Surgical Protocol for Peri-implantitis Treatment-2

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Peri-Implantitis focused on measuring peri-implantitis, surgical treatment, Er:Yag laser, Air-flow, chlorhexidine
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
presence of at least one screw-type titanium implant exhibiting bleeding and/or suppuration on probing combined with:
- PPD ≥ 5 mm and bone loss ≥ 2 mm (compared to crestal bone levels at the time of placement of the reconstruction)
- PPD ≥6 and bone loss ≥3 (not compared to crestal bone levels at the time of placement of the reconstruction)
- single tooth and bridgework restorations without overhangs
- no evidence of occlusal overload (i.e. occlusal contacts revealed appropriate adjustment),
- treated chronic periodontitis and proper periodontal maintenance care FMPS < 20%
- non-smoker or light smoking status in smokers (<10 cigarettes per day) implant function time ≥ 1 year.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients with uncontrolled diabetes
- patients with osteoporosis or under bisphosphonate medication, pregnant or lactating women
- patients with a history of radiotherapy to the head and neck region
- hollow implants
- implant mobility
- implants at which no position could be identified where proper probing measurements could be performed;
- previous surgical treatment of the peri-implantitis lesions
Sites / Locations
- Università Vita-Salute San RaffaeleRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Sham Comparator
Active Comparator
Er:YAG laser
Air Powder
Access flap will be raised to gain access to the implant surface. Inflammatory tissue, excess cement or plaque deposits will be removed using titanium curettes and the implant surface will be cleaned by copious irrigation with sterile saline and surgical gauze soaked in Chlorhexidine.
Er: Yag laser treatment will be provided on the implant surface.
An Air-Powder treatment will be provided on the implant surface