A Study to Evaluate Long-Term Maintenance Treatment With Once Daily Crisaborole Ointment 2% in Pediatric and Adult Participants With Mild-to-Moderate Atopic Dermatitis
Primary Purpose
Atopic Dermatitis
Phase 3
Study Type
Crisaborole 2%
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About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Atopic Dermatitis focused on measuring Eczema, Crisaborole
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Male or female
- 3 months of age and older
- Confirmed diagnosis of atopic dermatitis according to Hanifin and Rajka criteria
- Minimum of 5% BSA affected by atopic dermatitis
- ISGA score of Mild (2) or Moderate (3)
Exclusion Criteria:
- Has any clinically significant medical disorder, condition, or disease (including active or potentially recurrent non AD dermatological conditions and known genetic dermatological conditions that overlap with AD, such as Netherton syndrome).
Sites / Locations
- First OC Dermatology
- Center for Dermatology Clinical Research, Inc.
- Asthma and Allergy Associates, PC
- Colorado Springs Dermatology Clinic, PC
- Skin Care Research LLC
- Clinical Neuroscience Solutions, Inc
- Olympian Clinical Research
- Baumann Cosmetic and Research Institute
- Clinical Neuroscience Solutions, Inc
- The Indiana Clinical Trials Center, PC
- Meridian Clinical Research, LLC
- Great Lakes Research Group, Inc.
- Skin Specialists PC
- Ohio Pediatric Research Association, Inc.
- Lynn Health Science Institute
- Oklahoma State University - Center for Health Sciences
- Clinical Neuroscience Solutions, Inc.
- Innovate Research, LLC
- Austin Institute for Clinical Research
- Austin Institute for Clinical Research, Inc.
- Center for Clinical Studies, LTD. LLP
- Jordan Valley Dermatology Center
- PI-Coor Clinical Research LLC
- Dermatology Specialists of Spokane
- Principle Research Solutions
- Australian Clinical Research Network
- SimcoDerm Medical and Surgical Dermatology Center
- Milestone Research , Inc
- North York Research Inc.
- Manna Research Toronto
- Skinsense Medical Research
- Peking University First Hospital
- The First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University
- Dermatology Hospital of Southern Medical University
- Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- Dermatology Hospital of Jiangxi Province
- Huashan Hospital Fudan University/Dermatology Department
- Tianjin Medical University General Hospital
- First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University
- Hangzhou Third Hospital
- Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
- The Chaim Sheba Medical Center
- Bezmialem Vakıf University Medical Faculty
- Erciyes University Medical Faculty
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm Type
Placebo Comparator
Arm Label
Crisaborole 2%
Arm Description
Crisaborole 2% ointment applied once daily (QD)
Vehicle ointment applied once daily (QD)
Primary Outcome Measures
Duration of Flare-Free Maintenance Until Onset of First-Flare During the Double Blind (DB) Period
The duration of flare-free maintenance was the time from randomization to the last Investigator's Static Global Assessment (ISGA) and was right censored, if an intercurrent event (eg, death, dropout, loss to follow up, or end of study) occurred before the first flare. When a flare occurred first, the duration of flare free maintenance was the time from randomization to the first flare and was not censored. Duration of flare free maintenance was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method.
Number of Participants With Treatment Emergent Adverse Events (TEAEs)
An adverse event (AE) was any untoward medical occurrence in a clinical study participant, temporally associated with the use of study intervention, whether or not considered related to the study intervention. An AE was considered a TEAE if the event started on or after the treatment period start date and before end of study (at least 28 days after last dose of study intervention).
Secondary Outcome Measures
Number of Flare-Free Days During the DB Period
Flare - free days was the sum of the duration of flare-free maintenance during the DB maintenance period for each participant.
Number of Flares During the DB Period
Flare was defined as an ISGA score of >=2. The ISGA is a 5-point scale (range 0 to 4), reflecting a global assessment of AD severity based on erythema, induration/papulation, and oozing/crusting. ISGA score of 2: mild (faint pink erythema with mild induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting) 3: moderate (pink-red erythema with moderate induration/papulation with or without oozing/crusting) and 4: severe (deep or bright red erythema with severe induration/papulation and with oozing/crusting).
Secondary: Duration of Pruritus Response Maintenance Until Onset of First Flare During the DB Period: Participants Aged >=12 Years With Baseline Peak Pruritus Numerical Rating Scale (PP NRS) >=3, >=4 and >=3, >=4 Points Reduction in PP NRS
Duration of pruritus response maintenance=time from randomization to loss of pruritus response or first flare onset(ISGA>=2) during 52-week DB period evaluated among pruritus responders at randomization. Responders=participants with success in ISGA and EASI50 criteria. Pruritus response maintenance=maintenance of >=50% improvement in pruritus from baseline obtained at randomization. If event (e.g., death, first flare[ISGA >=2], lost to follow up or end of study) occurred before loss of pruritus response for first flare-free period, duration of pruritus response maintenance was time from randomization to last assessment and was censored. Here,pruritus response maintenance duration was presented for participants aged >=12 years with OL baseline PP NRS >=3, >=4 and >=3, >=4 points reduction from OL baseline to randomization in PP NRS. PP NRS: Participants were asked to rate their itch at worst moment during previous 24 hours on a scale of 0 to 10; 0=no itch and 10=worst itch imaginable".
Secondary: Duration of Pruritus Response Maintenance Until Onset of First Flare During the DB Period: Participants Aged 6 to <12 Years With Baseline Patient Reported Itch Severity (PRIS) >=2 and >=2 Points Reduction in PRIS
Duration of pruritus response maintenance=time from randomization to loss of pruritus response or first flare onset (ISGA>=2) during 52-week DB period. Evaluated among pruritus responders at randomization. Responders were defined as participants with success in ISGA and EASI50 criteria. Pruritus response maintenance=maintenance of >=50% improvement in pruritus from baseline that was obtained at randomization. If an event (e.g., death, first flare [ISGA >=2], lost to follow up, or end of study) occurred before loss of pruritus response for first flare-free period, duration of maintenance of pruritus response was time from randomization to last assessment and was censored. Here, pruritus response maintenance duration was presented for participants aged 6 to <12 years with baseline PRIS >=2 and >=2 points reduction from baseline to randomization in PRIS. PRIS: a 5-point scale (range: 0=no itch to 4=worst itch imaginable) and was completed by participants.
Duration of Pruritus Response Maintenance Until Onset of First Flare During the DB Period: Observer Reported Itch Severity Scale (ORIS) in Participants Aged 3 to <6 Months
Duration of pruritus response maintenance=time from randomization to loss of pruritus response or first flare onset(ISGA>=2)during52-weekDB period. Evaluated among pruritus responders (success in ISGA, EASI 50) at randomization. Pruritus response maintenance=maintenance of >=50% improvement in pruritus from baseline obtained at randomization. If event(e.g., death, first flare[ISGA >=2], lost to follow up, or end of study) occurred before loss of pruritus response for first flare-free period, duration of maintenance of pruritus response was time from randomization to last assessment and was censored. Here, pruritus response maintenance duration was presented for participants aged 3 to <6 months with OL baseline ORIS>=3 or >=4 and >=3 or >=4 points reduction from OL baseline to randomization in ORIS. Caregivers were asked to rate observation of their child's itch(scratching, rubbing) at worst moment during previous 24 hours on a scale of 0 to 10;0=no itch,10=worst itch imaginable.
Duration of Maintenance of >=50% Reduction in Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) Total Score Until Onset of First Flare During the DB Period
EASI assessed severity of AD, based on severity of lesion clinical signs (erythema [E], induration/papulation [I], excoriation [Ex], lichenification [L]) and % body surface area (BSA) affected. Each of clinical signs scored separately for each of 4 body regions (head and neck [h], upper limbs [u], trunk [t] [including axillae and groin], lower limbs [l] [including buttocks]) on 4-point scale: 0= absent; 1= mild; 2= moderate; 3= severe. EASI area score (A) according to %BSA with AD: 0 (0%), 1(>0 to <10%), 2(10 to <30%), 3(30 to <50%), 4(50 to <70%), 5(70 to <90%), 6 (90 to 100%). Total EASI score =0.1*Ah*(Eh + Ih + Exh + Lh) + 0.2*Au*(Eu + Iu + ExU + Lu) + 0.3*At*(Et +It + Ext + Lt) + 0.4*Al*(El + Il + Exl + Ll). Total EASI score ranged from 0.0 to 72.0, higher score = greater severity of AD. EASI response maintenance = score that does not lose more than 50% of achieved reduction from Day1/Baseline run-in EASI score.
Duration of Maintenance of Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) Response Until Onset of First Flare During the DB Period
Duration of DLQI maintenance=time from randomization to loss of DLQI response during 52-week DB period for responders at randomization. If event(e.g., death, first flare[ISGA >=2], lost to follow up or end of study) occurred before loss of DLQI response, duration of maintenance of DLQI response=time from randomization to last assessment and censored. Responders=participants with success in ISGA,EASI50 criteria. DLQI response maintenance=response that does not lose more than minimal clinical important difference. DLQI =10-item questionnaire, measured impact of skin disease in participants aged >=16 years. Children's DLQI (CDLQI): participants aged 4 to15 years. Each question in DLQI and CDLQI evaluated on 4-point scale (range 0=not at all to 3=very much). Scores from10 items were added for DLQI/CDLQI total score, range:0 (not at all) to 30 (very much). Higher scores=more impact on quality of life of participants/children.
Duration of Maintenance of Patient Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) Response Until Onset of First Flare During the DB Period
POEM was a 7-item participant reported outcome measure used to assess the impact of AD (dryness, itching, flaking, cracking, sleep loss, bleeding and weeping) over the past week. Each item was scored as: no days=0, 1-2 days=1, 3-4 days=2, 5-6 days=3 and every day=4. The total score ranged from 0 to 28, where higher score indicated greater severity. POEM response maintenance was defined as the response that does not lose more than minimal clinical important difference. Duration of POEM maintenance was time from randomization to loss of POEM response during 52-week DB period for responders at randomization. Responders were defined as participants with success in ISGA and EASI50 criteria. If an event (e.g., death, first flare [ISGA >=2], lost to follow up, or end of study) occurred before loss of POEM response, duration of maintenance of POEM response was time from randomization to last assessment and was censored. Proxy POEM was used for participants aged 3 months to <12 years.
Investigator's Static Global Assessment (ISGA) Score for the First Flare Period
ISGA:5- point global assessment scale of AD severity, used to characterize overall disease severity across all treatable AD lesions (excluding the scalp). Score ranged from 0 to 4: where 0= clear(minor residual hypo/hyperpigmentation; no erythema or induration/papulation; no oozing/crusting), 1= almost clear (trace faint pink erythema, with barely perceptible induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 2= mild (faint pink erythema with mild induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 3= moderate (pink-red erythema with moderate induration/papulation with or without oozing/crusting), 4= severe (deep or bright red erythema with severe induration/papulation and with oozing/crusting). Higher scores indicate greater severity of AD. First flare period was the time from the onset of flare (ISGA>=2) during DB maintenance period where the participant was switched to receive open-label crisaborole ointment 2%, BID for up to 12 weeks until resolution of flares.
EASI Score for the First Flare Period
EASI assessed severity of AD, based on severity of lesion clinical signs (erythema[E], induration/papulation[I], excoriation[Ex], lichenification[L]) and % body surface area(BSA) affected.Each of clinical signs scored separately for each of 4 body regions (head and neck[h], upper limbs[u], trunk[t] [including axillae and groin], lower limbs[l] [including buttocks]) on 4-point scale: 0= absent; 1=mild; 2= moderate; 3= severe.EASI area score(A) according to %BSA with AD: 0 (0%), 1(>0 to <10%), 2(10 to <30%), 3(30 to <50%), 4(50 to <70%), 5(70 to <90%), 6 (90 to 100%). Total EASI score =0.1*Ah*(Eh + Ih + Exh + Lh) + 0.2*Au*(Eu + Iu + ExU + Lu) + 0.3*At*(Et +It + Ext + Lt) + 0.4*Al*(El + Il + Exl + Ll). Total EASI score ranged from 0.0 to 72.0, higher score = greater severity of AD.First flare period=time from onset of flare(ISGA>=2) during DB maintenance period where participant was switched to receive open-label crisaborole ointment 2%,BID for up to 12 weeks until resolution of flares.
Duration (Days) of Flare Period
Duration of flare period was average duration calculated from sum of durations divided by number of flares for each participant.
Percent Change From Baseline in EASI Scores at Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8: OL Run-in Period
EASI assessed severity of AD, based on severity of lesion clinical signs (erythema [E], induration/papulation [I], excoriation [Ex], lichenification [L]) and % body surface area (BSA) affected. Each of clinical signs scored separately for each of 4 body regions (head and neck [h], upper limbs [u], trunk [t] [including axillae and groin], lower limbs [l] [including buttocks]) on 4-point scale: 0= absent; 1= mild; 2= moderate; 3= severe. EASI area score (A) according to %BSA with AD: 0 (0%), 1(>0 to <10%), 2(10 to <30%), 3(30 to <50%), 4(50 to <70%), 5(70 to <90%), 6 (90 to 100%). Total EASI score =0.1*Ah*(Eh + Ih + Exh + Lh) + 0.2*Au*(Eu + Iu + ExU + Lu) + 0.3*At*(Et +It + Ext + Lt) + 0.4*Al*(El + Il + Exl + Ll). Total EASI score ranged from 0.0 to 72.0, higher score = greater severity of AD.
