CARESS: An Investigation of Effects of CARESS
Craving, Self Efficacy, Affective; Reaction
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Craving focused on measuring emotional regulation, drug taking refusal skills, physiological responses
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- be 18 years or older
- meet criteria for problematic drinking or drug use
Exclusion Criteria:
- having been directly discharged from an inpatient psychiatric admission;
- currently under the influence of alcohol or any illicit or non-prescribed drugs;
- having received either of the treatment interventions as part of their current treatment;
- having current suicidal or homicidal thoughts, plans, or attempts;
- experiencing current psychosis; or
- unable to read the self-report assessment forms in English without assistance
Sites / Locations
- Inova Behavioral Health
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
The proposed intervention for this study has three stages: communicate alternatively (CA), release endorphins (RE), and self-soothe (SS) (CARESS) CARESS is a combined skill of three activities. Each section is timed and has specific activities: CA - will last eight (8) minutes, and will be expression of emotion with drawing with crayons. RE - will last six (6) minutes, and will be a butterfly hug with a blanket. SS - will last six (6) minutes, and will be a pre-recorded music selection.
This is a one time five-minute isometric circuit involving contracting muscles in different parts of the body. In order to be equivalent in time spent with the experimental intervention, this circuit will be performed three times with a five-minute break between each instance