Efficacy of Counseling for Prenatal Screening and Diagnostic Tests on Pregnant Women: Randomised Controlled Study
Primary Purpose
Decision Making, Chromosome Abnormality, Anxiety
Not Applicable
Study Type
Prenatal Genetic Counseling
Sponsored by

About this trial
This is an interventional supportive care trial for Decision Making focused on measuring prenatal genetic screening, prenatal diagnosis, counseling, decision, anxiety, nursing
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- taking first antenatal follow-up in 8-11. gestational weeks in where the study is conducted to have a single pregnancy
- to continue take the antenatal care in the hospital where the research was conducted
- at least primary school graduation,
- voluntary to participate the research.
Exclusion Criteria:
- want to exit from the study at her own request
- continue to antenatal follow-up in another hospital.
Sites / Locations
- Health Science University
- University Of Health Sciences
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm Type
Active Comparator
No Intervention
Arm Label
Arm Description
An individual and comprehensive prenatal genetic counseling was given to all pregnant women in the intervention group, including all screening tests and diagnostic tests for prenatal diagnosis and screening tests at the first antenatal visit.
There was no intervention from the first antenatal visit in the control group. Routine clinical information was given about prenatal screening and diagnostic tests.
Primary Outcome Measures
The State Anxiety Scale evaluates the current state of anxiety. The expressions (1) in the articles are rated as (2) slightly, (3) very, (4) completely, and the scale is answered by marking the ones that meet the current situation of the person. The total point value obtained from scale may vary between 20 and 80 points. High score indicates high anxiety level and low score indicates low anxiety level
Decisional Conflict
Pregnant women's decisional conflict scale points: 5-point Likert type and 16 questions.
Each item varies between "Strongly Agree ıy and" Strongly Disagree Her. Each item contains direct expressions, and I absolutely agree with = 0 points, Agree = 1 points, Undecided = 2 points, Disagree = 3 points and Strongly Disagree = 4 points. While calculating the total scale score; points are awarded to all items. The score is divided by the total number of items and is multiplied by 25 and the scale score is obtained. There is no cut-off point in the scale evaluating decision conflict scores. As the score obtained from the scale increases, the level of decision conflict increases.
SURE Scale
Pregnant women's SURE Scale points: It is double likert type. Items Yes = 1 point No = 0 points. Zero points mean that there is a very high decision-making conflict, while 4 points mean that there is no conflict. Scores of 3 points or less indicate a conflict of interest.
Knowledge Form About Prenatal Genetic Screening and Diagnostic Tests
Pregnant Women's Prenatal Genetic Screening and Diagnostic Tests Form points: The information evaluation form for prenatal screening tests was developed by the researcher as a result of literature review. The information evaluation form for prenatal screening tests consists of 12 statements. The aim of the prenatal screening tests is to provide information about the diseases, the weeks of screening tests, risk values and what they mean. For each phrase there are yes, I don't know and no options.Twelve is Highest, 0 is the lowest scores.
Attitudes Towards The Tests Scale
Pregnant women's Attitudes Towards The Tests scale points: Good idea to participate in testing for prenatal screening and diagnostic tests on the scale (7 points), bad idea (1 point); useful (7 points), not useful (1 point); harmful (1 point), not harmful (7 points); a bad idea (1 point), not a bad idea (7 points) were asked to rank between 1 and 7 points. One point represents negative attitude and 7 points represent a very positive attitude. According to the opinions of the pregnant women about the prenatal screening and diagnostic tests, it was stated that they could give the expressions between 1 and 7, and they were asked to answer the scale. The highest score to be obtained from this scale is 28 and the lowest score is 4.
Decision Satisfaction Form
Pregnant women's Decision Satisfaction Form points: Developed by researchers. The participants were asked to evaluate whether they were satisfied with their decisions, to make an informed decision, to make informed decisions, to make the same decision if they had experienced the same situation again. In this form, which consists of five questions and has a five-point Likert type, the expressions are evaluated with 5 (strongly agree), 4 (agree), 3 (unclear), 2 (disagree), 1 (strongly disagree) options. The highest 25 points are the lowest 5 points. High score shows high satisfaction.
