Effect of VR on Pain, Fear and Anxiety During Accessing a Port With Huber Needle in Pediatric Cancer Patients
Pain, Fear, Anxiety State
About this trial
This is an interventional supportive care trial for Pain
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- aged 6-18 years,
- clinical diagnosis of pediatric cancer,
- had subcutaneously implanted intravenous port ,
- undergoing access the subcutaneously implanted intravenous port with Huber needle.
Exclusion Criteria:
- aged <6 and >18 years,
- septic, dehydrated, vomiting, sedated, medically unstable,
- previously known severe needle insertion phobia,
- no Huber needle had ever inserted before
- reported pain for another reason in the time of access the venous port with Huber needle,
- had cognitive impairment, or visual problem
- children and parents that do not understand and speak Turkish
Sites / Locations
- Gülçin Özalp Gerçeker
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Virtual Reality
Standard Care + VR VR applications introduced to the child or adolescent by the researcher before the procedure. Three VR applications were used in this study; riding a rollercoaster (Rilix VR), swimming with marine animals in underwater world (Ocean Rift) and exploring the forest though the eyes of woodland species (In the eyes of animal). Children/adolescent chose one of these three applications. When the child is ready for the procedure, the researcher started the application by wearing virtual glasses to the child/adolescent. VR intervention was started 2-3 min before the procedure and continued until the procedure was completed.
Standart Care Control group children did not receive any distraction techniques.