Sleep and Pain Interventions in Women With Fibromyalgia (SPIN-II)
Primary Purpose
Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, Chronic Widespread Pain
Not Applicable
United States
Study Type
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment-Insomnia
Sleep Hygiene Education
Sponsored by

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Fibromyalgia
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- female
- 18+ years of age
- willing to be randomized
- can read and understand English
- diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and insomnia
- no prescript or over the counter pain or sleep medicaments for 1+ month
Exclusion Criteria:
- unable to provide informed consent
- cognitive impairment
- sleep disorder other than insomnia (i.e., sleep apnea, periodic limb movement disorder
- bipolar or seizure disorder
- other major psychopathology (other than depression or anxiety)
- psychotropic or other medications that alter pain or sleep
- participation in non-pharmacological treatment (including CBT) for pain, sleep, or mood outside current trial
- internal metal objects or electrical devices
- pregnancy
Sites / Locations
- University of Missouri- Department of PsychiatryRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm Type
Arm Label
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment-Insomnia
Sleep Hygiene Education
Arm Description
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment-Insomnia. 8 Session treatment focusing on behavior and cognitions related to sleep and pain.
Sleep Hygiene Education. 8 Session treatment focusing on sleep hygiene education.
Primary Outcome Measures
Change in Self-Reported Bedtime, Wake time, Sleep Onset Latency, Wake After Sleep Onset, Sleep Quality on the Daily Diaries
Participants will answer the following questions on the daily diaries:
I napped for ____________ minutes yesterday. I napped ______ times yesterday. I napped in the ___morning ___afternoon ____evening (check all that apply) I went to bed last night at ____________ AM/PM. It took me ____________ minutes to fall asleep. I woke up ____________ times last night. I was awake for ____________ minutes in the middle of the night. My final wake up time was ____________ AM/PM. I got out of bed at ____________ AM/PM. I would rate my quality of sleep last night as ____________.
1. very poor 2. poor 3. fair. 4 good 5. Excellent
Change in Insomnia Severity Index (ISI)
The Insomnia Severity Index will be administered four times - baseline, post-treatment, and 6 and 12 month follow-up. Analysis will involve examining the trend of change in the ISI.
Change in Peripheral Arousal
heart rate variability (as measured by Holter-Monitoring)
Change in Perceived Stress Scale
measures how much self-reported stress participants experience (from 0-never to 4-very often) across various 10 situations. Higher total scores indicate greater perceived stress.
Change in Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep (DBAS)
30-item self-report questionnaire designed to identify and assess various sleep/insomnia-related cognitions (e.g., beliefs, attitudes, expectations, appraisals, attributions).
Change in Pain Catastrophizing Scale
The PCS instructions ask participants to reflect on past painful experiences, and to indicate the degree to which they experienced each of 13 thoughts or feelings when experiencing pain, on 5-point scales with the end points (0) not at all and (4) all the time. The PCS yields a total score and three subscale scores assessing rumination, magnification and helplessness. Total score range from 0-52, with higher scores indicating greater pain catastrophizing.
Change in self-reported ratings of Pain Sensitivity and Pain Unpleasantness on Daily Diaries
Participants will rate how much pain they experience and how unpleasant the pain is on a scale of 1 to 100 on the daily dairies. Analysis will involve examining the trend of changes in these ratings.
Neural Imaging: Structural/Functional MRI/Diffusion Weighted Imaging
assessment of neural plasticity
Change in Bedtime, Wake time, Sleep Onset Latency, and Wake After Sleep Onset measured by Actigraphy
Actiwatch-L (ACT-L; Mini Mitter, Inc.) will be used to obtain a behavioral measure of sleep outcome. ACT-L is a wristwatch-like device that provides long-term monitoring of ambient light exposure and gross motor activity in human subjects. The Actiware-Sleep software provides behavioral estimates for several sleep variables: (1) sleep onset latency-interval between bedtime and sleep start; (2) total sleep time-sum of all sleep epochs within the sleep period; (3) sleep efficiency percentage- ratio of total sleep time to total time spent in bed × 100; and (4) total wake time-sum of all wake epochs within the sleep period.
Change in Thermal Pain Response
Participants will undergo quantitative sensory testing using a contact thermode applied to the volar surface of the forearm. The protocol that will assess both first pain (primarily A-delta function) and second pain (primarily C-fiber input). All thermal stimuli will be delivered using a computer-controlled Medoc Thermal Sensory Analyzer (TSA-2001, Ramat Yishai, Israel).