Secondary Outcome Measures
The State Anxiety Scale evaluates the current state of anxiety. The expressions (1) in the articles are rated as (2) slightly, (3) very, (4) completely, and the scale is answered by marking the ones that meet the current situation of the person. The total point value obtained from scale may vary between 20 and 80 points. High score indicates high anxiety level and low score indicates low anxiety level
Decisional Conflict Scale
Pregnant women's decisional conflict scale points: 5-point Likert type and 16 questions.
Each item varies between "Strongly Agree ıy and" Strongly Disagree Her. Each item contains direct expressions, and I absolutely agree with = 0 points, Agree = 1 points, Undecided = 2 points, Disagree = 3 points and Strongly Disagree = 4 points. While calculating the total scale score; points are awarded to all items. The score is divided by the total number of items and is multiplied by 25 and the scale score is obtained. There is no cut-off point in the scale evaluating decision conflict scores. As the score obtained from the scale increases, the level of decision conflict increases.
SURE Scale
Pregnant women's SURE Scale points: It is double likert type. Items Yes = 1 point No = 0 points. Zero points mean that there is a very high decision-making conflict, while 4 points mean that there is no conflict. Scores of 3 points or less indicate a conflict of interest.
Knowledge Form About Prenatal Genetic Screening and Diagnostic Tests
Pregnant women's Knowledge About Prenatal Genetic Screening and Diagnostic Tests Form Points: The information evaluation form for prenatal screening tests was developed by the researcher as a result of literature review. The information evaluation form for prenatal screening tests consists of 12 statements. The aim of the prenatal screening tests is to provide information about the diseases, the weeks of screening tests, risk values and what they mean. For each phrase there are yes, I don't know and no options. Twelve is Highest, 0 is the lowest scores.
Attitudes Towards The Tests Scale
Pregnant women's Attitudes Towards The Tests Scale Points: Good idea to participate in testing for prenatal screening and diagnostic tests on the scale (7 points), bad idea (1 point); useful (7 points), not useful (1 point); harmful (1 point), not harmful (7 points); a bad idea (1 point), not a bad idea (7 points) were asked to rank between 1 and 7 points. One point represents negative attitude and 7 points represent a very positive attitude. According to the opinions of the pregnant women about the prenatal screening and diagnostic tests, it was stated that they could give the expressions between 1 and 7, and they were asked to answer the scale. The highest score to be obtained from this scale is 28 and the lowest score is 4.
Decision Satisfaction Form
Pregnant Women's Decision Satisfaction Form Points: Developed by researchers. The participants were asked to evaluate whether they were satisfied with their decisions, to make an informed decision, to make informed decisions, to make the same decision if they had experienced the same situation again. In this form, which consists of five questions and has a five-point Likert type, the expressions are evaluated with 5 (strongly agree), 4 (agree), 3 (unclear), 2 (disagree), 1 (strongly disagree) options. The highest 25 points are the lowest 5 points. High score shows high satisfaction.
Full Information
First Posted
January 23, 2019
Last Updated
January 29, 2019
Saglik Bilimleri Universitesi Gulhane Tip Fakultesi
1. Study Identification
Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
Efficacy of Counseling for Prenatal Screening and Diagnostic Tests on Pregnant Women: Randomised Controlled Study
Official Title
Evaluation of Efficacy of Counseling for Prenatal Screening and Diagnostic Tests on Pregnant Women's Decisional Conflict, Being Sure of the Decision, Anxiety Levels and Attitudes Towards the Tests: A Randomised Controlled Clinical Study
Study Type
2. Study Status
Record Verification Date
January 2019
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
June 10, 2017 (Actual)
Primary Completion Date
March 5, 2018 (Actual)
Study Completion Date
March 5, 2018 (Actual)
3. Sponsor/Collaborators
Responsible Party, by Official Title
Principal Investigator
Name of the Sponsor
Saglik Bilimleri Universitesi Gulhane Tip Fakultesi
4. Oversight
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
Data Monitoring Committee
5. Study Description
Brief Summary
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of counseling for prenatal screening and diagnostic tests on pregnant women's decisional conflict, being sure of the decision, anxiety levels, and attitudes towards the tests. This prospective randomized controlled intervention study was conducted between the dates June 2017 and March 2018 in a training and research hospital, department of obstetrics and gynecology. The sample of the study consisted of 210 pregnant women who took antenatal care between the 8-11th gestational weeks of whom 112 were in the intervention group and 98 were in the control group. The data were collected by using Data Collection Form, The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI I-II), Decisional Conflict Scale (DCS), Sure Scale (SURE), Knowledge Evaluation Form about Prenatal Genetic Screening and Diagnostic Tests, Prenatal Counseling Satisfaction Form, Decision Satisfaction Form and Attitudes towards the tests Scale. The study carried out in two stages. In the first stage; women's data were collected before and after participating prenatal genetic screening tests. After the results of the screening test were taken, the data were collected again. Counseling was provided for 112 pregnant women about prenatal screening and diagnostic tests before participating tests. Routine clinical information was given for 98 pregnant women who were in control group. Both groups were pre and post-tested at the same times. In the second phase, pregnant women who had diagnostic tests were evaluated. Counseling for prenatal genetic diagnosis tests was provided for 31 pregnant women in inetervetion group women and routine clinical information was providen for 26 pregnant women who were in control group. Data were collected again with data collection tools before and after the diagnostic test.