Percent Change From Baseline in EASI Scores at Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52: DB Period
EASI assessed severity of AD, based on severity of lesion clinical signs (erythema [E], induration/papulation [I], excoriation [Ex], lichenification [L]) and % body surface area (BSA) affected. Each of clinical signs scored separately for each of 4 body regions (head and neck [h], upper limbs [u], trunk [t] [including axillae and groin], lower limbs [l] [including buttocks]) on 4-point scale: 0= absent; 1= mild; 2= moderate; 3= severe. EASI area score (A) according to %BSA with AD: 0 (0%), 1(>0 to <10%), 2(10 to <30%), 3(30 to <50%), 4(50 to <70%), 5(70 to <90%), 6 (90 to 100%). Total EASI score =0.1*Ah*(Eh + Ih + Exh + Lh) + 0.2*Au*(Eu + Iu + ExU + Lu) + 0.3*At*(Et +It + Ext + Lt) + 0.4*Al*(El + Il + Exl + Ll). Total EASI score ranged from 0.0 to 72.0, higher score = greater severity of AD.
Percent Change From Baseline in EASI Scores at Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12: First Flare Treatment Period
EASI assessed severity of AD, based on severity of lesion clinical signs (erythema [E], induration/papulation [I], excoriation [Ex], lichenification [L]) and % body surface area (BSA) affected. Each of clinical signs scored separately for each of 4 body regions (head and neck [h], upper limbs [u], trunk [t] [including axillae and groin], lower limbs [l] [including buttocks]) on 4-point scale: 0= absent; 1= mild; 2= moderate; 3= severe. EASI area score (A) according to % BSA with AD: 0 (0%), 1(>0 to <10%), 2(10 to <30%), 3(30 to <50%), 4(50 to <70%), 5(70 to <90%), 6 (90 to 100%). Total EASI score =0.1*Ah*(Eh + Ih + Exh + Lh) + 0.2*Au*(Eu + Iu + ExU + Lu) + 0.3*At*(Et +It + Ext + Lt) + 0.4*Al*(El + Il + Exl + Ll). Total EASI score ranged from 0.0 to 72.0, higher score = greater severity of AD.
Percent Change From Baseline in EASI Scores at Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52: First Flare Free Period
EASI assessed severity of AD, based on severity of lesion clinical signs (erythema [E], induration/papulation [I], excoriation [Ex], lichenification [L]) and % body surface area (BSA) affected. Each of clinical signs scored separately for each of 4 body regions (head and neck [h], upper limbs [u], trunk [t] [including axillae and groin], lower limbs [l] [including buttocks]) on 4-point scale: 0= absent; 1= mild; 2= moderate; 3= severe. EASI area score (A) according to %BSA with AD: 0 (0%), 1(>0 to <10%), 2(10 to <30%), 3(30 to <50%), 4(50 to <70%), 5(70 to <90%), 6 (90 to 100%). Total EASI score =0.1*Ah*(Eh + Ih + Exh + Lh) + 0.2*Au*(Eu + Iu + ExU + Lu) + 0.3*At*(Et +It + Ext + Lt) + 0.4*Al*(El + Il + Exl + Ll). Total EASI score ranged from 0.0 to 72.0, higher score = greater severity of AD.
Change From Baseline in ISGA Scores at Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8 for OL run-in Period
ISGA is a 5- point global assessment scale, used to characterize overall disease severity across all treatable AD lesions (excluding the scalp). Score ranged from 0 to 4: where 0= clear(minor residual hypo/hyperpigmentation; no erythema or induration/papulation; no oozing/crusting), 1= almost clear (trace faint pink erythema, with barely perceptible induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 2= mild (faint pink erythema with mild induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 3= moderate (pink-red erythema with moderate induration/papulation with or without oozing/crusting), 4= severe (deep or bright red erythema with severe induration/papulation and with oozing/crusting). Higher scores indicate greater severity of AD.
Change From Baseline in ISGA Scores at Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52 for DB Period
ISGA is a 5- point global assessment scale, used to characterize overall disease severity across all treatable AD lesions (excluding the scalp). Score ranged from 0 to 4: where 0= clear(minor residual hypo/hyperpigmentation; no erythema or induration/papulation; no oozing/crusting), 1= almost clear (trace faint pink erythema, with barely perceptible induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 2= mild (faint pink erythema with mild induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 3= moderate (pink-red erythema with moderate induration/papulation with or without oozing/crusting), 4= severe (deep or bright red erythema with severe induration/papulation and with oozing/crusting). Higher scores indicate greater severity of AD.
Change From Baseline in ISGA Scores at Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52 for First Flare Free Period
ISGA is a 5- point global assessment scale, used to characterize overall disease severity across all treatable AD lesions (excluding the scalp). Score ranged from 0 to 4: where 0= clear(minor residual hypo/hyperpigmentation; no erythema or induration/papulation; no oozing/crusting), 1= almost clear (trace faint pink erythema, with barely perceptible induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 2= mild (faint pink erythema with mild induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 3= moderate (pink-red erythema with moderate induration/papulation with or without oozing/crusting), 4= severe (deep or bright red erythema with severe induration/papulation and with oozing/crusting). Higher scores indicate greater severity of AD.
Change From Baseline in ISGA Scores at Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12 for First Flare Treatment Period
ISGA:5-point global assessment scale, used to characterize overall disease severity across all treatable AD lesions (excluding scalp). Score ranged:0 to 4,where 0=clear(minor residual hypo/hyperpigmentation; no erythema or induration/papulation; no oozing/crusting), 1=almost clear(trace faint pink erythema, with barely perceptible induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 2=mild(faint pink erythema with mild induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 3=moderate(pink-red erythema with moderate induration/papulation with or without oozing/crusting), 4=severe(deep or bright red erythema with severe induration/papulation and with oozing/crusting). Higher scores indicate greater severity of AD. The period for which OL crisaborole 2% ointment BID was initiated for treatment of flare developed during DB maintenance until resumption of DB treatment was defined as flare treatment period.
Change From Baseline in Treatable Percent Body Surface Area (% BSA): OL Run-in Period
The extent (%) to which a body region was involved with AD was determined using handprint method. Four body regions evaluated: head and neck (hn), upper limbs (ul), trunk (tr) (including axillae) and lower limbs (ll) (including buttocks). Total number of handprints=10 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 40 for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 20 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 30 for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. Surface area of body region equivalent to 1 handprint: 10% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 2.5% for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 5% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 3.33% for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. % BSA for a body region= total number of handprints in a body region * % surface area equivalent to 1 handprint. Overall % BSA for an individual=sum of % BSA across all 4 body regions and ranged from 0 to 100%, with higher values representing greater extent of BSA involvement with AD.
Change From Baseline in Treatable %BSA: DB Period
The extent (%) to which a body region was involved with AD was determined using handprint method. Four body regions evaluated: head and neck (hn), upper limbs (ul), trunk (tr) (including axillae) and lower limbs (ll) (including buttocks). Total number of handprints=10 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 40 for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 20 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 30 for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. Surface area of body region equivalent to 1 handprint: 10% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 2.5% for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 5% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 3.33% for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. % BSA for a body region= total number of handprints in a body region * % surface area equivalent to 1 handprint. Overall % BSA for an individual=sum of % BSA across all 4 body regions and ranged from 0 to 100%, with higher values representing greater extent of BSA involvement with AD.
Change From Baseline in Treatable %BSA: First Flare Free Period
The extent (%) to which a body region was involved with AD was determined using handprint method. Four body regions evaluated: head and neck (hn), upper limbs (ul), trunk (tr) (including axillae) and lower limbs (ll) (including buttocks). Total number of handprints=10 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 40 for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 20 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 30 for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. Surface area of body region equivalent to 1 handprint: 10% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 2.5% for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 5% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 3.33% for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. % BSA for a body region= total number of handprints in a body region * % surface area equivalent to 1 handprint. Overall % BSA for an individual=sum of % BSA across all 4 body regions and ranged from 0 to 100%, with higher values representing greater extent of BSA involvement with AD.
Change From Baseline in Treatable %BSA: First Flare Period
The extent (%) to which a body region was involved with AD was determined using handprint method. Four body regions evaluated: head and neck (hn), upper limbs (ul), trunk (tr) (including axillae) and lower limbs (ll) (including buttocks). Total number of handprints=10 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 40 for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 20 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 30 for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. Surface area of body region equivalent to 1 handprint: 10% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 2.5% for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 5% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 3.33% for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. % BSA for a body region= total number of handprints in a body region * % surface area equivalent to 1 handprint. Overall % BSA for an individual=sum of % BSA across all 4 body regions and ranged from 0 to 100%, with higher values representing greater extent of BSA involvement with AD.
Change From Baseline in Most Commonly Affected Atopic Dermatitis (AD) % BSA: DB Period
The investigators were required to draw the skin areas affected by AD for each participant in a body map and the most commonly affected BSA was documented.
Night Time Itch Score for Participants >=12 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
The severity and frequency of itch (pruritus) during the night due to AD was assessed using a horizontal scale. Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst itching and frequency of itching due to AD during their most recent night's sleep on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0= no itch and 10= worst itch imaginable. Higher scores indicated worse itch. Scale range of Frequency of night time itch was 0 to 10, where 0=no and 10=the most frequency imaginable. Higher score indicated higher frequency.
Night Time Itch Score for Participants >=12 Years of Age: DB Period
The severity and frequency of itch (pruritus) during the night due to AD was assessed using a horizontal scale. Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst itching and frequency of itching due to AD during their most recent night's sleep on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0= no itch and 10= worst itch imaginable. Higher scores indicated worse itch. Scale range of Frequency of night time itch was 0 to 10, where 0=no and 10=the most frequency imaginable. Higher score indicated higher frequency.
Night Time Itch Score for Participants >=12 Years of Age: First Flare Period
The severity and frequency of itch (pruritus) during the night due to AD was assessed using a horizontal scale. Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst itching and frequency of itching due to AD during their most recent night's sleep on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0= no itch and 10= worst itch imaginable. Higher scores indicated worse itch. Scale range of Frequency of night time itch was 0 to 10, where 0=no and 10=the most frequency imaginable. Higher score indicated higher frequency.
Night Time Itch Score for Participants >=12 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
The severity and frequency of itch (pruritus) during the night due to AD was assessed using a horizontal scale. Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst itching and frequency of itching due to AD during their most recent night's sleep on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0= no itch and 10= worst itch imaginable. Higher scores indicated worse itch. Scale range of Frequency of night time itch was 0 to 10, where 0=no and 10=the most frequency imaginable. Higher score indicated higher frequency.
AD Skin Pain Scores for Participants >=12 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst skin pain due to AD at the analysis time, with the question: 'AD skin pain right now' using the skin pain numerical rating scale (NRS). Skin pain NRS was a 11-point horizontal scale anchored at 0 and 10, with 0 representing "no pain" and 10 representing "worst pain imaginable." Higher scores indicated worse pain.
AD Skin Pain Scores for Participants >=12 Years of Age: DB Period
Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst skin pain due to AD at the analysis time, with the question: 'AD skin pain right now' using the skin pain numerical rating scale (NRS). Skin pain NRS was a 11-point horizontal scale anchored at 0 and 10, with 0 representing "no pain" and 10 representing "worst pain imaginable." Higher scores indicated worse pain.
AD Skin Pain Scores for Participants >=12 Years of Age: First Flare Period
Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst skin pain due to AD at the analysis time, with the question: 'AD skin pain right now' using the skin pain numerical rating scale (NRS). Skin pain NRS was a 11-point horizontal scale anchored at 0 and 10, with 0 representing "no pain" and 10 representing "worst pain imaginable." Higher scores indicated worse pain.
AD Skin Pain Scores: for Participants >=12 Years of Age First Flare Free Period
Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst skin pain due to AD at the analysis time, with the question: 'AD skin pain right now' using the skin pain NRS. Skin pain NRS was a 11-point horizontal scale anchored at 0 and 10, with 0 representing "no pain" and 10 representing "worst pain imaginable." Higher scores indicated worse pain.
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Severity Score: OL Run-in Period
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Severity (PGIS/OGIS) is a single item participant or observer rated measure of the participant's AD condition severity at a given point in time using a 7-point rating scale, which ranges from 1 to 7, where 1=not present to 7=extremely severe. The PGIS was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIS was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Severity Score: DB Period
PGIS/OGIS is a single item participant or observer rated measure of the participant's AD condition severity at a given point in time using a 7-point rating scale, which ranges from 1 to 7, where 1=not present to 7=extremely severe. The PGIS was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIS was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Severity Score: First Flare Period
PGIS/OGIS is a single item participant or observer rated measure of the participant's AD condition severity at a given point in time using a 7-point rating scale, which ranges from 1 to 7, where 1=not present to 7=extremely severe. The PGIS was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIS was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Severity Score: First Flare Free Period
PGIS/OGIS is a single item participant or observer rated measure of the participant's AD condition severity at a given point in time using a 7-point rating scale, which ranges from 1 to 7, where 1=not present to 7=extremely severe. The PGIS was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIS was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Change Score: OL Run-in Period
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Change (PGIC/OGIC) is a single item instrument using 7-point rating scale and was used to determine global improvement at a given point in time since the start of study drug. The scores ranged from 1=very much improved to 7=very much worse. The PGIC was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIC was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Change Score: DB Period
PGIC/OGIC is a single item instrument using 7-point rating scale and was used to determine global improvement at a given point in time since the start of study drug. The scores ranged from 1=very much improved to 7=very much worse. The PGIC was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIC was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Change Score: First Flare Period
PGIC/OGIC is a single item instrument using 7-point rating scale and was used to determine global improvement at a given point in time since the start of study drug. The scores ranged from 1=very much improved to 7=very much worse. The PGIC was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIC was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Change Score: First Flare Free Period
PGIC/OGIC is a single item instrument using 7-point rating scale and was used to determine global improvement at a given point in time since the start of study drug. The scores ranged from 1=very much improved to 7=very much worse. The PGIC was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIC was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Medical Outcome Study Sleep Scale Score in Participants >=12 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
The Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) Sleep Scale is a 12-item measure that is segregated into subscales addressing seven sleep domains (i.e. sleep disturbance, snoring, short of breath or headache, adequacy of sleep, somnolence, sleep problems index I and sleep problems index II) and a single item assessing quantity of sleep. Quantity of sleep scores ranged from 0 to 24 (number of hours slept) and Optimal Sleep score ranged from 0 (no) to 1(yes) based on whether the participant slept for 7-8 hours per night, All other subscales including sleep problems index 1 and 2:were scored on a range of 0 to 100 where, higher scores=greater impairment. Observed scores for each individual sleep domain and quantity of sleep are reported in this outcome measure.