Visual Analog Scale (VAS) ratings of 4 graded intensities (45, 47, 49, 51° C) of 5 second temperature stimuli will be obtained in the following fashion: Stimulus presentation will be timed such that no site is stimulated with less than a 3-minute interval to avoid sensitization of the site. Participants will rate 8 stimuli (2 at each intensity) using a VAS for pain intensity anchored at the right end by "the most intense pain imaginable." A second random sequence of 8 stimuli (2 at each intensity) will be rated by VAS for pain unpleasantness.
Secondary Outcome Measures
Polysomnographically assessed sleep onset, wake time after sleep onset, sleep efficiency, number of awakenings, total sleep time, and sleep stage %.
Ambulatory Polysomnography will be conducted four times at baseline, post-treatment, 6-month, and 12 month follow-up. This involves attachment of small electrodes and wires to the head and body.
Change in pain severity assessed by the McGill Pain Questionnaire
The McGill Pain Questionnaire will be administered four times - baseline, post-treatment, 6 month and 12 month follow-up. Analysis will involve examining the trend of change in the scores in McGill Pain Questionnaire.
Change in pain-associated disability assessed by the Pain Disability Questionnaire
The Pain Disability Questionnaire will be administered four times - baseline, post-treatment, 6 month follow-up and 12-month follow-up. Analysis will involve examining the trend of change in the scores in Pain Disability Questionnaire.
Change in Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition
This 21-item scale measures self-reported depressive symptoms. Total scores range from 0-63, with higher scores indicating greater maladjustment.
Change in State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Form Y1 (STAI-YI)
The STAI-Y1 contains 20 items for assessing trait anxiety and 20 for state anxiety. State anxiety items include: "I am tense; I am worried" and "I feel calm; I feel secure." Trait anxiety items include: "I worry too much over something that really doesn't matter" and "I am content; I am a steady person." All items are rated on a 4-point scale (e.g., from "Almost Never" to "Almost Always"). Higher scores indicate greater anxiety.
Change in Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale
A 20 item self-report scale that measures the frequency (0-never, to 5-almost always) of anxiety across situations in which pain is experienced. Total scores range from 0 to 100 with higher scores indicating greater anxiety related to pain.
Change in Anxiety and Preoccupation about Sleep Questionnaire
A 10-item scale that asks participants to rate the level of worry and/or anxiety during several situations regarding disturbed sleep. Participant rate the truthfulness of each statement according to their own experience (1-not true to 10-very true). Higher total scores indicate greater anxiety/preoccupation about sleep.
Activities of Daily Living (ADL) - Katz ADL Scale
A 6-item scale that measures the degree of independence on activities of daily living (1-independent; 0-dependent; activities include bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, continence and feeding). Higher total scores indicate greater degree of independence on ADLs
Independent Activities of Daily Living (IADL) - Lawton IADL Scale
A 8-item scale that measures the degree of independence in performing instrumental activities of daily living (1-independent; 0-dependent; instrumental daily activities include ability to use telephone, shopping, food preparation, housekeeping, laundry, transportation, responsibility for own medications, and finances). Higher total scores indicate greater degree of independence on IADLs
Cognitive Failures Questionnaire
A 25-item scale measuring subjective cognition; caregivers rate on a scale of 0 (never) to 4 (very often) how often they experience cognitive mistakes and errors in daily tasks
Cognition - NIH Toolbox
A 20-minute computerized battery completed in a single setting on iPad (20 in. screen); domains tested include processing speed and attention, visuospatial ability and memory, verbal learning and memory, and executive functioning and working memory
Hair Extraction
Hair sample analysis for the inflammatory and stress hormone cortisol, and sex hormones estradiol and testosterone
Biomarkers - Neurodegeneration and Inflammation
Blood based biomarkers and hormones will be examined at each assessment period; biomarkers include CRP & IL-6, AβB42, AβB40 & total tau and phosphorylated-Tau at threonine181 & threonine217
Plasma-Based Hormones
Blood plasma analysis of three hormones including estradiol, testosterone, and cortisol
Global Cognition - Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE)
An 11-item questionnaire that provides a measure of global cognition. Participants are asked questions related to orientation to time/place, memory immediate/ delayed recall, attention and calculation, naming, repetition, comprehension, reading, writing, and drawing. Participants are scored 0-incorrect or 1- correct on each item. Total score is computed (out of 30), with higher total scores indicating better global cognitive function.