Detailed Description
Pregnant Women Who Had Only Prenatal Genetic Screening Tests In intervention group, pregnant women, who were in 8-11th gestational weeks, before prenatal genetic counseling, answered the questions in "Descriptive Features Data Collection Form", "Decisional Conflict Scale", "The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory scale", "Information Evaluation Form about Prenatal Screening Tests ","Decision Satisfaction Scale", "Attitudes towards the tests Scale". Later, individual interviews were made with pregnant women education was given with slide show about prenatal diagnosis and screening tests to pregnant women. In addition a training brochure which was prepared by the researcher was given to the pregnant women. It took about 20 minutes for the data collection forms to be answered and counseling was took about 25 minutes. After counseling, pregnant women were interviewed again at 14th week. The pregnant women were asked whether they had a screening test and the results were recorded. Then pregnant women were answered "Decisional Conflict Scale", "The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory scale", "Information Evaluation Form about Prenatal Screening Tests ","Decision Satisfaction Scale", "Attitudes towards the tests Scale" again. At the following antenatal visits (16-20th weeks), the pregnant women were asked whether they had triple, quadruple or NIPT and the test results were recorded in the data collection form. At the end of the 20th week, the data collection process of pregnant women who did not have any problems related to fetus and who were recommended to continue routine follow-up was terminated. In control group pregnant women answered same data collection forms in same weeks, but counseling was not given to this group. For this group routine clinical procedure was performed.
Pregnant Women Who Had Also Prenatal Genetic Diagnostic Tests Prenatal genetic diagnostic tests were recommended to pregnant women who had high risk results according to prenatal screening test. Pregnant women with high risk and diagnostic test were referred to genetic consultation in both intervention and control groups. After genetic consultation, pregnant women were answered "Decisional Conflict Scale", "The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory scale", "Information Evaluation Form about Prenatal Diagnostic Tests", "Decision Satisfaction Scale", "Attitudes towards the tests Scale". Then specific counseling was given to invasive test recommended by the doctor. The pregnant woman was asked if she would like to have a diagnostic test and if she didn't want to, the reason was recorded in the data collection form.
If the pregnant woman decided to have a diagnostic test, "The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory scale" was applied again after the procedure. Then pregnant women were interviewed again after about three weeks and their results were evaluated and they answered "Decisional Conflict Scale", "Information Evaluation Form about Prenatal Diagnostic Tests", "Decision Satisfaction Scale", "Attitudes towards the tests Scale". Their decision about to continue or terminate pregnancy was recorded in the data collection form. In control group pregnant women answered same data collection forms in same weeks, but counseling was not given to this group. For this group routine clinical procedure was performed.
6. Conditions and Keywords
Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Decision Making, Chromosome Abnormality, Anxiety, Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
prenatal genetic screening, prenatal diagnosis, counseling, decision, anxiety, nursing
7. Study Design
Primary Purpose
Supportive Care
Study Phase
Not Applicable
Interventional Study Model
Parallel Assignment
Outcomes Assessor
260 (Actual)
8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions
Arm Title
Arm Type
Active Comparator
Arm Description
An individual and comprehensive prenatal genetic counseling was given to all pregnant women in the intervention group, including all screening tests and diagnostic tests for prenatal diagnosis and screening tests at the first antenatal visit.
