/m2, starting on day 2 of the whole-brain radiotherapy. Patients will then receive maintenance therapy with 12 courses of temozolomide administered on days 1-5, every 4 weeks at a dose of 150 mg/m2/d at the first course, and of 200 mg/m2/d at the subsequent courses.