Global Cognition - Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)
A 30-item questionnaire that provides a measure of global cognition. Participants are asked questions related to visuospatial/executive functioning, naming, memory immediate/delayed recall, attention, language, abstraction, and orientation to time/place. Participants are scored 0-incorrect or 1-correct on each item. Total score is computed (out of 30), with higher total scores indicating better global cognitive function.
Full Information
First Posted
October 9, 2018
Last Updated
October 28, 2022
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of Florida, National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)
1. Study Identification
Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
Sleep and Pain Interventions in Women With Fibromyalgia
Official Title
Impact of CBT for Insomnia on Pain Symptoms and Central Sensitization in Fibromyalgia
Study Type
2. Study Status
Record Verification Date
October 2022
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
February 7, 2019 (Actual)
Primary Completion Date
August 30, 2023 (Anticipated)
Study Completion Date
August 30, 2023 (Anticipated)
3. Sponsor/Collaborators
Responsible Party, by Official Title
Principal Investigator
Name of the Sponsor
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of Florida, National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)
4. Oversight
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
Data Monitoring Committee
5. Study Description
Brief Summary
Insomnia affects 67-88% of chronic pain patients. SPIN II is a randomized controlled clinical trial that will compare the effects of two cognitive behavioral sleep treatments in women with fibromyalgia and insomnia. This trial will yield important information about the roles of sleep, arousal, and brain structure and function in the development and maintenance of chronic pain in women with fibromyalgia.
Detailed Description
This mechanistic trial will assess sleep, pain, arousal, and neural imagining outcomes at baseline, post-8 week behavioral treatment (CBT-I or SHE), as well as at 6 and 12 month followups. This information will provide novel information about the neural structures and functional networks associated with chronic pain, and their manipulation through a cognitive behavioral intervention to improve insomnia. Demonstration that a relatively brief intervention can reverse or resolve pain related maladaptive neural plasticity, and improve or resolve clinical pain symptoms would have immediate and far-reaching implications for millions of chronic pain sufferers as well as for the US healthcare system and economy.
6. Conditions and Keywords
Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, Chronic Widespread Pain
7. Study Design
Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Not Applicable
Interventional Study Model
Parallel Assignment
Outcomes Assessor
130 (Anticipated)
8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions
Arm Title
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment-Insomnia
Arm Type
Arm Description
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment-Insomnia. 8 Session treatment focusing on behavior and cognitions related to sleep and pain.
Arm Title
Sleep Hygiene Education
Arm Type
Arm Description
Sleep Hygiene Education. 8 Session treatment focusing on sleep hygiene education.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment-Insomnia
Other Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
8 session Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia. Individualized sessions with a therapist.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Sleep Hygiene Education
Other Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
8 Session Sleep Hygiene Education. Individualized sessions with a therapist.
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
Change in Self-Reported Bedtime, Wake time, Sleep Onset Latency, Wake After Sleep Onset, Sleep Quality on the Daily Diaries
Participants will answer the following questions on the daily diaries:
I napped for ____________ minutes yesterday. I napped ______ times yesterday. I napped in the ___morning ___afternoon ____evening (check all that apply) I went to bed last night at ____________ AM/PM. It took me ____________ minutes to fall asleep. I woke up ____________ times last night. I was awake for ____________ minutes in the middle of the night. My final wake up time was ____________ AM/PM. I got out of bed at ____________ AM/PM. I would rate my quality of sleep last night as ____________.
1. very poor 2. poor 3. fair. 4 good 5. Excellent
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Change in Insomnia Severity Index (ISI)
The Insomnia Severity Index will be administered four times - baseline, post-treatment, and 6 and 12 month follow-up. Analysis will involve examining the trend of change in the ISI.
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Change in Peripheral Arousal
heart rate variability (as measured by Holter-Monitoring)
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Change in Perceived Stress Scale
measures how much self-reported stress participants experience (from 0-never to 4-very often) across various 10 situations. Higher total scores indicate greater perceived stress.
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Change in Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep (DBAS)
30-item self-report questionnaire designed to identify and assess various sleep/insomnia-related cognitions (e.g., beliefs, attitudes, expectations, appraisals, attributions).