Medical Outcome Study Sleep Scale Score in Participants >=12 Years of Age: DB Period
MOS Sleep Scale is a 12-item measure that is segregated into subscales addressing seven sleep domains (i.e. sleep disturbance, snoring, short of breath or headache, adequacy of sleep, somnolence, sleep problems index I and sleep problems index II) and a single item assessing quantity of sleep. Quantity of sleep scores ranged from 0 to 24 (number of hours slept) and Optimal Sleep score ranged from 0 (no) to 1(yes) based on whether the participant slept for 7-8 hours per night, All other subscales including sleep problems index 1 and 2:were scored on a range of 0 to 100 where, higher scores=greater impairment. Observed scores for each individual sleep domain and quantity of sleep are reported in this outcome measure.
Medical Outcome Study Sleep Scale Score in Participants >=12 Years of Age: First Flare Period
MOS Sleep Scale is a 12-item measure that is segregated into subscales addressing seven sleep domains (i.e. sleep disturbance, snoring, short of breath or headache, adequacy of sleep, somnolence, sleep problems index I and sleep problems index II) and a single item assessing quantity of sleep. Quantity of sleep scores ranged from 0 to 24 (number of hours slept) and Optimal Sleep score ranged from 0 (no) to 1(yes) based on whether the participant slept for 7-8 hours per night, All other subscales including sleep problems index 1 and 2:were scored on a range of 0 to 100 where, higher scores=greater impairment. Observed scores for each individual sleep domain and quantity of sleep are reported in this outcome measure.
Medical Outcome Study Sleep Scale Score in Participants >=12 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
MOS Sleep Scale is a 12-item measure that is segregated into subscales addressing seven sleep domains (i.e. sleep disturbance, snoring, short of breath or headache, adequacy of sleep, somnolence, sleep problems index I and sleep problems index II) and a single item assessing quantity of sleep. Quantity of sleep scores ranged from 0 to 24 (number of hours slept) and Optimal Sleep score ranged from 0 (no) to 1(yes) based on whether the participant slept for 7-8 hours per night, All other subscales including sleep problems index 1 and 2:were scored on a range of 0 to 100 where, higher scores=greater impairment. Observed scores for each individual sleep domain and quantity of sleep are reported in this outcome measure.
European Quality of Life-5 Dimension 5-Level (EQ-5D-5L) Index Score in Participants Greater Than or Equal to (>=) 18 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
EQ-5D-5L: standardized participant completed questionnaire consisted of 2 components: a health state profile/a single utility index value and an optional VAS. EQ-5D health state profile/a single utility index value had 5 dimensions: mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, anxiety/depression. Each dimension has 5 levels: 1= no problems, 2= slight problems, 3= moderate problems, 4= severe problems and 5= extreme problems. Responses to 5 dimensions comprised a health state/a single utility index value. E.g. if a participant responded "no problems" for each 5 dimensions, then health state was coded as "11111" with a predefined index value to it. Every health state (coded as combination of responses on each of 5 dimensions) had a unique predefined utility index value assigned to it, by EuroQol. US value sets (with all possible health states) was used for adults in the study and total scores ranged from 1 to -0.109. Higher (positive) scores = better health state.
European Quality of Life-5 Dimension Youth (EuroQoL EQ-5D Y) Index Score in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
EQ-5D-Y: child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status. Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions (mobility; looking after myself; doing usual activities; having pain or discomfort; feeling worried, sad or unhappy) used to obtain an index score, each of which had three levels of response (no problems/no pain/not worried, some problems/some pain/a bit worried, a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried). Participants indicated their health state by choosing the appropriate level from each dimension. The 5 digit health states thus obtained for each dimension were then converted into a single median index value. A health state index score was calculated from individual health profiles using a USA scoring algorithm. Health state index scores generally ranged from -0.109 to 1, where,-0.109= the worst health status, 1= full health. Higher the score the better the health status. A positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy Index Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
EQ-5D-Y:child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status.Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions(Mobility;Looking After Myself;Doing Usual Activities;Having Pain or Discomfort;Feeling Worried,Sad or Unhappy)used to obtain index score,each of which had three levels of response(no problems/no pain/not worried,some problems/some pain/a bit worried,a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried).Participants indicated health state by choosing appropriate level from each dimension.5-digit health states obtained for each dimension were converted into single median index value using index value calculator,recommended by EuroQoL group.Health state index score calculated from individual health profiles using USA scoring algorithm. Scores ranged from -0.109 to 1,where, -0.109=worst health status, 1=full health. Higher score=better health status.Positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.Proxy version filled by care-giver of participant
EuroQoL EQ-5D-5L Visual Analog Scale (VAS) Score in Participants >= 18 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
EQ-5D-5L VAS was used to record participant's rating for current health-related quality of life state on vertical VAS (0-100);0=worst imaginable health state;100=best imaginable health state.
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y VAS Scores in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age : OL-Run-in Period
EQ-5D Y VAS was used to record participant's rating for his/her current health-related quality of life state on vertical VAS (0-100);0 = worst imaginable health state and 100 = best imaginable health state.
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy VAS Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
EQ-5D Y proxy VAS assessed the caregiver's impression of participants health state on a vertical VAS (range: 0 to 100), where, 0 (the worst imaginable health) to 100 (the best imaginable health).
EuroQoL EQ-5D-5L Index Scores in Participants >= 18 Years of Age: DB Period
EQ-5D-5L: standardized participant completed questionnaire consisted of 2 components: a health state profile/a single utility index value and an optional VAS. EQ-5D health state profile/a single utility index value had 5 dimensions: mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, anxiety/depression. Each dimension has 5 levels: 1= no problems, 2= slight problems, 3= moderate problems, 4= severe problems and 5= extreme problems. Responses to 5 dimensions comprised a health state/a single utility index value. E.g. if a participant responded "no problems" for each 5 dimensions, then health state was coded as "11111" with a predefined index value to it. Every health state (coded as combination of responses on each of 5 dimensions) had a unique predefined utility index value assigned to it, by EuroQoL. US value sets (with all possible health states) was used for adults in the study and total scores ranged from 1 to -0.109. Higher (positive) scores = better health state.
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Index Scores in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age: DB Period
EQ-5D-Y: child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status. Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions (mobility; looking after myself; doing usual activities; having pain or discomfort; feeling worried, sad or unhappy) used to obtain an index score, each of which had three levels of response (no problems/no pain/not worried, some problems/some pain/a bit worried, a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried). Participants indicated their health state by choosing the appropriate level from each dimension. The 5 digit health states thus obtained for each dimension were then converted into a single median index value. A health state index score was calculated from individual health profiles using a USA scoring algorithm. Health state index scores generally ranged from -0.109 to 1, where,-0.109= the worst health status, 1= full health. Higher the score the better the health status. A positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy Index Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: DB Period
EQ-5D-Y:child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status.Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions(Mobility;Looking After Myself;Doing Usual Activities;Having Pain or Discomfort;Feeling Worried,Sad or Unhappy)used to obtain index score,each of which had three levels of response(no problems/no pain/not worried,some problems/some pain/a bit worried,a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried).Participants indicated health state by choosing appropriate level from each dimension.5-digit health states obtained for each dimension were converted into single median index value using index value calculator,recommended by EuroQoL group.Health state index score calculated from individual health profiles using USA scoring algorithm. Scores ranged from -0.109 to 1,where, -0.109=worst health status, 1=full health. Higher score=better health status.Positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.Proxy version filled by care-giver of participant.
EuroQoL EQ-5D-5L VAS Scores in Participants >= 18 Years of Age: DB Period
EQ-5D-5L VAS to record participant's rating for current health-related quality of life state on vertical VAS (0-100);0=worst imaginable health state;100=best imaginable health state.
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y VAS Scores in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age: DB Period
EQ-5D Y VAS was a child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status used to record participant's rating for his/her current health-related quality of life state on vertical VAS (0-100);0 = worst imaginable health state and 100 = best imaginable health state.
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy VAS Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: DB Period
EQ-5D Y proxy VAS assessed the caregiver's impression of participants health state on a vertical VAS (range: 0 to 100), where, 0 (the worst imaginable health) to 100 (the best imaginable health).
EuroQoL EQ-5D-5L Index Scores in Participants >= 18 Years of Age: First Flare Period
EQ-5D-5L: standardized participant completed questionnaire consisted of 2 components: a health state profile/a single utility index value and an optional VAS. EQ-5D health state profile/a single utility index value had 5 dimensions: mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, anxiety/depression. Each dimension has 5 levels: 1= no problems, 2= slight problems, 3= moderate problems, 4= severe problems and 5= extreme problems. Responses to 5 dimensions comprised a health state/a single utility index value. E.g. if a participant responded "no problems" for each 5 dimensions, then health state was coded as "11111" with a predefined index value to it. Every health state (coded as combination of responses on each of 5 dimensions) had a unique predefined utility index value assigned to it, by EuroQol. US value sets (with all possible health states) was used for adults in the study and total scores ranged from 1 to -0.109. Higher (positive) scores = better health state.
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Index Scores in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age: First Flare Period
EQ-5D-Y: child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status. Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions (mobility; looking after myself; doing usual activities; having pain or discomfort; feeling worried, sad or unhappy) used to obtain an index score, each of which had three levels of response (no problems/no pain/not worried, some problems/some pain/a bit worried, a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried). Participants indicated their health state by choosing the appropriate level from each dimension. The 5 digit health states thus obtained for each dimension were then converted into a single median index value. A health state index score was calculated from individual health profiles using a USA scoring algorithm. Health state index scores generally ranged from -0.109 to 1, where,-0.109= the worst health status, 1= full health. Higher the score the better the health status. A positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy Index Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: First Flare Period
EQ-5D-Y:child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status.Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions(Mobility;Looking After Myself;Doing Usual Activities;Having Pain or Discomfort;Feeling Worried,Sad or Unhappy)used to obtain index score,each of which had three levels of response(no problems/no pain/not worried,some problems/some pain/a bit worried,a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried).Participants indicated health state by choosing appropriate level from each dimension.5-digit health states obtained for each dimension were converted into single median index value using index value calculator,recommended by EuroQoL group.Health state index score calculated from individual health profiles using USA scoring algorithm. Scores ranged from -0.109 to 1,where, -0.109=worst health status, 1=full health. Higher score=better health status.Positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.Proxy version filled by care-giver of participant.
EuroQoL EQ-5D-5L VAS Scores in Participants >= 18 Years of Age: First Flare Period
EQ-5D-5L VAS was used to record participant's rating for his/her current health-related quality of life state on a vertical VAS (0-100), where 0 = worst imaginable health state and 100 = best imaginable health state.
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y VAS Scores in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age: First Flare Period
EQ-5D Y VAS was a child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status used to record participant's rating for his/her current health-related quality of life state on vertical VAS (0-100);0 = worst imaginable health state and 100 = best imaginable health state.
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy VAS Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: First Flare Period
EQ-5D Y proxy VAS assessed the caregiver's impression of participants health state on a vertical VAS (range: 0 to 100), where, 0 (the worst imaginable health) to 100 (the best imaginable health).
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Index Scores in Participants >= 18 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
EQ-5D-Y: child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status. Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions (mobility; looking after myself; doing usual activities; having pain or discomfort; feeling worried, sad or unhappy) used to obtain an index score, each of which had three levels of response (no problems/no pain/not worried, some problems/some pain/a bit worried, a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried). Participants indicated their health state by choosing the appropriate level from each dimension. The 5 digit health states thus obtained for each dimension were then converted into a single median index value. A health state index score was calculated from individual health profiles using a USA scoring algorithm. Health state index scores generally ranged from -0.109 to 1, where,-0.109= the worst health status, 1= full health. Higher the score the better the health status. A positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Index Scores in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
EQ-5D-Y: child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status. Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions (mobility; looking after myself; doing usual activities; having pain or discomfort; feeling worried, sad or unhappy) used to obtain an index score, each of which had three levels of response (no problems/no pain/not worried, some problems/some pain/a bit worried, a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried). Participants indicated their health state by choosing the appropriate level from each dimension. The 5 digit health states thus obtained for each dimension were then converted into a single median index value. A health state index score was calculated from individual health profiles using a USA scoring algorithm. Health state index scores generally ranged from -0.109 to 1, where,-0.109= the worst health status, 1= full health. Higher the score the better the health status. A positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy Index Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
EQ-5D-Y:child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status.Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions(Mobility;Looking After Myself;Doing Usual Activities;Having Pain or Discomfort;Feeling Worried,Sad or Unhappy)used to obtain index score,each of which had three levels of response(no problems/no pain/not worried,some problems/some pain/a bit worried,a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried).Participants indicated health state by choosing appropriate level from each dimension.5-digit health states obtained for each dimension were converted into single median index value using index value calculator,recommended by EuroQoL group.Health state index score calculated from individual health profiles using USA scoring algorithm. Scores ranged from -0.109 to 1,where, -0.109=worst health status, 1=full health. Higher score=better health status.Positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.Proxy version filled by care-giver of participant.