Arm Title
Arm Type
No Intervention
Arm Description
There was no intervention from the first antenatal visit in the control group. Routine clinical information was given about prenatal screening and diagnostic tests.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Prenatal Genetic Counseling
Other Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
In this study prenatal genetic screening counseling was provided from the begining of the pregnancy, different from the other studies in the literature. In the literature, most of the study evaluated pregnant women's anxiety, information status about the test and decisional conflicts, only prenatal screening process or prenatal diagnosis process. In this study pregnant women were evaluated both in prenatal screening test and prenatal diagnosis procedures.
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
The State Anxiety Scale evaluates the current state of anxiety. The expressions (1) in the articles are rated as (2) slightly, (3) very, (4) completely, and the scale is answered by marking the ones that meet the current situation of the person. The total point value obtained from scale may vary between 20 and 80 points. High score indicates high anxiety level and low score indicates low anxiety level
Time Frame
In 8-11th gestational weeks
Decisional Conflict
Pregnant women's decisional conflict scale points: 5-point Likert type and 16 questions.
Each item varies between "Strongly Agree ıy and" Strongly Disagree Her. Each item contains direct expressions, and I absolutely agree with = 0 points, Agree = 1 points, Undecided = 2 points, Disagree = 3 points and Strongly Disagree = 4 points. While calculating the total scale score; points are awarded to all items. The score is divided by the total number of items and is multiplied by 25 and the scale score is obtained. There is no cut-off point in the scale evaluating decision conflict scores. As the score obtained from the scale increases, the level of decision conflict increases.
Time Frame
In 8-11th gestational weeks
SURE Scale
Pregnant women's SURE Scale points: It is double likert type. Items Yes = 1 point No = 0 points. Zero points mean that there is a very high decision-making conflict, while 4 points mean that there is no conflict. Scores of 3 points or less indicate a conflict of interest.
Time Frame
In 8-11th gestational weeks
Knowledge Form About Prenatal Genetic Screening and Diagnostic Tests
Pregnant Women's Prenatal Genetic Screening and Diagnostic Tests Form points: The information evaluation form for prenatal screening tests was developed by the researcher as a result of literature review. The information evaluation form for prenatal screening tests consists of 12 statements. The aim of the prenatal screening tests is to provide information about the diseases, the weeks of screening tests, risk values and what they mean. For each phrase there are yes, I don't know and no options.Twelve is Highest, 0 is the lowest scores.
Time Frame
In 8-11th gestational weeks
Attitudes Towards The Tests Scale
Pregnant women's Attitudes Towards The Tests scale points: Good idea to participate in testing for prenatal screening and diagnostic tests on the scale (7 points), bad idea (1 point); useful (7 points), not useful (1 point); harmful (1 point), not harmful (7 points); a bad idea (1 point), not a bad idea (7 points) were asked to rank between 1 and 7 points. One point represents negative attitude and 7 points represent a very positive attitude. According to the opinions of the pregnant women about the prenatal screening and diagnostic tests, it was stated that they could give the expressions between 1 and 7, and they were asked to answer the scale. The highest score to be obtained from this scale is 28 and the lowest score is 4.
Time Frame
In 8-11th gestational weeks
Decision Satisfaction Form
Pregnant women's Decision Satisfaction Form points: Developed by researchers. The participants were asked to evaluate whether they were satisfied with their decisions, to make an informed decision, to make informed decisions, to make the same decision if they had experienced the same situation again. In this form, which consists of five questions and has a five-point Likert type, the expressions are evaluated with 5 (strongly agree), 4 (agree), 3 (unclear), 2 (disagree), 1 (strongly disagree) options. The highest 25 points are the lowest 5 points. High score shows high satisfaction.
Time Frame
In 8-11th gestational weeks
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
The State Anxiety Scale evaluates the current state of anxiety. The expressions (1) in the articles are rated as (2) slightly, (3) very, (4) completely, and the scale is answered by marking the ones that meet the current situation of the person. The total point value obtained from scale may vary between 20 and 80 points. High score indicates high anxiety level and low score indicates low anxiety level
Time Frame
In 13-14th gestational weeks
Decisional Conflict Scale
Pregnant women's decisional conflict scale points: 5-point Likert type and 16 questions.
