Novum Vitrium® Cervical Cage in Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion
Symptomatic Cervical Disc Disease

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Symptomatic Cervical Disc Disease focused on measuring Cervical Disc Disease, ACDF, Single-level
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Symptomatic cervical disc disease (SCDD) in the one vertebral level between C3/C4 to C7/T1, defined as neck or arm (radicular) pain, or functional or neurological deficit and correlated with radiculopathy or myelopathy or radiographic confirmation (by CT, MRI, x-ray, etc.) of any of the following:
- Herniated nucleus pulposus;
- Spondylosis (defined by the presence of osteophytes); or
- Loss of disc height.
- Requires only one cervical vertebral level to be surgically treated, confirmed radiologically by Xray, CT, or MRI and correlated with neurologic examination prior to enrollment;
- Age between 22 and 70 years (inclusive);
- Skeletally mature patients;
- Failed at least 6 weeks of conservative treatment (e.g. medication, physical therapy), or exhibit progressive symptoms or signs of spinal cord/nerve root compression with continued non-operative care;
- Neck Disability Index (NDI) Questionnaire score of at least 30 (on a scale from 0 to 100);
- Able to read and Understand all documents used in this study, including the Informed Consent and patient-reported outcome questionnaires;
- Understand and read English at elementary level;
- Patient must understand and sign the Informed Consent document that has been approved by the Ethics committee, Institutional review Board and the FDA.
Exclusion Criteria:
- More than one vertebral level requiring treatment, confirmed radiologically by X-ray, CT, or MRI
- Cervical instability;
- Prior fusion surgery at any cervical vertebral level;
- Prior surgery at the level to be treated with the exception of surgery that does not require the use of hardware and/or the treatment of facet disease;
- Severe facet disease;
- Clinically compromised vertebral bodies at the affected level(s) due to current or past trauma
- Neck or arm pain of unknown etiology;
Osteoporosis, osteopenia, Paget's disease, osteomalacia or any other metabolic bone disease;
a. Osteoporosis is defined as history of fragility fracture and Dexa (DXA) T-score < -2.5 or QCT T-score < 80mg/cubic cm. History of a fragility fracture requires that a DXA scan or QCT scan is completed
- Pregnant or interested in becoming pregnant in the next 2 years;
- Active systemic or local infection;
- History of severe allergy or anaphylaxis especially to titanium, polyethylene, cobalt, chromium or molybdenum;
- Taking medications or any drug known to potentially interfere with bone/soft tissue healing (e.g., steroids, bisphosphonates);
- Rheumatoid arthritis or another autoimmune disease that affects musculoskeletal system;
- Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) or an AIDS-related complex;
- Active malignancy or history of invasive malignancy within the last five years, except for superficial basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma of the skin that has been definitely treated; patients with carcinoma in situ of the uterine cervix treated definitely more than 1 year prior to enrollment may enter the study;
- Neuromuscular disorders such as muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
- Pre-existent neurologic or mental disorder which would preclude accurate evaluation and followup (i.e. Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, unstable psychiatric disorder with hallucinations and/or delusions or schizophrenia);
- Substance use disorder categorized as moderate to severe as defined in DSM-V;
- Mental/Psychiatric disorder as defined in DSM-V;
- Alcohol abuse disorder categorized as moderate to severe as defined in DSM-V;
- Current Smokers;
- Use of bone growth stimulator in the region of the cervical spine within the past 30 days;
- Participation in other investigational device or drug clinical trials within 30 days of surgery;
- Prisoners;
- Morbid obesity, defined as body mass index ("BMI") > 40;
- Type 1 diabetes mellitus requiring daily insulin therapy unless there is documentation of a recent A1c (within 6 months) of less than 7.1 or Type 2 diabetes where the clinical presentation precludes the patient from having surgery;
- Involved in litigation related to the spine;
- On workers compensation
Sites / Locations
- Orthopaedic Education and Research Institute
- Hartford Hospital
- Indiana Spine Group
- Orthopaedic Institute of Western Kentucky
- Upstate Medical University
- M3-Emerging Medical Research
- Arise Medical Center
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
ACDF with Novum Vitrium® Cervical Interbody Device
ACDF with Allograft
A resorbable cervical interbody cage.
Structural allograft made from structural corticocancellous allograft bone.