Increasing Engagement and Improving HIV Outcomes Via HealthMPowerment
HIV Infections, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Stigma, Social
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for HIV Infections focused on measuring Prevention, Internet, Adolescence, LGBT, Sexuality, Young Adulthood
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Ages 15-29 (inclusive);
- Identify as Black/African American and/or Latino/Hispanic;
- Be U.S. residents (verified by zip code);
- Report at least one episode of condomless anal sex act with a man in prior 6 months;
- Assigned male sex at birth;
- Currently identifies as male or as woman
- Have access to internet
- Reports owning or having regular access to a smartphone device or laptop/tablet through which to log onto the study site.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Assigned female sex at birth
- Aged 14 years or younger or 30 years or older at time of screening
- Does not speak or read English or Spanish
- Did not have consensual anal sex with a male partner in the prior 6 months
- Does not reside in the United States
- Currently incarcerated
- Planning to move out of the United States in next 12 months
Sites / Locations
- University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
- Duke University
- University of Pennsylvania
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Active Comparator
Information-Only Arm
HMP 2.0 Arm
Peer-referred HMP network arm
The HMP 2.0 Information-Only Control Arm will feature a streamlined version of the website that provides tailored information and content for YBLMT. This follows the design of HMP 1.0 where control arm participants had access to HIV-related Knowledge Center articles of the main intervention without access to the engagement features, interactive forums, or doctor Q&A. HIV-negative and sero-unknown participants also will be able to request HIV home test kits. The choice of control arm balances equipoise with research study design; in HMP 1.0, control arm participants also experienced a statistically significant intervention benefit.
Participants in this experimental arm will receive access to HMP 2.0, an interactive site that includes a Knowledge Center focused on HIV prevention content, interactive forums, and a provider question & answer platform.
Participants randomized to Intervention Arm 2 (peer-created network) will be enrolled into a parallel (but separate) version of HMP 2.0. The only difference between the two intervention arms is that the peer-referred HMP network arm will allow participants to refer and enroll 2 peers of their choosing into the study.