Each item varies between "Strongly Agree ıy and" Strongly Disagree Her. Each item contains direct expressions, and I absolutely agree with = 0 points, Agree = 1 points, Undecided = 2 points, Disagree = 3 points and Strongly Disagree = 4 points. While calculating the total scale score; points are awarded to all items. The score is divided by the total number of items and is multiplied by 25 and the scale score is obtained. There is no cut-off point in the scale evaluating decision conflict scores. As the score obtained from the scale increases, the level of decision conflict increases.
Time Frame
In 13-14th gestational weeks
SURE Scale
Pregnant women's SURE Scale points: It is double likert type. Items Yes = 1 point No = 0 points. Zero points mean that there is a very high decision-making conflict, while 4 points mean that there is no conflict. Scores of 3 points or less indicate a conflict of interest.
Time Frame
In 13-14th gestational weeks
Knowledge Form About Prenatal Genetic Screening and Diagnostic Tests
Pregnant women's Knowledge About Prenatal Genetic Screening and Diagnostic Tests Form Points: The information evaluation form for prenatal screening tests was developed by the researcher as a result of literature review. The information evaluation form for prenatal screening tests consists of 12 statements. The aim of the prenatal screening tests is to provide information about the diseases, the weeks of screening tests, risk values and what they mean. For each phrase there are yes, I don't know and no options. Twelve is Highest, 0 is the lowest scores.
Time Frame
In 13-14th gestational weeks
Attitudes Towards The Tests Scale
Pregnant women's Attitudes Towards The Tests Scale Points: Good idea to participate in testing for prenatal screening and diagnostic tests on the scale (7 points), bad idea (1 point); useful (7 points), not useful (1 point); harmful (1 point), not harmful (7 points); a bad idea (1 point), not a bad idea (7 points) were asked to rank between 1 and 7 points. One point represents negative attitude and 7 points represent a very positive attitude. According to the opinions of the pregnant women about the prenatal screening and diagnostic tests, it was stated that they could give the expressions between 1 and 7, and they were asked to answer the scale. The highest score to be obtained from this scale is 28 and the lowest score is 4.
Time Frame
In 13-14th gestational weeks
Decision Satisfaction Form
Pregnant Women's Decision Satisfaction Form Points: Developed by researchers. The participants were asked to evaluate whether they were satisfied with their decisions, to make an informed decision, to make informed decisions, to make the same decision if they had experienced the same situation again. In this form, which consists of five questions and has a five-point Likert type, the expressions are evaluated with 5 (strongly agree), 4 (agree), 3 (unclear), 2 (disagree), 1 (strongly disagree) options. The highest 25 points are the lowest 5 points. High score shows high satisfaction.
Time Frame
In 13-14th gestational weeks
Other Pre-specified Outcome Measures:
Decisional Conflict Scale
Pregnant women's Decisional Conflict Scale points: 5-point Likert type and 16 questions.
Each item varies between "Strongly Agree ıy and" Strongly Disagree Her. Each item contains direct expressions, and I absolutely agree with = 0 points, Agree = 1 points, Undecided = 2 points, Disagree = 3 points and Strongly Disagree = 4 points. While calculating the total scale score; points are awarded to all items. The score is divided by the total number of items and is multiplied by 25 and the scale score is obtained. There is no cut-off point in the scale evaluating decision conflict scores. As the score obtained from the scale increases, the level of decision conflict increases.
Time Frame
Before performing prenatal genetic diagnostic test at 16 weeks for who had amniosenthesis, 12 weeks for who had corionic villus sampling (For Women who had diagnostic tests)
SURE Scale
Pregnant women's SURE Scale points: It is double likert type. Items Yes = 1 point No = 0 points. Zero points mean that there is a very high decision-making conflict, while 4 points mean that there is no conflict. Scores of 3 points or less indicate a conflict of interest.
Time Frame
Before performing prenatal genetic diagnostic test at 16 weeks for who had amniosenthesis, 12 weeks for who had corionic villus sampling (For Women who had diagnostic tests)
Knowledge Form About Prenatal Genetic Diagnostic Tests
Pregnant women's Knowledge About Prenatal Genetic Diagnostic Tests Form points: The information evaluation form for prenatal diagnostic tests was developed by the researcher as a result of literature review. The information evaluation form for prenatal diagnostic tests consists of 10 statements. The aim of this form is to provide information about the diseases, the weeks of diagnostic tests, tests' aims and what they mean. For each phrase there are yes, I don't know and no options. Ten is Highest, 0 is the lowest scores.