EuroQoL EQ-5D-5L VAS Scores in Participants >= 18 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
EQ-5D-5L VAS was used to record participant's rating for current health-related quality of life state on vertical VAS (0-100);0=worst imaginable health state;100=best imaginable health state.
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y VAS Scores in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
EQ-5D Y VAS was a child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status used to record participant's rating for his/her current health-related quality of life state on vertical VAS (0-100);0 = worst imaginable health state and 100 = best imaginable health state.
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy VAS Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
EQ-5D Y proxy VAS assessed the caregiver's impression of participants health state on a vertical VAS (range: 0 to 100), where, 0 (the worst imaginable health) to 100 (the best imaginable health).
Percent Work Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI) Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions (CIQ): OL Run-in Period
WPAI plus CIQ was a 10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1= currently employed; Q2= work hours missed due to health problems; Q3= work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4= hours actually worked; Q5= degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, higher scores = less productivity); Q6= classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7= class hours missed due to health problems; Q8= class hours actually attended; Q9= degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10= degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, higher scores = less productivity). Percent work time missed was calculated as: Q2*100/(Q2+Q4) and score ranged from 0-100%, higher scores = greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Impairment While Working Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI) Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions (CIQ): OL Run-in Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were:Q1= currently employed;Q2= work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4= hours actually worked; Q5 = degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity);Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not;Q7= class hours missed due to health problems; Q8= class hours actually attended; Q9= degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10= degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity). Percent impairment while working due to health problem was calculated as: 100*Q5/10 and score ranged from 0-100%,higher scores =greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Overall Work Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI) Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions (CIQ): OL Run-in Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days.Questions:Q1=currently employed;Q2=work hours missed due to health problems;Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons;Q4=hours actually worked;Q5=degree health affected productivity while working(0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity);Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not;Q7=class hours missed due to health problems;Q8=class hours actually attended;Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity);Q10=degree health affected productivity: regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent overall impairment while working due to health problem calculated as:100*{Q2/(Q2+Q4)+[(1- Q2/(Q2+Q4))×(Q5/10)]},score ranged:0-100%,high numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Class Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: OL Run-in Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity).Percent class time missed due to health problem calculated as: Q7*100/(Q7+Q8) and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Impairment While in Class Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: OL Run-in Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5 = degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent impairment while in class was calculated as: 100*Q9/10 and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers indicate greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Overall Class Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: OL Run-in Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past7days.Questions:Q1=currently employed;Q2=work hours missed due to health problems;Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons;Q4=hours actually worked;Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity);Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not;Q7=class hours missed due to health problems;Q8=class hours actually attended;Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity);Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity).Percent overall class impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*{Q7/(Q7+Q8)+[(1- Q7/(Q7+Q8))×(Q9/10)]},score range:0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Activity Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: OL Run-in Period
WPAI+CIQ: 10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions:Q1=currently employed;Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent activity impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*Q10/10, score ranged from 0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Work Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: DB Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons;Q4=hours actually worked; Q5 = degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity);Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not;Q7=class hours missed due to health problems;Q8=class hours actually attended;Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity);Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity). Percent work time missed due to health problem calculated as: Q2*100/(Q2+Q4) and score ranged from 0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Impairment While Working Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: DB Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions:Q1=currently employed; Q2=hours missed due to health problems; Q3=hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=hours missed due to health problems; Q8=hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent impairment while working due to health problem calculated as: 100*Q5/10 score ranged from 0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Overall Work Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: DB Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed;Q2=work hours missed due to health problems;Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons;Q4=hours actually worked;Q5=degree health affected productivity while working(0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity);Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not;Q7=class hours missed due to health problems;Q8=class hours actually attended;Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity);Q10=degree health affected productivity: regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent overall impairment while working due to health problem calculated as:100*{Q2/(Q2+Q4)+[(1- Q2/(Q2+Q4))×(Q5/10)]}, score ranged: 0-100%, high numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Class Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: DB Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not;Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent class time missed due to health problem calculated as: Q7*100/(Q7+Q8) and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Impairment While in Class Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: DB Period
WPAI+CIQ: 10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5 = degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent impairment while in class was calculated as: 100*Q9/10 and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers indicate greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Overall Class Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: DB Period
WPAI+CIQ: 10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent overall class impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*{Q7/(Q7+Q8)+[(1- Q7/(Q7+Q8))×(Q9/10)]}, score range:0-100%, higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Activity Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: DB Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent activity impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*Q10/10, score ranged from 0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Work Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Free Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems;Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5= degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent work time missed due to health problem calculated as: Q2*100/(Q2+Q4) and score ranged from 0-100%, higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Impairment While Working Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Free Period
WPAI+CIQ: 10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=hours missed due to health problems; Q3=hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=hours missed due to health problems; Q8=hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent impairment while working due to health problem calculated as: 100*Q5/10 score ranged from 0-100%, higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Overall Work Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Free Period
WPAI+CIQ: 10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity: regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent overall impairment while working due to health problem calculated as:100*{Q2/(Q2+Q4)+[(1- Q2/(Q2+Q4))×(Q5/10)]}, score ranged:0-100%, high numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Class Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Free Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent class time missed due to health problem calculated as: Q7*100/(Q7+Q8) and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Impairment While in Class Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Free Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5 = degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent impairment while in class was calculated as: 100*Q9/10 and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers indicate greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Overall Class Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Free Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent overall class impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*{Q7/(Q7+Q8)+[(1- Q7/(Q7+Q8))×(Q9/10)]}, score range:0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Activity Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Free Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent activity impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*Q10/10, score ranged from 0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Work Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5 = degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity). Percent work time missed due to health problem calculated as: Q2*100/(Q2+Q4) and score ranged from 0-100%, higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Impairment While Working Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Period
WPAI+CIQ: 10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1=currently employed; Q2=hours missed due to health problems; Q3=hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=hours missed due to health problems; Q8=hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent impairment while working due to health problem calculated as: 100*Q5/10 score ranged from 0-100%, higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Overall Work Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Period
WPAI+CIQ: 10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent overall impairment while working due to health problem calculated as:100*{Q2/(Q2+Q4)+[(1- Q2/(Q2+Q4))×(Q5/10)]}, score ranged:0-100%, high numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Class Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent class time missed due to health problem calculated as: Q7*100/(Q7+Q8) and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Impairment While in Class Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions:Q1=currently employed;Q2=work hours missed due to health problems;Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons;Q4=hours actually worked; Q5 = degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not;Q7=class hours missed due to health problems;Q8=class hours actually attended;Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity);Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent impairment while in class was calculated as: 100*Q9/10 and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers indicate greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Overall Class Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent overall class impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*{Q7/(Q7+Q8)+[(1- Q7/(Q7+Q8))×(Q9/10)]}, score range:0-100%, higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Percent Activity Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity);Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent activity impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*Q10/10, scores ranged from 0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Total Anxiety and Depression Scores Measured Using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS): OL Run-in Period
HADS was a validated 14-item questionnaire to assess states of anxiety and depression over the past week. HADS consisted of 2 subscales: HADS-anxiety (HADS-A) and HADS-depression (HADS-D), each of which comprised of 7 items. Each item was rated on a 4-point scale, with scores ranging from 0 to 3, where higher scores indicated more anxiety/depression symptoms. HADS-A assessed state of generalized anxiety. HADS-A total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of anxiety) to 21 (severe feeling of anxiety); higher score indicated greater severity of anxiety. HADS-D assessed the state of lost interest and diminished pleasure response. HADS-D total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of depression) to 21 (severe feeling of depression); higher score indicated greater severity of depression symptoms.
Total Anxiety and Depression Scores Measured Using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: DB Period
HADS was a validated 14-item questionnaire to assess states of anxiety and depression over the past week. HADS consisted of 2 subscales: HADS-A and HADS-D, each of which comprised of 7 items. Each item was rated on a 4-point scale, with scores ranging from 0 to 3, where higher scores indicated more anxiety/depression symptoms. HADS-A assessed state of generalized anxiety. HADS-A total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of anxiety) to 21 (severe feeling of anxiety); higher score indicated greater severity of anxiety. HADS-D assessed the state of lost interest and diminished pleasure response. HADS-D total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of depression) to 21 (severe feeling of depression); higher score indicated greater severity of depression symptoms.
Total Anxiety and Depression Scores Measured Using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: First Flare Period
HADS was a validated 14-item questionnaire to assess states of anxiety and depression over the past week. HADS consisted of 2 subscales: HADS-A and HADS-D, each of which comprised of 7 items. Each item was rated on a 4-point scale, with scores ranging from 0 to 3, where higher scores indicated more anxiety/depression symptoms. HADS-A assessed state of generalized anxiety. HADS-A total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of anxiety) to 21 (severe feeling of anxiety); higher score indicated greater severity of anxiety. HADS-D assessed the state of lost interest and diminished pleasure response. HADS-D total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of depression) to 21 (severe feeling of depression); higher score indicated greater severity of depression symptoms.
Total Anxiety and Depression Scores Measured Using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: First Flare Free Period
HADS was a validated 14-item questionnaire to assess states of anxiety and depression over the past week. HADS consisted of 2 subscales: HADS-A and HADS-D, each of which comprised of 7 items. Each item was rated on a 4-point scale, with scores ranging from 0 to 3, where higher scores indicated more anxiety/depression symptoms. HADS-A assessed state of generalized anxiety. HADS-A total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of anxiety) to 21 (severe feeling of anxiety); higher score indicated greater severity of anxiety. HADS-D assessed the state of lost interest and diminished pleasure response. HADS-D total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of depression) to 21 (severe feeling of depression); higher score indicated greater severity of depression symptoms.
Full Information
1. Study Identification
Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
A Study to Evaluate Long-Term Maintenance Treatment With Once Daily Crisaborole Ointment 2% in Pediatric and Adult Participants With Mild-to-Moderate Atopic Dermatitis
Official Title
A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Vehicle-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Maintenance Treatment and Flare Reduction With Crisaborole Ointment, 2%, Once Daily Over 52 Weeks in Pediatric and Adult Participants (Ages 3 Months and Older) With Mild-to-Moderate Atopic Dermatitis, Who Responded to Twice Daily Crisaborole Ointment, 2%, Treatment
Study Type
2. Study Status
Record Verification Date
February 2023
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
September 12, 2019 (Actual)
Primary Completion Date
January 19, 2022 (Actual)
Study Completion Date
January 19, 2022 (Actual)
3. Sponsor/Collaborators
Responsible Party, by Official Title
Name of the Sponsor
4. Oversight
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
Data Monitoring Committee
5. Study Description
Brief Summary
This study will evaluate crisaborole therapy once daily (QD) as a long-term topical maintenance therapy for the reduction of flare in responders to crisaborole twice daily (BID) treatment.
Detailed Description
Approximately 700 participants will be enrolled in an run-in period to receive crisaborole, BID for up to a maximum of 8 weeks to identify crisaborole responders. A responder is defined as a participant who achieves both ISGA and EASI50 success. ISGA success is defined as achieving a score of 0 or 1 with at least 2 grade improvement from baseline; and the EASI50 success is defined as at least 50% improvement from baseline. Non responders at the end of the 8-week run-in period will be discontinued from the study.
Approximately 250 responders will be randomized (1:1 ratio) to enter the double-blind maintenance treatment period to receive crisaborole or vehicle QD for 52 weeks, with follow-up assessments every 4 weeks. If a flare occurs and if the participant meets the criteria for having a flare (ISGA ≥2), the participant will switch to enter a flare treatment period to receive open-label crisaborole BID for up to 12 weeks with follow-up assessments every 4 weeks. If the flare has resolved (ISGA ≤1) the participant will resume maintenance treatment and respective visit schedule. If a flare does not resolve after 3 consecutive treatment courses the participant will discontinue the study. A flare treatment period may comprise up to 3 consecutive treatment courses with crisaborole BID (each course is 4 weeks).
An end of study (EOS) safety follow-up is required 4 weeks after the last study treatment of any treatment period.
6. Conditions and Keywords
Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Atopic Dermatitis
Eczema, Crisaborole
7. Study Design
Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Phase 3
Interventional Study Model
Parallel Assignment
ParticipantCare ProviderInvestigatorOutcomes Assessor
620 (Actual)
8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions
Arm Title
Crisaborole 2%
Arm Type
Arm Description
Crisaborole 2% ointment applied once daily (QD)
Arm Title
Arm Type
Placebo Comparator
Arm Description
Vehicle ointment applied once daily (QD)
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Crisaborole 2%
Intervention Description
Crisaborole ointment 2%
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
Vehicle ointment
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
Duration of Flare-Free Maintenance Until Onset of First-Flare During the Double Blind (DB) Period
The duration of flare-free maintenance was the time from randomization to the last Investigator's Static Global Assessment (ISGA) and was right censored, if an intercurrent event (eg, death, dropout, loss to follow up, or end of study) occurred before the first flare. When a flare occurred first, the duration of flare free maintenance was the time from randomization to the first flare and was not censored. Duration of flare free maintenance was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method.
Time Frame
From randomization to first flare or last ISGA assessment (up to 52 weeks)
Number of Participants With Treatment Emergent Adverse Events (TEAEs)
An adverse event (AE) was any untoward medical occurrence in a clinical study participant, temporally associated with the use of study intervention, whether or not considered related to the study intervention. An AE was considered a TEAE if the event started on or after the treatment period start date and before end of study (at least 28 days after last dose of study intervention).