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Change in Pain Catastrophizing Scale
The PCS instructions ask participants to reflect on past painful experiences, and to indicate the degree to which they experienced each of 13 thoughts or feelings when experiencing pain, on 5-point scales with the end points (0) not at all and (4) all the time. The PCS yields a total score and three subscale scores assessing rumination, magnification and helplessness. Total score range from 0-52, with higher scores indicating greater pain catastrophizing.
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Change in self-reported ratings of Pain Sensitivity and Pain Unpleasantness on Daily Diaries
Participants will rate how much pain they experience and how unpleasant the pain is on a scale of 1 to 100 on the daily dairies. Analysis will involve examining the trend of changes in these ratings.
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Neural Imaging: Structural/Functional MRI/Diffusion Weighted Imaging
assessment of neural plasticity
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Change in Bedtime, Wake time, Sleep Onset Latency, and Wake After Sleep Onset measured by Actigraphy
Actiwatch-L (ACT-L; Mini Mitter, Inc.) will be used to obtain a behavioral measure of sleep outcome. ACT-L is a wristwatch-like device that provides long-term monitoring of ambient light exposure and gross motor activity in human subjects. The Actiware-Sleep software provides behavioral estimates for several sleep variables: (1) sleep onset latency-interval between bedtime and sleep start; (2) total sleep time-sum of all sleep epochs within the sleep period; (3) sleep efficiency percentage- ratio of total sleep time to total time spent in bed × 100; and (4) total wake time-sum of all wake epochs within the sleep period.
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Change in Thermal Pain Response
Participants will undergo quantitative sensory testing using a contact thermode applied to the volar surface of the forearm. The protocol that will assess both first pain (primarily A-delta function) and second pain (primarily C-fiber input). All thermal stimuli will be delivered using a computer-controlled Medoc Thermal Sensory Analyzer (TSA-2001, Ramat Yishai, Israel).
Visual Analog Scale (VAS) ratings of 4 graded intensities (45, 47, 49, 51° C) of 5 second temperature stimuli will be obtained in the following fashion: Stimulus presentation will be timed such that no site is stimulated with less than a 3-minute interval to avoid sensitization of the site. Participants will rate 8 stimuli (2 at each intensity) using a VAS for pain intensity anchored at the right end by "the most intense pain imaginable." A second random sequence of 8 stimuli (2 at each intensity) will be rated by VAS for pain unpleasantness.
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
Polysomnographically assessed sleep onset, wake time after sleep onset, sleep efficiency, number of awakenings, total sleep time, and sleep stage %.
Ambulatory Polysomnography will be conducted four times at baseline, post-treatment, 6-month, and 12 month follow-up. This involves attachment of small electrodes and wires to the head and body.
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Change in pain severity assessed by the McGill Pain Questionnaire
The McGill Pain Questionnaire will be administered four times - baseline, post-treatment, 6 month and 12 month follow-up. Analysis will involve examining the trend of change in the scores in McGill Pain Questionnaire.
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Change in pain-associated disability assessed by the Pain Disability Questionnaire
The Pain Disability Questionnaire will be administered four times - baseline, post-treatment, 6 month follow-up and 12-month follow-up. Analysis will involve examining the trend of change in the scores in Pain Disability Questionnaire.
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Change in Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition
This 21-item scale measures self-reported depressive symptoms. Total scores range from 0-63, with higher scores indicating greater maladjustment.
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Change in State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Form Y1 (STAI-YI)
The STAI-Y1 contains 20 items for assessing trait anxiety and 20 for state anxiety. State anxiety items include: "I am tense; I am worried" and "I feel calm; I feel secure." Trait anxiety items include: "I worry too much over something that really doesn't matter" and "I am content; I am a steady person." All items are rated on a 4-point scale (e.g., from "Almost Never" to "Almost Always"). Higher scores indicate greater anxiety.
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Change in Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale
A 20 item self-report scale that measures the frequency (0-never, to 5-almost always) of anxiety across situations in which pain is experienced. Total scores range from 0 to 100 with higher scores indicating greater anxiety related to pain.
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Change in Anxiety and Preoccupation about Sleep Questionnaire
A 10-item scale that asks participants to rate the level of worry and/or anxiety during several situations regarding disturbed sleep. Participant rate the truthfulness of each statement according to their own experience (1-not true to 10-very true). Higher total scores indicate greater anxiety/preoccupation about sleep.
