Maternal diagnosis of gestational diabetes
Assessing maternal diagnosis of gestational diabetes using 2-step method(1-hour glucose challenge test, 3-hour glucose tolerance test, need for medication)
Physical activity and eating behavior
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on physical activity and eating behavior survey
Maternal gestational weight gain
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal gestational weight gain
Maternal hypertensive disorders of pregnancy including gestational hypertension, chronic hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia, and HELLP
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Rates of appointment attendance
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on number of prenatal visits attended
Rates of maternal postpartum visit attendance for those in TLC compared to traditional prenatal care
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on postpartum visit attendance
Rate of maternal contraception initiation for those in TLC compared to traditional prenatal care.
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal postpartum contraception initiation
Breastfeeding rates among those in TLC compared to traditional prenatal care.
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal breastfeeding
Postpartum weight retention
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal postpartum weight retention
Postpartum 2 hour glucose tolerance testing (if applicable)
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal glucose tolerance testing
Insulin resistance
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal insulin resistance (fasting and 30 min insulin).
Insulin sensitivity
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal insulin sensitivity (fasting and 30 min insulin).
Assessing prenatal care patient satisfaction for those in TLC compared to traditional prenatal care using a satisfaction survey.
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal prenatal care satisfaction
Neonatal gestational age at delivery
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on infant gestational age at delivery
Induction of labor rates for those in TLC compared to traditional prenatal care
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal induction of labor
Mode of delivery for those in TLC compared to traditional prenatal care.
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC)on maternal mode of delivery
Neonatal shoulder dystocia rates for those in TLC compared to traditional prenatal care.
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on infant shoulder dystocia
Neonatal APGAR score
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on infant APGAR score
Neonatal cord blood analytes
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on infant cord blood analytes, c-peptide.
Neonatal cord blood analytes of pH for those in TLC compared to traditional prenatal care.
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on infant cord blood analytes, pH.
Neonatal cord blood analytes of base excess for those in TLC compared to traditional prenatal care.
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on infant cord blood analytes, base excess.
Neonatal NICU admission
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on infant NICU admission
Neonatal hypoglycemia
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on infant hypoglycemia
Neonatal hematocrit
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on infant hematocrit
Neonatal jaundice
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on infant jaundice
Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on infant respiratory distress syndrome
Neonatal stillbirth
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on infant stillbirth
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal depression using Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
Psychosocial stress
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal stress using the perceived stress scale
Determine the effect of TLC on psychosocial stress and depression using the pregnancy distress questionnaire
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal distress
Determine the effect of TLC on psychosocial stress and depression using the life events checklist
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal life events
Determine the effect of TLC on psychosocial stress and depression using the generalized anxiety disorder-7 test
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal anxiety
Determine the effect of TLC on psychosocial stress and depression using the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire (MCTQ)
Determine the effect of Targeted Lifestyle Change Group Prenatal Care (TLC) on maternal sleep hygiene.