Time Frame
Crisaborole 2% BID: From start of study intervention in OL period up to 8 weeks ; Vehicle QD and crisaborole 2% QD: From start of study intervention in DB period up to 28 days after last dose of study intervention (maximum of 56 weeks)
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
Number of Flare-Free Days During the DB Period
Flare - free days was the sum of the duration of flare-free maintenance during the DB maintenance period for each participant.
Time Frame
Up to maximum of 52 weeks
Number of Flares During the DB Period
Flare was defined as an ISGA score of >=2. The ISGA is a 5-point scale (range 0 to 4), reflecting a global assessment of AD severity based on erythema, induration/papulation, and oozing/crusting. ISGA score of 2: mild (faint pink erythema with mild induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting) 3: moderate (pink-red erythema with moderate induration/papulation with or without oozing/crusting) and 4: severe (deep or bright red erythema with severe induration/papulation and with oozing/crusting).
Time Frame
Up to maximum of 52 weeks
Secondary: Duration of Pruritus Response Maintenance Until Onset of First Flare During the DB Period: Participants Aged >=12 Years With Baseline Peak Pruritus Numerical Rating Scale (PP NRS) >=3, >=4 and >=3, >=4 Points Reduction in PP NRS
Duration of pruritus response maintenance=time from randomization to loss of pruritus response or first flare onset(ISGA>=2) during 52-week DB period evaluated among pruritus responders at randomization. Responders=participants with success in ISGA and EASI50 criteria. Pruritus response maintenance=maintenance of >=50% improvement in pruritus from baseline obtained at randomization. If event (e.g., death, first flare[ISGA >=2], lost to follow up or end of study) occurred before loss of pruritus response for first flare-free period, duration of pruritus response maintenance was time from randomization to last assessment and was censored. Here,pruritus response maintenance duration was presented for participants aged >=12 years with OL baseline PP NRS >=3, >=4 and >=3, >=4 points reduction from OL baseline to randomization in PP NRS. PP NRS: Participants were asked to rate their itch at worst moment during previous 24 hours on a scale of 0 to 10; 0=no itch and 10=worst itch imaginable".
Time Frame
From randomization up to loss of pruritus response or onset of first flare or the last assessment (maximum of 52 weeks)
Secondary: Duration of Pruritus Response Maintenance Until Onset of First Flare During the DB Period: Participants Aged 6 to <12 Years With Baseline Patient Reported Itch Severity (PRIS) >=2 and >=2 Points Reduction in PRIS
Duration of pruritus response maintenance=time from randomization to loss of pruritus response or first flare onset (ISGA>=2) during 52-week DB period. Evaluated among pruritus responders at randomization. Responders were defined as participants with success in ISGA and EASI50 criteria. Pruritus response maintenance=maintenance of >=50% improvement in pruritus from baseline that was obtained at randomization. If an event (e.g., death, first flare [ISGA >=2], lost to follow up, or end of study) occurred before loss of pruritus response for first flare-free period, duration of maintenance of pruritus response was time from randomization to last assessment and was censored. Here, pruritus response maintenance duration was presented for participants aged 6 to <12 years with baseline PRIS >=2 and >=2 points reduction from baseline to randomization in PRIS. PRIS: a 5-point scale (range: 0=no itch to 4=worst itch imaginable) and was completed by participants.
Time Frame
From randomization up to loss of pruritus response or onset of first flare or the last assessment (maximum of 52 weeks)
Duration of Pruritus Response Maintenance Until Onset of First Flare During the DB Period: Observer Reported Itch Severity Scale (ORIS) in Participants Aged 3 to <6 Months
Duration of pruritus response maintenance=time from randomization to loss of pruritus response or first flare onset(ISGA>=2)during52-weekDB period. Evaluated among pruritus responders (success in ISGA, EASI 50) at randomization. Pruritus response maintenance=maintenance of >=50% improvement in pruritus from baseline obtained at randomization. If event(e.g., death, first flare[ISGA >=2], lost to follow up, or end of study) occurred before loss of pruritus response for first flare-free period, duration of maintenance of pruritus response was time from randomization to last assessment and was censored. Here, pruritus response maintenance duration was presented for participants aged 3 to <6 months with OL baseline ORIS>=3 or >=4 and >=3 or >=4 points reduction from OL baseline to randomization in ORIS. Caregivers were asked to rate observation of their child's itch(scratching, rubbing) at worst moment during previous 24 hours on a scale of 0 to 10;0=no itch,10=worst itch imaginable.
Time Frame
From randomization up to loss of pruritus response or onset of first flare or the last assessment (maximum of 52 weeks)
Duration of Maintenance of >=50% Reduction in Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) Total Score Until Onset of First Flare During the DB Period
EASI assessed severity of AD, based on severity of lesion clinical signs (erythema [E], induration/papulation [I], excoriation [Ex], lichenification [L]) and % body surface area (BSA) affected. Each of clinical signs scored separately for each of 4 body regions (head and neck [h], upper limbs [u], trunk [t] [including axillae and groin], lower limbs [l] [including buttocks]) on 4-point scale: 0= absent; 1= mild; 2= moderate; 3= severe. EASI area score (A) according to %BSA with AD: 0 (0%), 1(>0 to <10%), 2(10 to <30%), 3(30 to <50%), 4(50 to <70%), 5(70 to <90%), 6 (90 to 100%). Total EASI score =0.1*Ah*(Eh + Ih + Exh + Lh) + 0.2*Au*(Eu + Iu + ExU + Lu) + 0.3*At*(Et +It + Ext + Lt) + 0.4*Al*(El + Il + Exl + Ll). Total EASI score ranged from 0.0 to 72.0, higher score = greater severity of AD. EASI response maintenance = score that does not lose more than 50% of achieved reduction from Day1/Baseline run-in EASI score.
Time Frame
From randomization to loss of EASI response or onset of first flare or the last EASI assessment (up to maximum of 52 weeks)
Duration of Maintenance of Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) Response Until Onset of First Flare During the DB Period
Duration of DLQI maintenance=time from randomization to loss of DLQI response during 52-week DB period for responders at randomization. If event(e.g., death, first flare[ISGA >=2], lost to follow up or end of study) occurred before loss of DLQI response, duration of maintenance of DLQI response=time from randomization to last assessment and censored. Responders=participants with success in ISGA,EASI50 criteria. DLQI response maintenance=response that does not lose more than minimal clinical important difference. DLQI =10-item questionnaire, measured impact of skin disease in participants aged >=16 years. Children's DLQI (CDLQI): participants aged 4 to15 years. Each question in DLQI and CDLQI evaluated on 4-point scale (range 0=not at all to 3=very much). Scores from10 items were added for DLQI/CDLQI total score, range:0 (not at all) to 30 (very much). Higher scores=more impact on quality of life of participants/children.
Time Frame
From randomization to loss of DLQI response or onset of first flare or the last assessment up to first flare (up to maximum of 52 weeks)
Duration of Maintenance of Patient Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) Response Until Onset of First Flare During the DB Period
POEM was a 7-item participant reported outcome measure used to assess the impact of AD (dryness, itching, flaking, cracking, sleep loss, bleeding and weeping) over the past week. Each item was scored as: no days=0, 1-2 days=1, 3-4 days=2, 5-6 days=3 and every day=4. The total score ranged from 0 to 28, where higher score indicated greater severity. POEM response maintenance was defined as the response that does not lose more than minimal clinical important difference. Duration of POEM maintenance was time from randomization to loss of POEM response during 52-week DB period for responders at randomization. Responders were defined as participants with success in ISGA and EASI50 criteria. If an event (e.g., death, first flare [ISGA >=2], lost to follow up, or end of study) occurred before loss of POEM response, duration of maintenance of POEM response was time from randomization to last assessment and was censored. Proxy POEM was used for participants aged 3 months to <12 years.
Time Frame
From randomization to loss POEM response or onset of first flare or the last assessment up to the first flare (up to maximum of 52 weeks)
Investigator's Static Global Assessment (ISGA) Score for the First Flare Period
ISGA:5- point global assessment scale of AD severity, used to characterize overall disease severity across all treatable AD lesions (excluding the scalp). Score ranged from 0 to 4: where 0= clear(minor residual hypo/hyperpigmentation; no erythema or induration/papulation; no oozing/crusting), 1= almost clear (trace faint pink erythema, with barely perceptible induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 2= mild (faint pink erythema with mild induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 3= moderate (pink-red erythema with moderate induration/papulation with or without oozing/crusting), 4= severe (deep or bright red erythema with severe induration/papulation and with oozing/crusting). Higher scores indicate greater severity of AD. First flare period was the time from the onset of flare (ISGA>=2) during DB maintenance period where the participant was switched to receive open-label crisaborole ointment 2%, BID for up to 12 weeks until resolution of flares.
Time Frame
Week 0 (Day 1), Week 4, Week 8 and Week 12
EASI Score for the First Flare Period
EASI assessed severity of AD, based on severity of lesion clinical signs (erythema[E], induration/papulation[I], excoriation[Ex], lichenification[L]) and % body surface area(BSA) affected.Each of clinical signs scored separately for each of 4 body regions (head and neck[h], upper limbs[u], trunk[t] [including axillae and groin], lower limbs[l] [including buttocks]) on 4-point scale: 0= absent; 1=mild; 2= moderate; 3= severe.EASI area score(A) according to %BSA with AD: 0 (0%), 1(>0 to <10%), 2(10 to <30%), 3(30 to <50%), 4(50 to <70%), 5(70 to <90%), 6 (90 to 100%). Total EASI score =0.1*Ah*(Eh + Ih + Exh + Lh) + 0.2*Au*(Eu + Iu + ExU + Lu) + 0.3*At*(Et +It + Ext + Lt) + 0.4*Al*(El + Il + Exl + Ll). Total EASI score ranged from 0.0 to 72.0, higher score = greater severity of AD.First flare period=time from onset of flare(ISGA>=2) during DB maintenance period where participant was switched to receive open-label crisaborole ointment 2%,BID for up to 12 weeks until resolution of flares.
Time Frame
Week 0 (Day 1), Week 4, Week 8 and Week 12
Duration (Days) of Flare Period
Duration of flare period was average duration calculated from sum of durations divided by number of flares for each participant.
