Dermodialysis as Adjuvant Therapy in Renal Failure
Chronic Renal Failure

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Chronic Renal Failure focused on measuring dermodialysis
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
A-chronic renal failure groups:-
- Patients with chronic renal failure on regular haemodialysis three times a week.
- starting regular haemodialysis at least 6 months before the beginning of the study.
- Ability to perform physical exercise in argometer and treadmill arm.
B-chronic kidney disease(CKD) group:
1- CKD stage 5 (eGFR 10-15ml /min calculated by EPI equation).
2-Not on dialysis.
3-Without uremic symptoms nor standard indication for dialysis according to KDOQI guide lines.
Exclusion Criteria:
A-ESRD groups:-
- Having temporary or tunneled catheter as modality of vascular access.
- History of cerebrovascular accidents.
- History of advanced cardiac disease (heart failure, recent acute coronary syndrome, and cardiac arrhythmia).
- Active skin lesion
- large ultrafiltration volume per session(>2 Litter)
- Patients with dry skin.
-B-chronic kidney disease (CKD) group:-
- Diabetes mellitus .
- History of advanced heart failure, advanced liver cirrhosis, respiratory failure, and malignancy
Sites / Locations
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
infra-red sauna
argometer and treadmill
combination of sauna and hot bath
combination of sauna and hot bath in CKD
During the intervention phase, the patient will be dialysed twice weekly on Saturday and Wednesday. During the in-between three days, the patients will be subjected to an intervention as the following :- three session of infra-red sauna of 15 minutes duration separated by ten minutes rest outside the sauna.
During the intervention phase, the patient will be dialysed twice weekly on Saturday and Wednesday. During the in-between three days, the patients will be subjected to an intervention as the following :- three session of physical exercise (by treadmill and argometer) of 20-30 minutes duration separated by 10 minutes rest.
During the intervention phase, the patient will be dialysed twice weekly on Saturday and Wednesday. During the in-between three days, the patients will be subjected to an intervention as the following :- three session of infra-red sauna as the first group then the patients will be immersed up to neck for one hour in water at 37-43 C.
During the first month (control phase), S Cr, BUN, serum K and serum phosphorus will be measured weekly and the mean will be calculated. During the next two months (intervention phase) the patient will be subjected to three session of sauna of 15 minutes duration separated by ten minutes rest outside the sauna then the patients will be immersed up to neck for one hour in water at 37 -43 C .