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Activities of Daily Living (ADL) - Katz ADL Scale
A 6-item scale that measures the degree of independence on activities of daily living (1-independent; 0-dependent; activities include bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, continence and feeding). Higher total scores indicate greater degree of independence on ADLs
Time Frame
baseline to post-treatment (approximately 12 weeks)
Independent Activities of Daily Living (IADL) - Lawton IADL Scale
A 8-item scale that measures the degree of independence in performing instrumental activities of daily living (1-independent; 0-dependent; instrumental daily activities include ability to use telephone, shopping, food preparation, housekeeping, laundry, transportation, responsibility for own medications, and finances). Higher total scores indicate greater degree of independence on IADLs
Time Frame
baseline to post-treatment (approximately 12 weeks)
Cognitive Failures Questionnaire
A 25-item scale measuring subjective cognition; caregivers rate on a scale of 0 (never) to 4 (very often) how often they experience cognitive mistakes and errors in daily tasks
Time Frame
baseline to post-treatment (approximately 12 weeks)
Cognition - NIH Toolbox
A 20-minute computerized battery completed in a single setting on iPad (20 in. screen); domains tested include processing speed and attention, visuospatial ability and memory, verbal learning and memory, and executive functioning and working memory
Time Frame
baseline to post-treatment (approximately 12 weeks)
Hair Extraction
Hair sample analysis for the inflammatory and stress hormone cortisol, and sex hormones estradiol and testosterone
Time Frame
baseline to post-treatment (approximately 12 weeks)
Biomarkers - Neurodegeneration and Inflammation
Blood based biomarkers and hormones will be examined at each assessment period; biomarkers include CRP & IL-6, AβB42, AβB40 & total tau and phosphorylated-Tau at threonine181 & threonine217
Time Frame
baseline to post-treatment (approximately 12 weeks)
Plasma-Based Hormones
Blood plasma analysis of three hormones including estradiol, testosterone, and cortisol
Time Frame
baseline to post-treatment (approximately 12 weeks)
Global Cognition - Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE)
An 11-item questionnaire that provides a measure of global cognition. Participants are asked questions related to orientation to time/place, memory immediate/ delayed recall, attention and calculation, naming, repetition, comprehension, reading, writing, and drawing. Participants are scored 0-incorrect or 1- correct on each item. Total score is computed (out of 30), with higher total scores indicating better global cognitive function.
Time Frame
baseline to follow-up (approximately 60 weeks)
Global Cognition - Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)
A 30-item questionnaire that provides a measure of global cognition. Participants are asked questions related to visuospatial/executive functioning, naming, memory immediate/delayed recall, attention, language, abstraction, and orientation to time/place. Participants are scored 0-incorrect or 1-correct on each item. Total score is computed (out of 30), with higher total scores indicating better global cognitive function.
Time Frame
baseline to post-treatment (approximately 12 weeks)
10. Eligibility
Minimum Age & Unit of Time
18 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
18+ years of age
willing to be randomized
can read and understand English
diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and insomnia
no prescript or over the counter pain or sleep medicaments for 1+ month
Exclusion Criteria:
unable to provide informed consent
cognitive impairment
sleep disorder other than insomnia (i.e., sleep apnea, periodic limb movement disorder
bipolar or seizure disorder
other major psychopathology (other than depression or anxiety)
psychotropic or other medications that alter pain or sleep
participation in non-pharmacological treatment (including CBT) for pain, sleep, or mood outside current trial
internal metal objects or electrical devices
Central Contact Person:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Sydney D Shoemaker, MS
(573) 882-5113
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Christina McCrae, PhD
Organizational Affiliation
University of Missouri-Columbia
Official's Role
Principal Investigator
Facility Information:
Facility Name
University of Missouri- Department of Psychiatry
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Christina McCrae, PhD
12. IPD Sharing Statement
Plan to Share IPD
PubMed Identifier
McCrae CS, Curtis AF, Craggs J, Deroche C, Sahota P, Siva C, Staud R, Robinson M. Protocol for the impact of CBT for insomnia on pain symptoms and central sensitisation in fibromyalgia: a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2020 Sep 15;10(9):e033760. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-033760.
Results Reference
Learn more about this trial
Sleep and Pain Interventions in Women With Fibromyalgia
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