Time Frame
Up to 52 weeks
Percent Change From Baseline in EASI Scores at Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8: OL Run-in Period
EASI assessed severity of AD, based on severity of lesion clinical signs (erythema [E], induration/papulation [I], excoriation [Ex], lichenification [L]) and % body surface area (BSA) affected. Each of clinical signs scored separately for each of 4 body regions (head and neck [h], upper limbs [u], trunk [t] [including axillae and groin], lower limbs [l] [including buttocks]) on 4-point scale: 0= absent; 1= mild; 2= moderate; 3= severe. EASI area score (A) according to %BSA with AD: 0 (0%), 1(>0 to <10%), 2(10 to <30%), 3(30 to <50%), 4(50 to <70%), 5(70 to <90%), 6 (90 to 100%). Total EASI score =0.1*Ah*(Eh + Ih + Exh + Lh) + 0.2*Au*(Eu + Iu + ExU + Lu) + 0.3*At*(Et +It + Ext + Lt) + 0.4*Al*(El + Il + Exl + Ll). Total EASI score ranged from 0.0 to 72.0, higher score = greater severity of AD.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
Percent Change From Baseline in EASI Scores at Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52: DB Period
EASI assessed severity of AD, based on severity of lesion clinical signs (erythema [E], induration/papulation [I], excoriation [Ex], lichenification [L]) and % body surface area (BSA) affected. Each of clinical signs scored separately for each of 4 body regions (head and neck [h], upper limbs [u], trunk [t] [including axillae and groin], lower limbs [l] [including buttocks]) on 4-point scale: 0= absent; 1= mild; 2= moderate; 3= severe. EASI area score (A) according to %BSA with AD: 0 (0%), 1(>0 to <10%), 2(10 to <30%), 3(30 to <50%), 4(50 to <70%), 5(70 to <90%), 6 (90 to 100%). Total EASI score =0.1*Ah*(Eh + Ih + Exh + Lh) + 0.2*Au*(Eu + Iu + ExU + Lu) + 0.3*At*(Et +It + Ext + Lt) + 0.4*Al*(El + Il + Exl + Ll). Total EASI score ranged from 0.0 to 72.0, higher score = greater severity of AD.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including the randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Change From Baseline in EASI Scores at Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12: First Flare Treatment Period
EASI assessed severity of AD, based on severity of lesion clinical signs (erythema [E], induration/papulation [I], excoriation [Ex], lichenification [L]) and % body surface area (BSA) affected. Each of clinical signs scored separately for each of 4 body regions (head and neck [h], upper limbs [u], trunk [t] [including axillae and groin], lower limbs [l] [including buttocks]) on 4-point scale: 0= absent; 1= mild; 2= moderate; 3= severe. EASI area score (A) according to % BSA with AD: 0 (0%), 1(>0 to <10%), 2(10 to <30%), 3(30 to <50%), 4(50 to <70%), 5(70 to <90%), 6 (90 to 100%). Total EASI score =0.1*Ah*(Eh + Ih + Exh + Lh) + 0.2*Au*(Eu + Iu + ExU + Lu) + 0.3*At*(Et +It + Ext + Lt) + 0.4*Al*(El + Il + Exl + Ll). Total EASI score ranged from 0.0 to 72.0, higher score = greater severity of AD.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including the randomization day of DB period),Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
Percent Change From Baseline in EASI Scores at Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52: First Flare Free Period
EASI assessed severity of AD, based on severity of lesion clinical signs (erythema [E], induration/papulation [I], excoriation [Ex], lichenification [L]) and % body surface area (BSA) affected. Each of clinical signs scored separately for each of 4 body regions (head and neck [h], upper limbs [u], trunk [t] [including axillae and groin], lower limbs [l] [including buttocks]) on 4-point scale: 0= absent; 1= mild; 2= moderate; 3= severe. EASI area score (A) according to %BSA with AD: 0 (0%), 1(>0 to <10%), 2(10 to <30%), 3(30 to <50%), 4(50 to <70%), 5(70 to <90%), 6 (90 to 100%). Total EASI score =0.1*Ah*(Eh + Ih + Exh + Lh) + 0.2*Au*(Eu + Iu + ExU + Lu) + 0.3*At*(Et +It + Ext + Lt) + 0.4*Al*(El + Il + Exl + Ll). Total EASI score ranged from 0.0 to 72.0, higher score = greater severity of AD.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including the randomization day of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Change From Baseline in ISGA Scores at Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8 for OL run-in Period
ISGA is a 5- point global assessment scale, used to characterize overall disease severity across all treatable AD lesions (excluding the scalp). Score ranged from 0 to 4: where 0= clear(minor residual hypo/hyperpigmentation; no erythema or induration/papulation; no oozing/crusting), 1= almost clear (trace faint pink erythema, with barely perceptible induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 2= mild (faint pink erythema with mild induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 3= moderate (pink-red erythema with moderate induration/papulation with or without oozing/crusting), 4= severe (deep or bright red erythema with severe induration/papulation and with oozing/crusting). Higher scores indicate greater severity of AD.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
Change From Baseline in ISGA Scores at Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52 for DB Period
ISGA is a 5- point global assessment scale, used to characterize overall disease severity across all treatable AD lesions (excluding the scalp). Score ranged from 0 to 4: where 0= clear(minor residual hypo/hyperpigmentation; no erythema or induration/papulation; no oozing/crusting), 1= almost clear (trace faint pink erythema, with barely perceptible induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 2= mild (faint pink erythema with mild induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 3= moderate (pink-red erythema with moderate induration/papulation with or without oozing/crusting), 4= severe (deep or bright red erythema with severe induration/papulation and with oozing/crusting). Higher scores indicate greater severity of AD.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including the randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Change From Baseline in ISGA Scores at Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52 for First Flare Free Period
ISGA is a 5- point global assessment scale, used to characterize overall disease severity across all treatable AD lesions (excluding the scalp). Score ranged from 0 to 4: where 0= clear(minor residual hypo/hyperpigmentation; no erythema or induration/papulation; no oozing/crusting), 1= almost clear (trace faint pink erythema, with barely perceptible induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 2= mild (faint pink erythema with mild induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 3= moderate (pink-red erythema with moderate induration/papulation with or without oozing/crusting), 4= severe (deep or bright red erythema with severe induration/papulation and with oozing/crusting). Higher scores indicate greater severity of AD.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including the randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Change From Baseline in ISGA Scores at Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12 for First Flare Treatment Period
ISGA:5-point global assessment scale, used to characterize overall disease severity across all treatable AD lesions (excluding scalp). Score ranged:0 to 4,where 0=clear(minor residual hypo/hyperpigmentation; no erythema or induration/papulation; no oozing/crusting), 1=almost clear(trace faint pink erythema, with barely perceptible induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 2=mild(faint pink erythema with mild induration/papulation and no oozing/crusting), 3=moderate(pink-red erythema with moderate induration/papulation with or without oozing/crusting), 4=severe(deep or bright red erythema with severe induration/papulation and with oozing/crusting). Higher scores indicate greater severity of AD. The period for which OL crisaborole 2% ointment BID was initiated for treatment of flare developed during DB maintenance until resumption of DB treatment was defined as flare treatment period.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including the randomization day), Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
Change From Baseline in Treatable Percent Body Surface Area (% BSA): OL Run-in Period
The extent (%) to which a body region was involved with AD was determined using handprint method. Four body regions evaluated: head and neck (hn), upper limbs (ul), trunk (tr) (including axillae) and lower limbs (ll) (including buttocks). Total number of handprints=10 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 40 for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 20 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 30 for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. Surface area of body region equivalent to 1 handprint: 10% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 2.5% for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 5% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 3.33% for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. % BSA for a body region= total number of handprints in a body region * % surface area equivalent to 1 handprint. Overall % BSA for an individual=sum of % BSA across all 4 body regions and ranged from 0 to 100%, with higher values representing greater extent of BSA involvement with AD.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including the randomization day) Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
Change From Baseline in Treatable %BSA: DB Period
The extent (%) to which a body region was involved with AD was determined using handprint method. Four body regions evaluated: head and neck (hn), upper limbs (ul), trunk (tr) (including axillae) and lower limbs (ll) (including buttocks). Total number of handprints=10 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 40 for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 20 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 30 for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. Surface area of body region equivalent to 1 handprint: 10% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 2.5% for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 5% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 3.33% for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. % BSA for a body region= total number of handprints in a body region * % surface area equivalent to 1 handprint. Overall % BSA for an individual=sum of % BSA across all 4 body regions and ranged from 0 to 100%, with higher values representing greater extent of BSA involvement with AD.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including the randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Change From Baseline in Treatable %BSA: First Flare Free Period
The extent (%) to which a body region was involved with AD was determined using handprint method. Four body regions evaluated: head and neck (hn), upper limbs (ul), trunk (tr) (including axillae) and lower limbs (ll) (including buttocks). Total number of handprints=10 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 40 for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 20 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 30 for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. Surface area of body region equivalent to 1 handprint: 10% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 2.5% for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 5% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 3.33% for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. % BSA for a body region= total number of handprints in a body region * % surface area equivalent to 1 handprint. Overall % BSA for an individual=sum of % BSA across all 4 body regions and ranged from 0 to 100%, with higher values representing greater extent of BSA involvement with AD.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including the randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Change From Baseline in Treatable %BSA: First Flare Period
The extent (%) to which a body region was involved with AD was determined using handprint method. Four body regions evaluated: head and neck (hn), upper limbs (ul), trunk (tr) (including axillae) and lower limbs (ll) (including buttocks). Total number of handprints=10 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 40 for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 20 for hn, 20 for ul, 30 for tr, 30 for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. Surface area of body region equivalent to 1 handprint: 10% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 2.5% for ll in participants aged >=8 years; 5% for hn, 5% for ul, 3.33% for tr, 3.33% for ll in participants aged 3 months to 7 years. % BSA for a body region= total number of handprints in a body region * % surface area equivalent to 1 handprint. Overall % BSA for an individual=sum of % BSA across all 4 body regions and ranged from 0 to 100%, with higher values representing greater extent of BSA involvement with AD.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including the randomization day), Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
Change From Baseline in Most Commonly Affected Atopic Dermatitis (AD) % BSA: DB Period
The investigators were required to draw the skin areas affected by AD for each participant in a body map and the most commonly affected BSA was documented.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including the randomization day), Weeks 24 and 52
Night Time Itch Score for Participants >=12 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
The severity and frequency of itch (pruritus) during the night due to AD was assessed using a horizontal scale. Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst itching and frequency of itching due to AD during their most recent night's sleep on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0= no itch and 10= worst itch imaginable. Higher scores indicated worse itch. Scale range of Frequency of night time itch was 0 to 10, where 0=no and 10=the most frequency imaginable. Higher score indicated higher frequency.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
Night Time Itch Score for Participants >=12 Years of Age: DB Period
The severity and frequency of itch (pruritus) during the night due to AD was assessed using a horizontal scale. Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst itching and frequency of itching due to AD during their most recent night's sleep on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0= no itch and 10= worst itch imaginable. Higher scores indicated worse itch. Scale range of Frequency of night time itch was 0 to 10, where 0=no and 10=the most frequency imaginable. Higher score indicated higher frequency.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including the randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Night Time Itch Score for Participants >=12 Years of Age: First Flare Period
The severity and frequency of itch (pruritus) during the night due to AD was assessed using a horizontal scale. Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst itching and frequency of itching due to AD during their most recent night's sleep on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0= no itch and 10= worst itch imaginable. Higher scores indicated worse itch. Scale range of Frequency of night time itch was 0 to 10, where 0=no and 10=the most frequency imaginable. Higher score indicated higher frequency.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
Night Time Itch Score for Participants >=12 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
The severity and frequency of itch (pruritus) during the night due to AD was assessed using a horizontal scale. Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst itching and frequency of itching due to AD during their most recent night's sleep on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0= no itch and 10= worst itch imaginable. Higher scores indicated worse itch. Scale range of Frequency of night time itch was 0 to 10, where 0=no and 10=the most frequency imaginable. Higher score indicated higher frequency.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including the randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
AD Skin Pain Scores for Participants >=12 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst skin pain due to AD at the analysis time, with the question: 'AD skin pain right now' using the skin pain numerical rating scale (NRS). Skin pain NRS was a 11-point horizontal scale anchored at 0 and 10, with 0 representing "no pain" and 10 representing "worst pain imaginable." Higher scores indicated worse pain.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
AD Skin Pain Scores for Participants >=12 Years of Age: DB Period
Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst skin pain due to AD at the analysis time, with the question: 'AD skin pain right now' using the skin pain numerical rating scale (NRS). Skin pain NRS was a 11-point horizontal scale anchored at 0 and 10, with 0 representing "no pain" and 10 representing "worst pain imaginable." Higher scores indicated worse pain.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
AD Skin Pain Scores for Participants >=12 Years of Age: First Flare Period
Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst skin pain due to AD at the analysis time, with the question: 'AD skin pain right now' using the skin pain numerical rating scale (NRS). Skin pain NRS was a 11-point horizontal scale anchored at 0 and 10, with 0 representing "no pain" and 10 representing "worst pain imaginable." Higher scores indicated worse pain.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8, 12
AD Skin Pain Scores: for Participants >=12 Years of Age First Flare Free Period
Participants 12 years of age or older were asked to assess their worst skin pain due to AD at the analysis time, with the question: 'AD skin pain right now' using the skin pain NRS. Skin pain NRS was a 11-point horizontal scale anchored at 0 and 10, with 0 representing "no pain" and 10 representing "worst pain imaginable." Higher scores indicated worse pain.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Severity Score: OL Run-in Period
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Severity (PGIS/OGIS) is a single item participant or observer rated measure of the participant's AD condition severity at a given point in time using a 7-point rating scale, which ranges from 1 to 7, where 1=not present to 7=extremely severe. The PGIS was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIS was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Severity Score: DB Period
PGIS/OGIS is a single item participant or observer rated measure of the participant's AD condition severity at a given point in time using a 7-point rating scale, which ranges from 1 to 7, where 1=not present to 7=extremely severe. The PGIS was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIS was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Severity Score: First Flare Period
PGIS/OGIS is a single item participant or observer rated measure of the participant's AD condition severity at a given point in time using a 7-point rating scale, which ranges from 1 to 7, where 1=not present to 7=extremely severe. The PGIS was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIS was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Severity Score: First Flare Free Period
PGIS/OGIS is a single item participant or observer rated measure of the participant's AD condition severity at a given point in time using a 7-point rating scale, which ranges from 1 to 7, where 1=not present to 7=extremely severe. The PGIS was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIS was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Change Score: OL Run-in Period
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Change (PGIC/OGIC) is a single item instrument using 7-point rating scale and was used to determine global improvement at a given point in time since the start of study drug. The scores ranged from 1=very much improved to 7=very much worse. The PGIC was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIC was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Time Frame
Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Change Score: DB Period
PGIC/OGIC is a single item instrument using 7-point rating scale and was used to determine global improvement at a given point in time since the start of study drug. The scores ranged from 1=very much improved to 7=very much worse. The PGIC was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIC was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Change Score: First Flare Period
PGIC/OGIC is a single item instrument using 7-point rating scale and was used to determine global improvement at a given point in time since the start of study drug. The scores ranged from 1=very much improved to 7=very much worse. The PGIC was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIC was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
Patient/Observer Global Impression of Change Score: First Flare Free Period