Time Frame
Before performing prenatal genetic diagnostic test at 16 weeks for who had amniosenthesis, 12 weeks for who had corionic villus sampling (For Women who had diagnostic tests)
Attitudes Towards The Tests Scale
Pregnant women's Attitudes Towards The Tests Scale points: Good idea to participate in testing for prenatal screening and diagnostic tests on the scale (7 points), bad idea (1 point); useful (7 points), not useful (1 point); harmful (1 point), not harmful (7 points); a bad idea (1 point), not a bad idea (7 points) were asked to rank between 1 and 7 points. One point represents negative attitude and 7 points represent a very positive attitude. According to the opinions of the pregnant women about the prenatal screening and diagnostic tests, it was stated that they could give the expressions between 1 and 7, and they were asked to answer the scale. The highest score to be obtained from this scale is 28 and the lowest score is 4.
Time Frame
Before performing prenatal genetic diagnostic test at 16 weeks for who had amniosenthesis, 12 weeks for who had corionic villus sampling (For Women who had diagnostic tests)
Decision Satisfaction Form
Pregnant women's Decision Satisfaction Form points:Developed by researchers. The participants were asked to evaluate whether they were satisfied with their decisions, to make an informed decision, to make informed decisions, to make the same decision if they had experienced the same situation again. In this form, which consists of five questions and has a five-point Likert type, the expressions are evaluated with 5 (strongly agree), 4 (agree), 3 (unclear), 2 (disagree), 1 (strongly disagree) options. The highest 25 points are the lowest 5 points. High score shows high satisfaction.
Time Frame
Before performing prenatal genetic diagnostic test at 16 weeks for who had amniosenthesis, 12 weeks for who had corionic villus sampling (For Women who had diagnostic tests)
The State Anxiety Scale evaluates the current state of anxiety. The expressions (1) in the articles are rated as (2) slightly, (3) very, (4) completely, and the scale is answered by marking the ones that meet the current situation of the person. The total point value obtained from scale may vary between 20 and 80 points. High score indicates high anxiety level and low score indicates low anxiety level
Time Frame
Before performing prenatal genetic diagnostic test at 16 weeks for who had amniosenthesis, 12 weeks for who had corionic villus sampling (For Women who had diagnostic tests)
The State Anxiety Scale evaluates the current state of anxiety. The expressions (1) in the articles are rated as (2) slightly, (3) very, (4) completely, and the scale is answered by marking the ones that meet the current situation of the person. The total point value obtained from scale may vary between 20 and 80 points. High score indicates high anxiety level and low score indicates low anxiety level
Time Frame
After performing prenatal genetic diagnostic test at 20th weeks for who had amniosenthesis, 16 weeks for who had corionic villus sampling(For Women who had diagnostic tests)
Decisional Conflict Scale
Pregnant women's Decisional Conflict Scale points: 5-point Likert type and 16 questions.
Each item varies between "Strongly Agree ıy and" Strongly Disagree Her. Each item contains direct expressions, and I absolutely agree with = 0 points, Agree = 1 points, Undecided = 2 points, Disagree = 3 points and Strongly Disagree = 4 points. While calculating the total scale score; points are awarded to all items. The score is divided by the total number of items and is multiplied by 25 and the scale score is obtained. There is no cut-off point in the scale evaluating decision conflict scores. As the score obtained from the scale increases, the level of decision conflict increases.
Time Frame
After performing prenatal genetic diagnostic test at 20th weeks for who had amniosenthesis, 16 weeks for who had corionic villus sampling(For Women who had diagnostic tests)
SURE Scale
Pregnant women's SURE Scale points: It is double likert type. Items Yes = 1 point No = 0 points. Zero points mean that there is a very high decision-making conflict, while 4 points mean that there is no conflict. Scores of 3 points or less indicate a conflict of interest.