PGIC/OGIC is a single item instrument using 7-point rating scale and was used to determine global improvement at a given point in time since the start of study drug. The scores ranged from 1=very much improved to 7=very much worse. The PGIC was completed by all participants >=12 years of age and OGIC was completed by the observer for participants 3 months-<12 years of age.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Medical Outcome Study Sleep Scale Score in Participants >=12 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
The Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) Sleep Scale is a 12-item measure that is segregated into subscales addressing seven sleep domains (i.e. sleep disturbance, snoring, short of breath or headache, adequacy of sleep, somnolence, sleep problems index I and sleep problems index II) and a single item assessing quantity of sleep. Quantity of sleep scores ranged from 0 to 24 (number of hours slept) and Optimal Sleep score ranged from 0 (no) to 1(yes) based on whether the participant slept for 7-8 hours per night, All other subscales including sleep problems index 1 and 2:were scored on a range of 0 to 100 where, higher scores=greater impairment. Observed scores for each individual sleep domain and quantity of sleep are reported in this outcome measure.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
Medical Outcome Study Sleep Scale Score in Participants >=12 Years of Age: DB Period
MOS Sleep Scale is a 12-item measure that is segregated into subscales addressing seven sleep domains (i.e. sleep disturbance, snoring, short of breath or headache, adequacy of sleep, somnolence, sleep problems index I and sleep problems index II) and a single item assessing quantity of sleep. Quantity of sleep scores ranged from 0 to 24 (number of hours slept) and Optimal Sleep score ranged from 0 (no) to 1(yes) based on whether the participant slept for 7-8 hours per night, All other subscales including sleep problems index 1 and 2:were scored on a range of 0 to 100 where, higher scores=greater impairment. Observed scores for each individual sleep domain and quantity of sleep are reported in this outcome measure.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of DB period),Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Medical Outcome Study Sleep Scale Score in Participants >=12 Years of Age: First Flare Period
MOS Sleep Scale is a 12-item measure that is segregated into subscales addressing seven sleep domains (i.e. sleep disturbance, snoring, short of breath or headache, adequacy of sleep, somnolence, sleep problems index I and sleep problems index II) and a single item assessing quantity of sleep. Quantity of sleep scores ranged from 0 to 24 (number of hours slept) and Optimal Sleep score ranged from 0 (no) to 1(yes) based on whether the participant slept for 7-8 hours per night, All other subscales including sleep problems index 1 and 2:were scored on a range of 0 to 100 where, higher scores=greater impairment. Observed scores for each individual sleep domain and quantity of sleep are reported in this outcome measure.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
Medical Outcome Study Sleep Scale Score in Participants >=12 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
MOS Sleep Scale is a 12-item measure that is segregated into subscales addressing seven sleep domains (i.e. sleep disturbance, snoring, short of breath or headache, adequacy of sleep, somnolence, sleep problems index I and sleep problems index II) and a single item assessing quantity of sleep. Quantity of sleep scores ranged from 0 to 24 (number of hours slept) and Optimal Sleep score ranged from 0 (no) to 1(yes) based on whether the participant slept for 7-8 hours per night, All other subscales including sleep problems index 1 and 2:were scored on a range of 0 to 100 where, higher scores=greater impairment. Observed scores for each individual sleep domain and quantity of sleep are reported in this outcome measure.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
European Quality of Life-5 Dimension 5-Level (EQ-5D-5L) Index Score in Participants Greater Than or Equal to (>=) 18 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
EQ-5D-5L: standardized participant completed questionnaire consisted of 2 components: a health state profile/a single utility index value and an optional VAS. EQ-5D health state profile/a single utility index value had 5 dimensions: mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, anxiety/depression. Each dimension has 5 levels: 1= no problems, 2= slight problems, 3= moderate problems, 4= severe problems and 5= extreme problems. Responses to 5 dimensions comprised a health state/a single utility index value. E.g. if a participant responded "no problems" for each 5 dimensions, then health state was coded as "11111" with a predefined index value to it. Every health state (coded as combination of responses on each of 5 dimensions) had a unique predefined utility index value assigned to it, by EuroQol. US value sets (with all possible health states) was used for adults in the study and total scores ranged from 1 to -0.109. Higher (positive) scores = better health state.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
European Quality of Life-5 Dimension Youth (EuroQoL EQ-5D Y) Index Score in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
EQ-5D-Y: child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status. Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions (mobility; looking after myself; doing usual activities; having pain or discomfort; feeling worried, sad or unhappy) used to obtain an index score, each of which had three levels of response (no problems/no pain/not worried, some problems/some pain/a bit worried, a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried). Participants indicated their health state by choosing the appropriate level from each dimension. The 5 digit health states thus obtained for each dimension were then converted into a single median index value. A health state index score was calculated from individual health profiles using a USA scoring algorithm. Health state index scores generally ranged from -0.109 to 1, where,-0.109= the worst health status, 1= full health. Higher the score the better the health status. A positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy Index Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
EQ-5D-Y:child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status.Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions(Mobility;Looking After Myself;Doing Usual Activities;Having Pain or Discomfort;Feeling Worried,Sad or Unhappy)used to obtain index score,each of which had three levels of response(no problems/no pain/not worried,some problems/some pain/a bit worried,a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried).Participants indicated health state by choosing appropriate level from each dimension.5-digit health states obtained for each dimension were converted into single median index value using index value calculator,recommended by EuroQoL group.Health state index score calculated from individual health profiles using USA scoring algorithm. Scores ranged from -0.109 to 1,where, -0.109=worst health status, 1=full health. Higher score=better health status.Positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.Proxy version filled by care-giver of participant
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
EuroQoL EQ-5D-5L Visual Analog Scale (VAS) Score in Participants >= 18 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
EQ-5D-5L VAS was used to record participant's rating for current health-related quality of life state on vertical VAS (0-100);0=worst imaginable health state;100=best imaginable health state.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y VAS Scores in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age : OL-Run-in Period
EQ-5D Y VAS was used to record participant's rating for his/her current health-related quality of life state on vertical VAS (0-100);0 = worst imaginable health state and 100 = best imaginable health state.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy VAS Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: OL Run-in Period
EQ-5D Y proxy VAS assessed the caregiver's impression of participants health state on a vertical VAS (range: 0 to 100), where, 0 (the worst imaginable health) to 100 (the best imaginable health).
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
EuroQoL EQ-5D-5L Index Scores in Participants >= 18 Years of Age: DB Period
EQ-5D-5L: standardized participant completed questionnaire consisted of 2 components: a health state profile/a single utility index value and an optional VAS. EQ-5D health state profile/a single utility index value had 5 dimensions: mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, anxiety/depression. Each dimension has 5 levels: 1= no problems, 2= slight problems, 3= moderate problems, 4= severe problems and 5= extreme problems. Responses to 5 dimensions comprised a health state/a single utility index value. E.g. if a participant responded "no problems" for each 5 dimensions, then health state was coded as "11111" with a predefined index value to it. Every health state (coded as combination of responses on each of 5 dimensions) had a unique predefined utility index value assigned to it, by EuroQoL. US value sets (with all possible health states) was used for adults in the study and total scores ranged from 1 to -0.109. Higher (positive) scores = better health state.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Index Scores in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age: DB Period
EQ-5D-Y: child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status. Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions (mobility; looking after myself; doing usual activities; having pain or discomfort; feeling worried, sad or unhappy) used to obtain an index score, each of which had three levels of response (no problems/no pain/not worried, some problems/some pain/a bit worried, a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried). Participants indicated their health state by choosing the appropriate level from each dimension. The 5 digit health states thus obtained for each dimension were then converted into a single median index value. A health state index score was calculated from individual health profiles using a USA scoring algorithm. Health state index scores generally ranged from -0.109 to 1, where,-0.109= the worst health status, 1= full health. Higher the score the better the health status. A positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy Index Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: DB Period
EQ-5D-Y:child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status.Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions(Mobility;Looking After Myself;Doing Usual Activities;Having Pain or Discomfort;Feeling Worried,Sad or Unhappy)used to obtain index score,each of which had three levels of response(no problems/no pain/not worried,some problems/some pain/a bit worried,a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried).Participants indicated health state by choosing appropriate level from each dimension.5-digit health states obtained for each dimension were converted into single median index value using index value calculator,recommended by EuroQoL group.Health state index score calculated from individual health profiles using USA scoring algorithm. Scores ranged from -0.109 to 1,where, -0.109=worst health status, 1=full health. Higher score=better health status.Positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.Proxy version filled by care-giver of participant.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
EuroQoL EQ-5D-5L VAS Scores in Participants >= 18 Years of Age: DB Period
EQ-5D-5L VAS to record participant's rating for current health-related quality of life state on vertical VAS (0-100);0=worst imaginable health state;100=best imaginable health state.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y VAS Scores in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age: DB Period
EQ-5D Y VAS was a child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status used to record participant's rating for his/her current health-related quality of life state on vertical VAS (0-100);0 = worst imaginable health state and 100 = best imaginable health state.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy VAS Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: DB Period
EQ-5D Y proxy VAS assessed the caregiver's impression of participants health state on a vertical VAS (range: 0 to 100), where, 0 (the worst imaginable health) to 100 (the best imaginable health).
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including Day 1 of DB period),Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
EuroQoL EQ-5D-5L Index Scores in Participants >= 18 Years of Age: First Flare Period
EQ-5D-5L: standardized participant completed questionnaire consisted of 2 components: a health state profile/a single utility index value and an optional VAS. EQ-5D health state profile/a single utility index value had 5 dimensions: mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, anxiety/depression. Each dimension has 5 levels: 1= no problems, 2= slight problems, 3= moderate problems, 4= severe problems and 5= extreme problems. Responses to 5 dimensions comprised a health state/a single utility index value. E.g. if a participant responded "no problems" for each 5 dimensions, then health state was coded as "11111" with a predefined index value to it. Every health state (coded as combination of responses on each of 5 dimensions) had a unique predefined utility index value assigned to it, by EuroQol. US value sets (with all possible health states) was used for adults in the study and total scores ranged from 1 to -0.109. Higher (positive) scores = better health state.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Index Scores in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age: First Flare Period
EQ-5D-Y: child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status. Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions (mobility; looking after myself; doing usual activities; having pain or discomfort; feeling worried, sad or unhappy) used to obtain an index score, each of which had three levels of response (no problems/no pain/not worried, some problems/some pain/a bit worried, a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried). Participants indicated their health state by choosing the appropriate level from each dimension. The 5 digit health states thus obtained for each dimension were then converted into a single median index value. A health state index score was calculated from individual health profiles using a USA scoring algorithm. Health state index scores generally ranged from -0.109 to 1, where,-0.109= the worst health status, 1= full health. Higher the score the better the health status. A positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy Index Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: First Flare Period
EQ-5D-Y:child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status.Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions(Mobility;Looking After Myself;Doing Usual Activities;Having Pain or Discomfort;Feeling Worried,Sad or Unhappy)used to obtain index score,each of which had three levels of response(no problems/no pain/not worried,some problems/some pain/a bit worried,a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried).Participants indicated health state by choosing appropriate level from each dimension.5-digit health states obtained for each dimension were converted into single median index value using index value calculator,recommended by EuroQoL group.Health state index score calculated from individual health profiles using USA scoring algorithm. Scores ranged from -0.109 to 1,where, -0.109=worst health status, 1=full health. Higher score=better health status.Positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.Proxy version filled by care-giver of participant.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
EuroQoL EQ-5D-5L VAS Scores in Participants >= 18 Years of Age: First Flare Period
EQ-5D-5L VAS was used to record participant's rating for his/her current health-related quality of life state on a vertical VAS (0-100), where 0 = worst imaginable health state and 100 = best imaginable health state.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y VAS Scores in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age: First Flare Period
EQ-5D Y VAS was a child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status used to record participant's rating for his/her current health-related quality of life state on vertical VAS (0-100);0 = worst imaginable health state and 100 = best imaginable health state.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy VAS Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: First Flare Period
EQ-5D Y proxy VAS assessed the caregiver's impression of participants health state on a vertical VAS (range: 0 to 100), where, 0 (the worst imaginable health) to 100 (the best imaginable health).
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Index Scores in Participants >= 18 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
EQ-5D-Y: child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status. Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions (mobility; looking after myself; doing usual activities; having pain or discomfort; feeling worried, sad or unhappy) used to obtain an index score, each of which had three levels of response (no problems/no pain/not worried, some problems/some pain/a bit worried, a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried). Participants indicated their health state by choosing the appropriate level from each dimension. The 5 digit health states thus obtained for each dimension were then converted into a single median index value. A health state index score was calculated from individual health profiles using a USA scoring algorithm. Health state index scores generally ranged from -0.109 to 1, where,-0.109= the worst health status, 1= full health. Higher the score the better the health status. A positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Index Scores in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
EQ-5D-Y: child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status. Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions (mobility; looking after myself; doing usual activities; having pain or discomfort; feeling worried, sad or unhappy) used to obtain an index score, each of which had three levels of response (no problems/no pain/not worried, some problems/some pain/a bit worried, a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried). Participants indicated their health state by choosing the appropriate level from each dimension. The 5 digit health states thus obtained for each dimension were then converted into a single median index value. A health state index score was calculated from individual health profiles using a USA scoring algorithm. Health state index scores generally ranged from -0.109 to 1, where,-0.109= the worst health status, 1= full health. Higher the score the better the health status. A positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy Index Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
EQ-5D-Y:child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status.Health state profile assessed health in 5 dimensions(Mobility;Looking After Myself;Doing Usual Activities;Having Pain or Discomfort;Feeling Worried,Sad or Unhappy)used to obtain index score,each of which had three levels of response(no problems/no pain/not worried,some problems/some pain/a bit worried,a lot of problems/a lot of pain/very worried).Participants indicated health state by choosing appropriate level from each dimension.5-digit health states obtained for each dimension were converted into single median index value using index value calculator,recommended by EuroQoL group.Health state index score calculated from individual health profiles using USA scoring algorithm. Scores ranged from -0.109 to 1,where, -0.109=worst health status, 1=full health. Higher score=better health status.Positive change from baseline indicated improvement in health status.Proxy version filled by care-giver of participant.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
EuroQoL EQ-5D-5L VAS Scores in Participants >= 18 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
EQ-5D-5L VAS was used to record participant's rating for current health-related quality of life state on vertical VAS (0-100);0=worst imaginable health state;100=best imaginable health state.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y VAS Scores in Participants Between 8-17 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
EQ-5D Y VAS was a child-friendly version of EQ-5D questionnaire related to health status used to record participant's rating for his/her current health-related quality of life state on vertical VAS (0-100);0 = worst imaginable health state and 100 = best imaginable health state.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
EuroQoL EQ-5D Y Proxy VAS Scores in Participants Between 2-7 Years of Age: First Flare Free Period
EQ-5D Y proxy VAS assessed the caregiver's impression of participants health state on a vertical VAS (range: 0 to 100), where, 0 (the worst imaginable health) to 100 (the best imaginable health).