Time Frame
After performing prenatal genetic diagnostic test at 20th weeks for who had amniosenthesis, 16 weeks for who had corionic villus sampling(For Women who had diagnostic tests)
Knowledge Form About Prenatal Genetic Diagnostic Tests
Pregnant women's Knowledge About Prenatal Genetic Diagnostic Tests Form points: The information evaluation form for prenatal diagnostic tests was developed by the researcher as a result of literature review. The information evaluation form for prenatal diagnostic tests consists of 10 statements. The aim of this form is to provide information about the diseases, the weeks of diagnostic tests, tests' aims and what they mean. For each phrase there are yes, I don't know and no options. Ten is Highest, 0 is the lowest scores.
Time Frame
After performing prenatal genetic diagnostic test at 20th weeks for who had amniosenthesis, 16 weeks for who had corionic villus sampling(For Women who had diagnostic tests)
Attitudes Towards The Tests Scale
Pregnant women's Attitudes Towards The Tests Scale points: Good idea to participate in testing for prenatal screening and diagnostic tests on the scale (7 points), bad idea (1 point); useful (7 points), not useful (1 point); harmful (1 point), not harmful (7 points); a bad idea (1 point), not a bad idea (7 points) were asked to rank between 1 and 7 points. One point represents negative attitude and 7 points represent a very positive attitude. According to the opinions of the pregnant women about the prenatal screening and diagnostic tests, it was stated that they could give the expressions between 1 and 7, and they were asked to answer the scale. The highest score to be obtained from this scale is 28 and the lowest score is 4.
Time Frame
After performing prenatal genetic diagnostic test at 20th weeks for who had amniosenthesis, 16 weeks for who had corionic villus sampling(For Women who had diagnostic tests)
Decision Satisfaction Form
Pregnant women's Decision Satisfaction Form points: Developed by researchers. The participants were asked to evaluate whether they were satisfied with their decisions, to make an informed decision, to make informed decisions, to make the same decision if they had experienced the same situation again. In this form, which consists of five questions and has a five-point Likert type, the expressions are evaluated with 5 (strongly agree), 4 (agree), 3 (unclear), 2 (disagree), 1 (strongly disagree) options. The highest 25 points are the lowest 5 points. High score shows high satisfaction.
Time Frame
After performing prenatal genetic diagnostic test at 20th weeks for who had amniosenthesis, 16 weeks for who had corionic villus sampling(For Women who had diagnostic tests)
10. Eligibility
Gender Based
Gender Eligibility Description
pregnant women was evaluated in this study
Minimum Age & Unit of Time
19 Years
Maximum Age & Unit of Time
46 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
taking first antenatal follow-up in 8-11. gestational weeks in where the study is conducted to have a single pregnancy
to continue take the antenatal care in the hospital where the research was conducted
at least primary school graduation,
voluntary to participate the research.
Exclusion Criteria:
want to exit from the study at her own request
continue to antenatal follow-up in another hospital.
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
İlknur Yeşilçınar, PhD. RN.
Organizational Affiliation
Health Science University
Official's Role
Study Director
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Gülten Güvenç, Assoc. Prof.
Organizational Affiliation
Health Science University
Official's Role
Study Director
Facility Information:
Facility Name
Health Science University
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
University Of Health Sciences
ZIP/Postal Code
12. IPD Sharing Statement
Plan to Share IPD
PubMed Identifier
Martin L, Gitsels-van der Wal JT, de Boer MA, Vanstone M, Henneman L. Introduction of non-invasive prenatal testing as a first-tier aneuploidy screening test: A survey among Dutch midwives about their role as counsellors. Midwifery. 2018 Jan;56:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2017.09.008. Epub 2017 Sep 24.
Results Reference
Amel S.H., Ali A, Hassan S.A, Momtaz M., Abdelhaleem Z., Negm S. Impact of A Structured Prenatal Counseling on Anxiety Level Among Women Undergoing Amniocentesis. American Journal of Research Communication, 2014; 2(6): 97-108} www.usa-journals.com, ISSN: 2325-4076.
Results Reference
PubMed Identifier
Long S, O'Leary P, Lobo R, Dickinson JE. Women's Understanding and Attitudes towards Down Syndrome and Other Genetic Conditions in the Context of Prenatal Screening. J Genet Couns. 2018 Jun;27(3):647-655. doi: 10.1007/s10897-017-0167-7. Epub 2017 Oct 24.
Results Reference
Learn more about this trial
Efficacy of Counseling for Prenatal Screening and Diagnostic Tests on Pregnant Women: Randomised Controlled Study
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