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day of DB period), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Work Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI) Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions (CIQ): OL Run-in Period
WPAI plus CIQ was a 10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1= currently employed; Q2= work hours missed due to health problems; Q3= work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4= hours actually worked; Q5= degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, higher scores = less productivity); Q6= classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7= class hours missed due to health problems; Q8= class hours actually attended; Q9= degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10= degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, higher scores = less productivity). Percent work time missed was calculated as: Q2*100/(Q2+Q4) and score ranged from 0-100%, higher scores = greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
Percent Impairment While Working Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI) Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions (CIQ): OL Run-in Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were:Q1= currently employed;Q2= work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4= hours actually worked; Q5 = degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity);Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not;Q7= class hours missed due to health problems; Q8= class hours actually attended; Q9= degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10= degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity). Percent impairment while working due to health problem was calculated as: 100*Q5/10 and score ranged from 0-100%,higher scores =greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8
Percent Overall Work Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI) Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions (CIQ): OL Run-in Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days.Questions:Q1=currently employed;Q2=work hours missed due to health problems;Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons;Q4=hours actually worked;Q5=degree health affected productivity while working(0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity);Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not;Q7=class hours missed due to health problems;Q8=class hours actually attended;Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity);Q10=degree health affected productivity: regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent overall impairment while working due to health problem calculated as:100*{Q2/(Q2+Q4)+[(1- Q2/(Q2+Q4))×(Q5/10)]},score ranged:0-100%,high numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8
Percent Class Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: OL Run-in Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity).Percent class time missed due to health problem calculated as: Q7*100/(Q7+Q8) and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
Percent Impairment While in Class Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: OL Run-in Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5 = degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent impairment while in class was calculated as: 100*Q9/10 and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers indicate greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
Percent Overall Class Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: OL Run-in Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past7days.Questions:Q1=currently employed;Q2=work hours missed due to health problems;Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons;Q4=hours actually worked;Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity);Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not;Q7=class hours missed due to health problems;Q8=class hours actually attended;Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity);Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity).Percent overall class impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*{Q7/(Q7+Q8)+[(1- Q7/(Q7+Q8))×(Q9/10)]},score range:0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
Percent Activity Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: OL Run-in Period
WPAI+CIQ: 10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions:Q1=currently employed;Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent activity impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*Q10/10, score ranged from 0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
Percent Work Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: DB Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons;Q4=hours actually worked; Q5 = degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity);Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not;Q7=class hours missed due to health problems;Q8=class hours actually attended;Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity);Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity). Percent work time missed due to health problem calculated as: Q2*100/(Q2+Q4) and score ranged from 0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Impairment While Working Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: DB Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions:Q1=currently employed; Q2=hours missed due to health problems; Q3=hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=hours missed due to health problems; Q8=hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent impairment while working due to health problem calculated as: 100*Q5/10 score ranged from 0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Overall Work Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: DB Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed;Q2=work hours missed due to health problems;Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons;Q4=hours actually worked;Q5=degree health affected productivity while working(0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity);Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not;Q7=class hours missed due to health problems;Q8=class hours actually attended;Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity);Q10=degree health affected productivity: regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent overall impairment while working due to health problem calculated as:100*{Q2/(Q2+Q4)+[(1- Q2/(Q2+Q4))×(Q5/10)]}, score ranged: 0-100%, high numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Class Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: DB Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not;Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent class time missed due to health problem calculated as: Q7*100/(Q7+Q8) and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Impairment While in Class Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: DB Period
WPAI+CIQ: 10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5 = degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent impairment while in class was calculated as: 100*Q9/10 and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers indicate greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Overall Class Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: DB Period
WPAI+CIQ: 10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent overall class impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*{Q7/(Q7+Q8)+[(1- Q7/(Q7+Q8))×(Q9/10)]}, score range:0-100%, higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Activity Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: DB Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores= less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent activity impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*Q10/10, score ranged from 0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Work Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Free Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems;Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5= degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent work time missed due to health problem calculated as: Q2*100/(Q2+Q4) and score ranged from 0-100%, higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Impairment While Working Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Free Period
WPAI+CIQ: 10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=hours missed due to health problems; Q3=hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=hours missed due to health problems; Q8=hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent impairment while working due to health problem calculated as: 100*Q5/10 score ranged from 0-100%, higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Overall Work Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Free Period
WPAI+CIQ: 10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity: regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent overall impairment while working due to health problem calculated as:100*{Q2/(Q2+Q4)+[(1- Q2/(Q2+Q4))×(Q5/10)]}, score ranged:0-100%, high numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Class Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Free Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent class time missed due to health problem calculated as: Q7*100/(Q7+Q8) and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Impairment While in Class Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Free Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5 = degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent impairment while in class was calculated as: 100*Q9/10 and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers indicate greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Overall Class Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Free Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent overall class impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*{Q7/(Q7+Q8)+[(1- Q7/(Q7+Q8))×(Q9/10)]}, score range:0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Activity Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Free Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent activity impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*Q10/10, score ranged from 0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Baseline (the last observation up to and including randomization day), Weeks 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52
Percent Work Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5 = degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores=less productivity). Percent work time missed due to health problem calculated as: Q2*100/(Q2+Q4) and score ranged from 0-100%, higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
Percent Impairment While Working Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Period
WPAI+CIQ: 10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1=currently employed; Q2=hours missed due to health problems; Q3=hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=hours missed due to health problems; Q8=hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent impairment while working due to health problem calculated as: 100*Q5/10 score ranged from 0-100%, higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
Percent Overall Work Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Period
WPAI+CIQ: 10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent overall impairment while working due to health problem calculated as:100*{Q2/(Q2+Q4)+[(1- Q2/(Q2+Q4))×(Q5/10)]}, score ranged:0-100%, high numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
Percent Class Time Missed Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent class time missed due to health problem calculated as: Q7*100/(Q7+Q8) and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
Percent Impairment While in Class Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions:Q1=currently employed;Q2=work hours missed due to health problems;Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons;Q4=hours actually worked; Q5 = degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not;Q7=class hours missed due to health problems;Q8=class hours actually attended;Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity);Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent impairment while in class was calculated as: 100*Q9/10 and score ranged from 0-100% where higher numbers indicate greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
Percent Overall Class Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions were: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending (0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity); Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent overall class impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*{Q7/(Q7+Q8)+[(1- Q7/(Q7+Q8))×(Q9/10)]}, score range:0-100%, higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
Percent Activity Impairment Using Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire Plus Classroom Impairment Questions: First Flare Period
WPAI+CIQ:10-item questionnaire used to assess degree to which AD affected work productivity and regular activities over past 7 days. Questions: Q1=currently employed; Q2=work hours missed due to health problems; Q3=work hours missed due to other reasons; Q4=hours actually worked; Q5=degree health affected productivity while working (0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity); Q6=classes attended in academic setting or not; Q7=class hours missed due to health problems; Q8=class hours actually attended; Q9=degree health affected productivity while attending(0-10 scale, high scores = less productivity);Q10=degree health affected productivity in regular daily activities(0-10 scale, high scores =less productivity). Percent activity impairment due to health problem calculated as: 100*Q10/10, scores ranged from 0-100%,higher numbers=greater impairment and less productivity.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
Total Anxiety and Depression Scores Measured Using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS): OL Run-in Period
HADS was a validated 14-item questionnaire to assess states of anxiety and depression over the past week. HADS consisted of 2 subscales: HADS-anxiety (HADS-A) and HADS-depression (HADS-D), each of which comprised of 7 items. Each item was rated on a 4-point scale, with scores ranging from 0 to 3, where higher scores indicated more anxiety/depression symptoms. HADS-A assessed state of generalized anxiety. HADS-A total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of anxiety) to 21 (severe feeling of anxiety); higher score indicated greater severity of anxiety. HADS-D assessed the state of lost interest and diminished pleasure response. HADS-D total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of depression) to 21 (severe feeling of depression); higher score indicated greater severity of depression symptoms.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including Day 1 of OL period), Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8
Total Anxiety and Depression Scores Measured Using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: DB Period
HADS was a validated 14-item questionnaire to assess states of anxiety and depression over the past week. HADS consisted of 2 subscales: HADS-A and HADS-D, each of which comprised of 7 items. Each item was rated on a 4-point scale, with scores ranging from 0 to 3, where higher scores indicated more anxiety/depression symptoms. HADS-A assessed state of generalized anxiety. HADS-A total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of anxiety) to 21 (severe feeling of anxiety); higher score indicated greater severity of anxiety. HADS-D assessed the state of lost interest and diminished pleasure response. HADS-D total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of depression) to 21 (severe feeling of depression); higher score indicated greater severity of depression symptoms.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including randomization day), Week 8, 16, 32 and end of treatment [Week 52]
Total Anxiety and Depression Scores Measured Using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: First Flare Period
HADS was a validated 14-item questionnaire to assess states of anxiety and depression over the past week. HADS consisted of 2 subscales: HADS-A and HADS-D, each of which comprised of 7 items. Each item was rated on a 4-point scale, with scores ranging from 0 to 3, where higher scores indicated more anxiety/depression symptoms. HADS-A assessed state of generalized anxiety. HADS-A total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of anxiety) to 21 (severe feeling of anxiety); higher score indicated greater severity of anxiety. HADS-D assessed the state of lost interest and diminished pleasure response. HADS-D total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of depression) to 21 (severe feeling of depression); higher score indicated greater severity of depression symptoms.
Time Frame
Weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12
Total Anxiety and Depression Scores Measured Using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: First Flare Free Period
HADS was a validated 14-item questionnaire to assess states of anxiety and depression over the past week. HADS consisted of 2 subscales: HADS-A and HADS-D, each of which comprised of 7 items. Each item was rated on a 4-point scale, with scores ranging from 0 to 3, where higher scores indicated more anxiety/depression symptoms. HADS-A assessed state of generalized anxiety. HADS-A total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of anxiety) to 21 (severe feeling of anxiety); higher score indicated greater severity of anxiety. HADS-D assessed the state of lost interest and diminished pleasure response. HADS-D total score = sum of all 7 items with score ranging from 0 (no presence of depression) to 21 (severe feeling of depression); higher score indicated greater severity of depression symptoms.
Time Frame
Baseline (last observation up to and including the randomization day of DB period), Weeks 8, 16 and 32
10. Eligibility
Minimum Age & Unit of Time
3 Months
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Male or female
3 months of age and older
Confirmed diagnosis of atopic dermatitis according to Hanifin and Rajka criteria
Minimum of 5% BSA affected by atopic dermatitis
ISGA score of Mild (2) or Moderate (3)
Exclusion Criteria:
- Has any clinically significant medical disorder, condition, or disease (including active or potentially recurrent non AD dermatological conditions and known genetic dermatological conditions that overlap with AD, such as Netherton syndrome).
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Pfizer CT.gov Call Center
Organizational Affiliation
Official's Role
Study Director
Facility Information:
Facility Name
First OC Dermatology
Fountain Valley
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Center for Dermatology Clinical Research, Inc.
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Asthma and Allergy Associates, PC
Colorado Springs
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Colorado Springs Dermatology Clinic, PC
Colorado Springs
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Skin Care Research LLC
Boca Raton
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Clinical Neuroscience Solutions, Inc
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Olympian Clinical Research
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Baumann Cosmetic and Research Institute
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Clinical Neuroscience Solutions, Inc
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
The Indiana Clinical Trials Center, PC
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Meridian Clinical Research, LLC
Baton Rouge
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Great Lakes Research Group, Inc.
Bay City
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Skin Specialists PC
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Ohio Pediatric Research Association, Inc.
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Lynn Health Science Institute
Oklahoma City
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Oklahoma State University - Center for Health Sciences
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Clinical Neuroscience Solutions, Inc.
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Innovate Research, LLC
Fort Worth
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Austin Institute for Clinical Research
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Austin Institute for Clinical Research, Inc.
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Center for Clinical Studies, LTD. LLP
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Jordan Valley Dermatology Center
South Jordan
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
PI-Coor Clinical Research LLC
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Dermatology Specialists of Spokane
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Principle Research Solutions
ZIP/Postal Code
United States
Facility Name
Australian Clinical Research Network
New South Wales
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
SimcoDerm Medical and Surgical Dermatology Center
ZIP/Postal Code
L4M 7G1
Facility Name
Milestone Research , Inc
ZIP/Postal Code
N5W 6A2
Facility Name
North York Research Inc.
North York
ZIP/Postal Code
M2M 4J5
Facility Name
Manna Research Toronto
ZIP/Postal Code
M9W 4L6
Facility Name
Skinsense Medical Research
ZIP/Postal Code
S7K 2C1
Facility Name
Peking University First Hospital
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
The First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Dermatology Hospital of Southern Medical University
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Dermatology Hospital of Jiangxi Province
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Huashan Hospital Fudan University/Dermatology Department
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Tianjin Medical University General Hospital
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Hangzhou Third Hospital
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
The Chaim Sheba Medical Center
Ramat - Gan
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Bezmialem Vakıf University Medical Faculty
ZIP/Postal Code
Facility Name
Erciyes University Medical Faculty
ZIP/Postal Code
12. IPD Sharing Statement
Plan to Share IPD
IPD Sharing Plan Description
Pfizer will provide access to individual de-identified participant data and related study documents (e.g. protocol, Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP), Clinical Study Report (CSR)) upon request from qualified researchers, and subject to certain criteria, conditions, and exceptions. Further details on Pfizer's data sharing criteria and process for requesting access can be found at: https://www.pfizer.com/science/clinical_trials/trial_data_and_results/data_requests.
IPD Sharing URL
To obtain contact information for a study center near you, click here.
Learn more about this trial
A Study to Evaluate Long-Term Maintenance Treatment With Once Daily Crisaborole Ointment 2% in Pediatric and Adult Participants With Mild-to-Moderate Atopic Dermatitis
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